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Test Coverage

    Copyright 2009 Whole Foods Co-op

    This file is part of CORE-POS.

    CORE-POS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    CORE-POS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    in the file license.txt along with IT CORE; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA


include(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../config.php');
if (!class_exists('FannieAPI')) {
    include(__DIR__ . '/../../classlib2.0/FannieAPI.php');

class LikeCodeAjax extends FannieRESTfulPage
    public $discoverable = false;

    public function preprocess()

        return parent::preprocess();

    protected function post_id_storeID_sign_handler()
        $model = new LikeCodeActiveMapModel($this->connection);
        echo 'Sign: ' . $this->sign;

        return false;

    private function getOthersInSort($dbc, $sort, $lc)
        if (empty(trim($sort))) {
            return '';
        $ret = "<p class=\"small\"><strong>{$sort}</strong><br />";
        $prep = $dbc->prepare('SELECT likeCode, likeCodeDesc FROM likeCodes 
            WHERE sortRetail=? AND likeCode <> ? ORDER BY likeCodeDesc');
        $res = $dbc->execute($prep, array($sort, $lc));
        while ($row = $dbc->fetchRow($res)) {
            $ret .= sprintf('<a href="LikeCodeEditor.php?start=%d">%d %s</a><br />',
                $row['likeCode'], $row['likeCode'], $row['likeCodeDesc']);
        $ret .= '</p>';

        return $ret;

    private function getSorts($dbc, $type)
        $col = $type == 'retail' ? 'sortRetail' : 'sortInternal';
        $res = $dbc->query("SELECT {$col} FROM likeCodes WHERE {$col} IS NOT NULL AND {$col} <> '' GROUP BY {$col}");
        $ret = array();
        while ($row = $dbc->fetchRow($res)) {
            $ret[] = $row[$col];

        return $ret;

    private function getSignOpts()
        $mods = FannieAPI::listModules('\COREPOS\Fannie\API\item\FannieSignage');
        $enabled = $this->config->get('ENABLED_SIGNAGE');
        if (count($enabled) > 0) {
            $mods = array_filter($mods, function ($i) use ($enabled) {
                return in_array($i, $enabled) || in_array(str_replace('\\', '-', $i), $enabled);
        $tagEnabled = $this->config->get('ENABLED_TAGS');
        foreach (COREPOS\Fannie\API\item\signage\LegacyWrapper::getLayouts() as $l) {
            if (in_array($l, $tagEnabled) && count($tagEnabled) > 0) {
                $mods[] = 'Legacy:' . $l;
        $opts = array('');
        foreach ($mods as $m) {
            $name = $m;
            if (strstr($m, '\\')) {
                $pts = explode('\\', $m);
                $name = $pts[count($pts)-1];
            if ($name === 'LegacyWrapper') continue;
            $opts[] = $name;

        return $opts;

    protected function get_id_handler()
        $dbc = $this->connection;

        $likeCode = new LikeCodesModel($dbc);

        $vendors = new VendorsModel($dbc);
        $vOpts = $vendors->toOptions($likeCode->preferredVendorID());

        $activeP = $dbc->prepare('
            SELECT s.storeID AS sID, s.description, l.*
            FROM Stores AS s
                LEFT JOIN LikeCodeActiveMap AS l ON s.storeID=l.storeID AND l.likeCode=?
            WHERE s.hasOwnItems=1
            ORDER BY s.storeID');
        $activeR = $dbc->execute($activeP, array($this->id));
        $signOpts = $this->getSignOpts();
        $table = '';
        while ($activeW = $dbc->fetchRow($activeR)) {
            $opts = '';
            foreach ($signOpts as $o) {
                $opts .= sprintf('<option %s>%s</option>',
                    ($o == $activeW['defaultSign'] ? 'selected' : ''), $o);
            $table .= sprintf('<tr><td>%s</td>
                <td><input type="checkbox" onchange="lcEditor.toggleUsage(%d,%d);" %s /></td>
                <td><input type="checkbox" onchange="lcEditor.toggleInternal(%d,%d);" %s /></td>
                <tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td colspan="2">Default Sign</td>
                <td><select class="form-control input-sm" onchange="lcEditor.saveSign(%d,%d,this.value);">%s</select></td></tr>',
                $this->id, $activeW['sID'], $activeW['inUse'] ? 'checked' : '',
                $this->id, $activeW['sID'], $activeW['internalUse'] ? 'checked' : '',
                $this->id, $activeW['sID'], $opts
        if ($table !== '') {
            $table = '<table class="table small table-bordered table-striped">
                <tr><th>Store</th><th>Active</th><th>Internal</th><th>Last Sold</th></tr>'
                . $table . '</table>';

        $prep = $dbc->prepare("SELECT u.upc,p.description FROM
                upcLike AS u 
                    " . DTrans::joinProducts('u', 'p', 'INNER') . "
                WHERE u.likeCode=?
                ORDER BY p.description");
        $res = $dbc->execute($prep,array($this->id));
        $ret = "";
        while ($row = $dbc->fetch_row($res)) {
            $ret .= "<a style=\"font-size:90%;\" href=\"../ItemEditorPage.php?searchupc=$row[0]\">";
            $ret .= $row[0]."</a> ".substr($row[1],0,25)."<br />";
        if ($ret === '') {
            $ret = '<div class="alert alert-danger">Empty like code</div>';

        $preamble = sprintf('<div class="panel panel-default">
            <div class="panel panel-heading">' . $likeCode->likeCode() . ' ' . $likeCode->likeCodeDesc() . '</div>
            <div class="panel panel-body">
                <label><input type="checkbox" %s onchange="lcEditor.toggleStrict(%d);" /> Strict</label>
                <label><input type="checkbox" %s onchange="lcEditor.toggleOrganic(%d);" /> Organic</label>
                <label><input type="checkbox" %s onchange="lcEditor.toggleMulti(%d);" /> Multi-Vendor</label>
                <label><input type="checkbox" %s onchange="lcEditor.toggleCOOL(%d);" /> COOL Signs</label>
                    <label>Preferred Vendor</label>
                    <select onchange="lcEditor.updateVendor(%d, this.value);" class="form-control v-chosen">
                        <option value="0">Select...</option>%s
                    <label>Retail Category</label>
                    <input type="text" onchange="lcEditor.retailCat(%d, this.value);"
                        class="form-control retailCat" value="%s" />
                    <label>Internal Category</label>
                    <input type="text" onchange="lcEditor.internalCat(%d, this.value);" 
                        class="form-control internalCat" value="%s" />
                    <input type="text" onchange="lcEditor.origin(%d, this.value);" 
                        class="form-control origin" value="%s" />
            $likeCode->strict() ? 'checked' : '',
            $likeCode->organic() ? 'checked' : '',
            $likeCode->multiVendor() ? 'checked' : '',
            $likeCode->signOrigin() ? 'checked' : '',
            $likeCode->likeCode(), $likeCode->sortRetail(),
            $likeCode->likeCode(), $likeCode->sortInternal(),
            $likeCode->likeCode(), $likeCode->origin(),

        $retail = $this->getSorts($dbc, 'retail');
        $internal = $this->getSorts($dbc, 'internal');
        $others = $this->getOthersInSort($dbc, $likeCode->sortRetail(), $this->id);
        $json = array('form'=>$preamble, 'retail'=>$retail, 'internal'=>$internal, 'similar'=>$others);
        echo json_encode($json);

        return false;

    protected function post_id_strict_handler()
        return $this->toggleField($this->id, 'strict');

    protected function post_id_organic_handler()
        return $this->toggleField($this->id, 'organic');

    protected function post_id_multi_handler()
        return $this->toggleField($this->id, 'multiVendor');

    protected function post_id_cool_handler()
        return $this->toggleField($this->id, 'signOrigin');

    protected function getLcModel($likeCode)
        $dbc = $this->connection;
        $model = new LikeCodesModel($dbc);
        if (!$model->load()) {
            echo 'No such likecode';
            return false;

        return $model;

    protected function post_id_vendorID_handler()
        $model = $this->getLcModel($this->id);
        if ($model === false) {
            return false;


        echo 'Done';
        return false;

    protected function post_id_rcat_handler()
        $model = $this->getLcModel($this->id);
        if ($model === false) {
            return false;

        if ($this->connection->tableExists('RpOrderItems')) {
            $catP = $this->connection->prepare("SELECT rpOrderCategoryID FROM RpOrderCategories WHERE name=?");
            $cat = $this->connection->getValue($catP, array($this->rcat));
            if ($cat) {
                $upP = $this->connection->prepare("UPDATE RpOrderItems SET categoryID=? WHERE upc=?");
                $this->connection->execute($upP, array($cat, 'LC' . $this->id));

        echo 'Done';
        return false;

    protected function post_id_origin_handler()
        $model = $this->getLcModel($this->id);
        if ($model === false) {
            return false;
        $new = strtoupper(trim($this->origin));
        if ($new != strtoupper($model->origin())) {
            $model->originChanged(date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));

        echo 'Done';
        return false;

    protected function post_id_icat_handler()
        $model = $this->getLcModel($this->id);
        if ($model === false) {
            return false;


        echo 'Done';
        return false;

    protected function post_id_storeID_inUse_handler()
        $newVal = $this->toggleStoreField($this->storeID, $this->id, 'inUse');
        if ($this->connection->tableExists('RpOrderItems')) {
            if ($newVal == 0) {
                $prep = $this->connection->prepare("UPDATE RpOrderItems SET deleted=1 WHERE
                    upc=? AND storeID=?");
                $this->connection->execute($prep, array('LC' . $this->id, $this->storeID));
            } elseif ($newVal == 1) {
                $upc = 'LC' . $this->id;
                $checkP = $this->connection->prepare("SELECT upc FROM RpOrderItems WHERE upc=? AND storeID=?");
                if ($this->connection->getValue($checkP, array($upc, $this->storeID))) {
                    $prep = $this->connection->prepare("UPDATE RpOrderItems SET deleted=0 WHERE
                        upc=? AND storeID=?");
                    $this->connection->execute($prep, array($upc, $this->storeID));
                } else {
                    $infoP = $this->connection->prepare("SELECT, l.preferredVendorID,
                            COALESCE(i.units, 1) AS units,
                            COALESCE(i.cost, 0) AS cost,
                            COALESCE(i.description, l.likeCodeDesc) AS item
                        FROM likeCodes AS l
                            LEFT JOIN VendorLikeCodeMap AS m ON l.likeCode=m.likeCode AND l.preferredVendorID=m.vendorID
                            LEFT JOIN vendorItems AS i ON m.sku=i.sku AND m.vendorID=i.vendorID
                            LEFT JOIN RpOrderCategories AS c ON
                        WHERE l.likeCode=?");
                    $info = $this->connection->getRow($infoP, array($this->id)); 
                    $insP = $this->connection->prepare("INSERT INTO RpOrderItems
                        (upc, storeID, categoryID, addedBy, caseSize, vendorID, vendorSKU, vendorItem, cost, backupID)
                        VALUES (?, ?, ?, 1, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 0)");
                    $this->connection->execute($insP, array(

        return false;

    protected function post_id_storeID_internal_handler()
        $newVal = $this->toggleStoreField($this->storeID, $this->id, 'internalUse');

        return false;

    private function toggleStoreField($store, $likeCode, $field)
        $model = new LikeCodeActiveMapModel($this->connection);
        $model->$field($model->$field() ? 0 : 1);

        echo 'Done';
        return $model->$field();


    private function toggleField($likeCode, $field)
        $model = $this->getLcModel($likeCode);
        if ($model === false) {
            return false;

        $model->$field($model->$field() ? 0 : 1);

        echo 'Done';
        return false;

    public function unitTest($phpunit)
        $this->id = 1;
        $phpunit->assertEquals(false, $this->get_id_handler());
        $this->strict = 1;
        $phpunit->assertEquals(false, $this->post_id_strict_handler());
        $this->organic = 1;
        $phpunit->assertEquals(false, $this->post_id_organic_handler());
        $this->multi = 1;
        $phpunit->assertEquals(false, $this->post_id_multi_handler());
        $this->vendorID = 1;
        $phpunit->assertEquals(false, $this->post_id_vendorID_handler());
        $this->storeID = 1;
        $this->inUse = 1;
        $phpunit->assertEquals(false, $this->post_id_storeID_inUse_handler());
        $this->internal = 1;
        $phpunit->assertEquals(false, $this->post_id_storeID_internal_handler());
