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# 26Mar2015 Running jobs from the command line.
# To be like cron running them as user www-data:
# (sudo -u www-data crontab -l)
# 30 19 27 9 * php /var/www/IS4C/fannie/classlib2.0/FannieTask.php TransArchiveTask >> /var/www/IS4C/fannie/logs/fannie.log
# 10 2 1 1 * cd /var/www/IS4C/fannie/cron && php ./nightly.pcbatch.php >> /var/www/IS4C/fannie/logs/fannie.log

# Tasks
# Doesn't matter where the FooTask.php is, FannieTask.php will find it.
sudo -u www-data php /var/www/IS4C/fannie/classlib2.0/FannieTask.php CoopCredHistoryTask
# Messages that go to $LOGS/fannie.log will display to the console.
# To log them, use >> /var/www/IS4C/fannie/logs/fannie.log

# Old-style 
# cd to fannie/cron
cd $CRON
sudo -u www-data php ./lanesync.api.php
# Messages that go to $LOGS/fannie.log will display to the console.
# To log them, use >> /var/www/IS4C/fannie/logs/fannie.log