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1 wk
Test Coverage

    Copyright 2014 Whole Foods Co-op

    This file is part of IT CORE.

    IT CORE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    IT CORE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    in the file license.txt along with IT CORE; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA


class GumTaxDividendFormTemplate extends GumTaxFormTemplate
    private $my_address = array();
    private $their_address = array();

    private $tax_id;
    private $tax_year;
    private $fields;
    private $account_number;

    private $my_federal_id = 'xx-xxxxxxx';
    private $my_state_id = 'xxxxxx';
    public function __construct($custdata, $meminfo, $tax_id, $tax_year, $fields, $account_number='')
        $dbc = FannieDB::get($FANNIE_PLUGIN_SETTINGS['GiveUsMoneyDB']);
        $settings = new GumSettingsModel($dbc);

        $this->tax_id = $tax_id;
        $this->tax_year = $tax_year;
        $this->fields = $fields;
        $this->account_number = $account_number;

        $this->their_address[] = $custdata->FirstName() . ' ' . $custdata->LastName();
        $this->their_address[] = $meminfo->street();
        $this->their_address[] = $meminfo->city() . ', ' . $meminfo->state() . ' ' . $meminfo->zip();

        if ($settings->load()) {
            $this->my_federal_id = $settings->value();

        if ($settings->load()) {
            $this->my_state_id = $settings->value();

        $this->my_address[0] = 'Name of Co-op';
        if ($settings->load()) {
            $this->my_address[0] = $settings->value();
        $this->my_address[1] = 'Street Address';
        if ($settings->load()) {
            $this->my_address[1] = $settings->value();
        $this->my_address[2] = '';
        if ($settings->load()) {
            $this->my_address[2] .= $settings->value() . ', ';
        } else {
            $this->my_address[2] .= 'City, ';
        if ($settings->load()) {
            $this->my_address[2] .= $settings->value() . ' ';
        } else {
            $this->my_address[2] .= 'XX ';
        if ($settings->load()) {
            $this->my_address[2] .= $settings->value();
        } else {
            $this->my_address[2] .= '12345';
        $this->my_address[3] = '555-867-5309';
        if ($settings->load()) {
            $this->my_address[3] = $settings->value();

    public function renderAsHTML()
        $ret = '<table style="border: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse;">';

        $ret .= '<tr>';

        $ret .= '<td style="border: 1px solid black; width:40%;" rowspan="3" colspan="2">';
        $ret .= 'PAYER\'S name, street address, city, state, ZIP code, and telephone no.';
        $ret .= '<div style="margin-left: 10px; font-weight: bold;">';
        foreach($this->my_address as $line) {
            $ret .= $line .'<br />';
        $ret .= '</div>';
        $ret .= '</td>';

        $ret .= '<td style="border: 1px solid black; width:20%;">Payer\'s RTIN (optional)<br />$</td>';

        $ret .= '<td style="border: 1px solid black; text-align: center; width:20%;" rowspan="2">';
        $ret .= 'OMB No. 1545-0110';
        $ret .= '<div style="font-size:180%; font-weight:bold;">' . $this->tax_year . '</div>';
        $ret .= 'Form <b>1099-DIV</b>';
        $ret .= '</td>';

        $ret .= '<td style="border: 1px solid black; text-align: center; font-size:150%; font-weight: bold; width:20%;" rowspan="2">';
        $ret .= 'Dividends and Distributions';
        $ret .= '</td>';

        $ret .= '</tr><tr>';

        $ret .= '<td style="border: 1px solid black;">1a. Total ordinary dividends<br />$ ';
        if (isset($this->fields[1])) {
            $ret .= number_format($this->fields[1], 2);
        $ret .= '</td>';

        $ret .= '</tr><tr>';

        $ret .= '<td style="border: 1px solid black;" colspan="2">1b. Qualified dividends<br />$ ';
        if (isset($this->fields[2])) {
            $ret .= number_format($this->fields[2], 2);
        $ret .= '</td>';

        $ret .= '<td style="border: 1px solid black;" rowspan="5">';
        $ret .= '<div style="text-align:right;"><b>Copy B</b><br />For Recipient</div>';
        $ret .= '<i>This is important tax information 
                and is being furnished to the Internal Revenue Service. If
                you are required to file a return, a negligence penalty or other sanction may be
                imposed on you if this income is taxable and the IRS determines that it has not
                been reported.</i>';
        $ret .= '</td>';

        $ret .= '</tr><tr>';

        $ret .= '<td style="border: 1px solid black;">PAYER\'s federal identification number<br />';
        $ret .= $this->my_federal_id . '</td>';

        $ret .= '<td style="border: 1px solid black;">RECIPIENT\'s federal identification number<br />';
        $ret .= $this->tax_id . '</td>';

        $ret .= '<td style="border: 1px solid black;" colspan="2">2a. Total capital gain distr.<br />$ ';
        if (isset($this->fields[3])) {
            $ret .= number_format($this->fields[3], 2);
        $ret .= '</td>';

        $ret .= '</tr><tr>';
        $ret .= '<td style="border: 1px solid black;" rowspan="3" colspan="2">';
        $ret .= 'RECIPIENT\'S NAME<br />';
        $ret .= $this->their_address[0] . '<br />';
        $ret .= 'Street address (including apt. no.)<br />';
        $ret .= $this->their_address[1] . '<br />';
        $ret .= 'City, state, and zip code<br />';
        $ret .= $this->their_address[2] . '<br />';
        $ret .= '</td>';

        $ret .= '<td style="border: 1px solid black;">4. Federal Tax Withheld<br />$ ';
        if (isset($this->fields[4])) {
            $ret .= number_format($this->fields[4], 2);
        $ret .= '</td>';

        $ret .= '<td style="border: 1px solid black;">5. Investment expenses<br />$ ';
        if (isset($this->fields[5])) {
            $ret .= number_format($this->fields[5], 2);
        $ret .= '</td>';
        $ret .= '</tr><tr>';

        $ret .= '<td style="border: 1px solid black;">6. Foreign tax paid<br />$ ';
        if (isset($this->fields[6])) {
            $ret .= number_format($this->fields[6], 2);
        $ret .= '</td>';

        $ret .= '<td style="border: 1px solid black;">7. Foreign or U.S. Possessions<br />$ ';
        if (isset($this->fields[7])) {
            $ret .= number_format($this->fields[7], 2);
        $ret .= '</td>';

        $ret .= '</tr><tr>';

        $ret .= '<td style="border: 1px solid black;">8. Tax exempt interest<br />$ ';
        if (isset($this->fields[8])) {
            $ret .= number_format($this->fields[8], 2);
        $ret .= '</td>';

        $ret .= '<td style="border: 1px solid black;">9. Specified private bond int.<br />$ ';
        if (isset($this->fields[9])) {
            $ret .= number_format($this->fields[9], 2);
        $ret .= '</td>';

        $ret .= '</tr><tr>';

        $ret .= '<td style="border: 1px solid black;">Account number (optional)<br />';
        $ret .= $this->account_number . '</td>';

        $ret .= '<td style="border: 1px solid black;">10. Tax exmpt CUSIP no.<br />';
        if (isset($this->fields[10])) {
            $ret .= $this->fields[10];
        $ret .= '</td>';

        $ret .= '<td style="border: 1px solid black;">11. State<br />';
        if (isset($this->fields[11])) {
            $ret .= $this->fields[11];
        $ret .= '</td>';

        $ret .= '<td style="border: 1px solid black;">12. State/Payer\'s state no.<br />';
        if (isset($this->fields[12])) {
            $ret .= $this->fields[12];
        $ret .= '</td>';

        $ret .= '<td style="border: 1px solid black;">13. State income withheld<br />$ ';
        if (isset($this->fields[13])) {
            $ret .= number_format($this->fields[13], 2);
        $ret .= '</td>';

        $ret .= '</tr>';
        $ret .= '</table>';

        return $ret;

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        $pdf->SetXY($top_left_x + 89, $start_y);
        $pdf->Cell((127.0-88.9), $small_height, '1a. Total ordinary dividends');
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        $text = '$';
        if (isset($this->fields[1])) {
            $text .= number_format($this->fields[1], 2);
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        $text = '$';
        if (isset($this->fields[2])) {
            $text .= number_format($this->fields[2], 2);
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        $pdf->Cell((165.1-127), $small_height, 'Form 1099-DIV', 0, 0, 'C');

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        $pdf->SetXY($top_left_x + 89, $start_y + 19.05);
        $pdf->Cell((127-88.9), $small_height, '2a. Total Capital gain distr.');
        $pdf->SetXY($top_left_x + 89, $start_y + 19.05 + $small_height);
        $text = '$';
        if (isset($this->fields[3])) {
            $text .= number_format($this->fields[3], 2);
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        $pdf->SetXY($top_left_x + 127.0, $start_y + 19.05);
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        $text = '$';
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        $pdf->Cell(88.9-44.45, $small_height, 'RECIPIENT\'S identification number');
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        $pdf->Cell(88.9-44.45, $med_height, $this->tax_id, 0, 0, 'C');
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        $pdf->Cell(127-88.9, $small_height, '2c. Section 1202 gain');
        $pdf->SetXY($top_left_x + 89, $start_y + 26.9875 + $small_height);
        $text = '$';
        if (isset($this->fields[5])) {
            $text .= number_format($this->fields[5], 2);
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        $text = '$';
        if (isset($this->fields[5])) {
            $text .= number_format($this->fields[5], 2);
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        $text = '$';
        if (isset($this->fields[4])) {
            $text .= number_format($this->fields[4], 2);
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        $pdf->SetXY($top_left_x + 127, $start_y + 36.1);
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        $text = '$';
        if (isset($this->fields[5])) {
            $text .= number_format($this->fields[5], 2);
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        if (isset($this->fields[5])) {
            $text .= number_format($this->fields[5], 2);
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        $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 6);

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        $text = '$';
        if (isset($this->fields[6])) {
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        $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 6);
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        $text = '$';
        if (isset($this->fields[7])) {
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        $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 6);

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        $pdf->Cell((127-88.9), $small_height, '8. Cash liquidation distributions');
        $pdf->SetXY($top_left_x + 89, $start_y + 54.0625 + $small_height);
        $text = '$';
        if (isset($this->fields[8])) {
            $text .= number_format($this->fields[8], 2);
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        $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 6);

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        $pdf->SetXY($top_left_x + 127, $start_y + 54.0625 + $small_height);
        $text = '$';
        if (isset($this->fields[9])) {
            $text .= number_format($this->fields[9], 2);
        $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 8);
        $pdf->Cell((165.1-127), $small_height, $text);
        $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 6);

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        $pdf->SetXY($top_left_x + 89, $start_y + 59.9625 + $small_height);
        $text = '$';
        if (isset($this->fields[8])) {
            $text .= number_format($this->fields[8], 2);
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            $pdf->Cell(88.9, $med_height, $this->their_address[0], 0, 0, 'C');
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        $pdf->Cell(88.9, $small_height, 'Street address (including apt. no.)');
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            $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 8);
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        $text = 'This is important tax information related to interest income earned during ';
        $text .= $this->tax_year . ' that is being furnished to the Internal Revenue Service. If you are required to file a return, a negligence penalty or other sanction may be imposed on you if this income is taxable and the IRS determines that it has not been reported.';
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