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Test Coverage
    <title>House Coupon Explanations</title>
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    <h1 style="font-size:1.4em; text-align:center;">Explanation of<br />House Coupon<br />Terms and Options</h1>
<!-- p>Even if the coupon is not a traditional printed one
it is helpful to keep the characteristics of printed ones
in mind.
</p -->
<!-- h3>EL Questions:</h3>
    <li>Anytime.  Means?: coupon can be entered at any point in the transaction. versus Must be entered at the end, after Subtotal
</ul -->

<h3>First, the simple ones:</h3>
    <li><b>Label</b> the name of the coupon that will appear on the receipt.
    Coupons without a label will ring up generically as "InStore Coupon" but 
    will not appear in the lane's list of currently available coupons. Coupons
    with a label ending in an asterisk (*) are also by convention excluded from
    the lane's list of available coupons.</li>
    <li><b>Begins</b> is when the coupon becomes effective.
    The coupon will not be applied, or be accepted, before this date.
    This makes it possible to set coupons, especially auto coupons,
    up in advance, as is done for sale batches.
    <li><b>Expires</b> is when the coupon runs through, inclusive.
    E.g., if the expiration date is January 31, 2010, the coupon will ring as "expired" starting February 1, 2010
    <li><b>Limit</b> is the number of times the coupon can be used <i>per transaction</i>
    <li><b>Member-only</b> coupons can only be used by members. The <i>Plus</i> setting includes
            visiting members from other co-ops
    <li><b>Department</b> dicates how the discount gets coded by the POS. This is strictly
    an accounting setting to control whose sales/budget the coupon value is deducted from.
    It does not influence what item(s) the coupon applies to.</li>
The amount of the discount is credited to this department,
in other words sales of the department are reduced by the amount of the discount.
There can be a dedicated Discounts department for coupons that don't apply to
a single department.
    <li><b>Auto</b> if Yes, will be applied automatically,
without the customer/member needing to present or mention it,
[?when the transaction is totalled].

<h3>Required purchases</h3>
The bulk of features are here.
The settings for minimum purchase quantity dictate which kinds of discounts can be applied.
Many of these have similar options for <i>at least</i> and <i>more than</i>.
The usage is the same for all of them and affects how the minimum is applied.
E.g., if a soda coupon requires a quantity of at least 2, then purchasing
2 sodas is enough to use the coupon. On the other hand, if the requirement was a
quantity of more than 2, then 3 (or more) soda purchases would be needed.
    <li><b>Quantity</b> (Q, Q+) requires a minimum purchase of specific items.
    Quantity is measured by weight or by each depending on the scale setting (yes/no) for the item.
    A quantity minimum must have items associated with it.
    Quantity is the one of the more flexible minimum types;
    it works with every discount type except <i>scaling discount (department)</i>
    <li><b>Department in $</b> (D, D+) requires a minimum total purchase across the selected departments.
Purchase is measured in dollars rather than quantity. Applicable discount types are
<i>scaling discount (department)</i>, <i>flat discount</i>, and <i>percent discount</i>.
    <li><b>Department in Quantity</b> (C, C+) requires a minimum total purchase across the selected departments.
Purchase is measured in quantity (by weight or by each depending on the scale setting for the item. 
Applicable discount types are
<i>scaling discount (department)</i>, <i>flat discount</i>, and <i>percent discount</i>.
    <li><b>Mixed</b> (M) is the most complicated minimum type (yet). The customer must purchase
at least the specified quantity of <i>qualifying</i> items and some quantity of <i>discount</i>
items. Mixed discount is the only case where an item's QUALIFIER/DISCOUNT/BOTH setting
should be used. Like quantity discount, mixed discount can be used with any discount
type except <i>scaling discount (department)</i>
    <li><b>Total</b> ($, $+) discount simply refers to the total of the entire transaction in
dollars. No specific items or departments are associated with this minimum. The only
applicable discount types are <i>flat discount</i> and <i>percent discount</i>
    <li><b>No minimum</b> (blank) is exactly what it sounds like.

<h3>Discount types</h3>
<li><b>Q Quantity</b> discount gives a certain number of items free. Fractions are OK, so
this ends up being like a percent discount. A value of 1.0 gives an item for free, a value of
0.5 gives an item for 50% off, etc. The discount is always applied to the cheapest valid item.
<li><b>P Set Price</b> discount locks in the coupon price. Regardless of the regular price, the 
price with coupon will be exactly what's specified here.
<li><b>FI Flat (Scaling) Discount (Item)</b> discounts the chepeast applicable item by the specified amount.
This scales with quantity to deal with by-weight items.
<li><b>FD Flat (Scaling) Discount (Department)</b> is the same as above except for an item in the specified
department(s) instead of a specific UPC
<li><b>F Flat Discount</b> removes exactly the given amount, once, from the transaction
<li><b>FB Flat Discount (Department Total Scaling)</b> removes the given amount, as many times as is applicable by sum of department sales
<li><b>Per-Item Discount</b> removes the discount amount times the number of matching items.</li>
<li><b>BOGO</b> Gives a certain number of items for free per pair of products purchased. 
        <li><b>BOGO (Buy one get one)</b> applies a discount at the price of the product per pair of items rang 
            until Discount Value is met. Pairs of items must be of equal value.</li>
        <li><b>BOGO (Qty Limited)</b> Using Quantity (at least): minimum value should always equal 2. Discount
            value equals the maximum number of items given for free; per pair of items sold, one product is given 
            free (of lesser value). </li>
<li><b>BOGO (Mixed Items)</b> Gives a certain number of items for free per pair of products purchased. Items & Prices in list do not need to 
    match. Coupon will take off x units staring with the lowest/lower priced item(s) first. Set <b>Minimum Type</b> to Quantity (at least). 
    Set <b>Minimum Value</b> to 2. <b>Discount Type</b> is the max number of items to give for free. <b>Maximum value</b> is max dollar value of the coupon.
<li><b>BOHO</b> Gives a certain number of items half-off.
        <li><b>BOHO (Buy one get one 1/2 off)</b> buy one get one half off per pairs sold.
            The <i>Discount Value</i> entered should be the max value given for the coupon 
            (e.g. BOHO on an item with a normal price of $3 with a limit of 5 free would get a discount
            value of 7.50)</li>
        <li><b>BOHO ( ~Mixed items)</b> get one DISCOUNT, BOTH item half off per QUALIFIERs purchased.</li>
        <li><b>BOHO (variably priced items)</b> Quantity (at least) should be set to 2, Discount Value is the
            max number of items to give half off.</li>
<li><b>Percent Discounts</b> provide a percentage off all discountable items (e.g., member 
appreciation month):
        <li><b>%</b> <i>End of transaction</i> must be applied at the end of the transaction.</li>
        <li><b>%B</b> <i>Coupon discount OR member discount</i> applies the better of the two discounts.</li>
        <li><b>%D</b> <i>Department</i> applies only to items in the chosen department(s)</li>
        <li><b>PD</b> <i>Anytime</i> can be entered at anytime but may interact with member's percent
        discount in unexpected ways depending what order everything occurs.</li>
<li><b>AD All Discount (Department)</b> ?For a Department.
