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Test Coverage
    <title>House Coupon Explanations - Another</title>
<h1>Explanation of House Coupons - Another</h1>
House Coupons exist to define a purchase requirement and a discount.
They were originally implemented as barcoded coupons. EVERYTHING
built on top of them is just alternatives to using barcodes.
The coupon requirements and value are always defined in the
and core_op/opdata.houseCouponItems tables.
The latter is only used when the coupon applies to particular items;
if it applies to the entire transaction no houseCouponItems need to be
What the coupon <em>does</em> is always defined in houseCoupons;
the other related tables (?) give the cashier alternate entry methods.

Virtual coupons, core_op/opdata.houseVirtualCoupons,
associate a coupon ID (houseCoupons.coupID) with a
They are a good fit for a monthly or quarterly coupon where each individual
member gets to decide when they're using their coupon.
This individual decision means it's going to be an extra step for the cashier,
and the member has to say when they want to use the coupon.

Auto coupons is a list of coupon IDs that will be applied to every
applicable transaction. The basic requirements in houseCoupons still
apply - e.g., member only, expiration date, any minimum purchase, etc
- but it's automatically added when the cashier subtotals.
<br />The API here is TotalActions and it shows up on the lane install's Extras tab under "Subtotal Settings".

In all cases, the actual transaction records are going to be UPC
prefix 4, manufacturer code 99999, and then coupon ID. So the first
coupon is 49999900001. The auto and virtual options should be
functionally identical to scanning or keying that barcode.


    <li>Enable the HouseCoupon plugin in the Fannie &gt; Install &gt; Plugins tab.
<li>Navigate to the <a href="/IS4C/fannie/modules/plugins2.0/HouseCoupon/"
    target="_hced">House Coupon editor</a>
and enter the specifics for your coupon.
<li>The houseCoupons, houseCouponItems and houseVirtualCoupon tables
need to be on the lanes.
If you are going to be using coupons regularly it might be a good idea
to add them to the automated nightly syncing of data.
Otherwise, use the Fannie &gt; Synchronize options
<li>Apply Coupons automatically.
If there are coupons (discounts) that should be applied without the customer
having to present the physical coupon,
then on each lane:
<br />Lane &gt; Install &gt; Extras tab &gt; Subtotal Settings &gt; AutoCoupon

<h2>Terms and options</h2>

<h3>The simple ones</h3>
<li><b>Expires:</b> when the coupon runs through, inclusive. E.g., if the expiration date is
January 31, 2010, the coupon will ring as "expired" starting February 1, 2010
<li><b>Limit:</b> is the number of times the coupon can be used <i>per transaction</i>
<li><b>Member-only:</b> coupons can only be used by members
<li><b>Department:</b> dictates how the discount gets coded by the POS

<h3>Discount type</h3>
<li><b>Quantity</b> discount gives a certain number of items free. Fractions are OK, so
this ends up being like a percent discount. A value of 1.0 gives an item for free, a value of
0.5 gives an item for 50% off, etc. The discount is always applied to the cheapest valid item.
<li><b>Set Price</b> discount locks in the coupon price. Regardless of the regular price, the 
price with coupon will be exactly what's specified here.
<li><b>Scaling Discount (Item)</b> discounts the chepeast applicable item by the specified amount.
This scales with quantity to deal with by-weight items.
<li><b>Scaling Discount (Department)</b> is the same as above except for an item in the specified department(s) instead of a specific UPC
<li><b>Capped Discount (Department)</b> ??
<li><b>Flat Discount</b> removes exactly the given amount, once, from the transaction
<li><b>Percent Discount (End of Transaction)</b> provides a percentage off all discountable items (e.g., member appreciation month)
<li><b>Percent Discount (Department)</b> provides a percentage off all discountable items (e.g., member appreciation month) ??in the named Department.
<li><b>Percent Discount (Anytime)</b> provides a percentage off all discountable items (e.g., member appreciation month) ??
<li><b>All Discount (Department)</b> ??

<h3>Minimum Type</h3>
The bulk of features are here.
The settings for minimum purchase dictate which kinds of discounts can be applied.
Many of these have similar options for <i>at least</i> and <i>more than</i>.
The usage is the same for all of them and affects how the minimum 
is applied. E.g., if a soda coupon requires a quantity of at least 2, then purchasing
2 sodas is enough to use the coupon. On the other hand, if the requirement was a
quantity of more than 2, then 3 (or more) soda purchases would be needed.
<li><b>Quantity</b> (Q, Q+) requires a minimum purchase of specific items. Quantity is
measured by each or by the pound depending on the setting for the item. A quantity
minimum must have items associated with it.
This is one of the more flexible minimum types;
 it works with every discount type except <i>scaling discount (department)</i>

<li><b>Department</b> (D, D+) requires a minimum total purchase across the selected departments.
Purchase is measured in dollars rather than quantity.
Applicable discount types are
<i>scaling discount (department)</i>,
<i>flat discount</i>,
and <i>percent discount</i>.

 <li><b>Mixed</b> (M) is the most complicated minimum type (yet).
 The customer must purchase at least the specified quantity of <i>qualifying</i> items
 and some quantity of <i>discount</i> items.
 Mixed discount is the only case where an item's QUALIFIER/DISCOUNT/BOTH setting
 should be used.
 Like quantity discount, mixed discount can be used with any discount
type except <i>scaling discount (department)</i>

<li><b>Total</b> ($, $+) discount simply refers to the total of the entire transaction in
No specific items or departments are associated with this minimum.
The only applicable discount types are <i>flat discount</i> and <i>percent discount</i>

<li><b>No minimum</b> (blank) is exactly what it sounds like.
