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2 days
Test Coverage
if (!class_exists('FannieAPI')) {
    include_once(__DIR__ . '/../../../classlib2.0/FannieAPI.php');

class TsWagesReport extends FanniePage {
    public $page_set = 'Plugin :: TimesheetPlugin';

    function preprocess(){
        $this->header = "Timeclock - Department Totals Report";
        $this->title = "Timeclock - Department Totals Report";
        setlocale(LC_MONETARY, 'en_US');
        return True;

    function body_content(){
        $ts_db = FannieDB::get($FANNIE_PLUGIN_SETTINGS['TimesheetDatabase']);

        //  FULL TIME: Number of hours per week
        $ft = 40;

        echo "<form action='".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."' method=GET class=\"form-horizontal\">";

        $currentQ = $ts_db->prepare("SELECT periodID 
            FROM {$FANNIE_PLUGIN_SETTINGS['TimesheetDatabase']}.payperiods 
            WHERE ".$ts_db->now()." BETWEEN periodStart AND periodEnd");
        $currentR = $ts_db->execute($currentQ);
        list($ID) = $ts_db->fetch_row($currentR);

        $query = $ts_db->prepare("SELECT date_format(periodStart, '%M %D, %Y') as periodStart, 
            date_format(periodEnd, '%M %D, %Y') as periodEnd, periodID 
            FROM {$FANNIE_PLUGIN_SETTINGS['TimesheetDatabase']}.payperiods 
            WHERE periodStart < ".$ts_db->now()." ORDER BY periodID DESC");
        $result = $ts_db->execute($query);

        echo '<div class="row form-group">
            <label class="col-sm-2">Starting Pay Period</label>
            <div class="col-sm-5">
            <select class="form-control" name="period">
            <option>Please select a starting pay period.</option>';

        while ($row = $ts_db->fetchRow($result)) {
            echo "<option value=\"" . $row['periodID'] . "\"";
            if ($row['periodID'] == $ID) { echo ' SELECTED';}
            echo ">(" . $row['periodStart'] . " - " . $row['periodEnd'] . ")</option>";

        echo "</select></div></div>";
        echo '<div class="row form-group">
            <label class="col-sm-2">Ending Pay Period</label>
            <div class="col-sm-5">
            <select class="form-control" name="end">
            <option value=0>Please select an ending pay period.</option>';
        $result = $ts_db->execute($query);
        while ($row = $ts_db->fetchRow($result)) {
            echo "<option value=\"" . $row['periodID'] . "\"";
            if ($row['periodID'] == $ID) { echo ' SELECTED';}
            echo ">(" . $row['periodStart'] . " - " . $row['periodEnd'] . ")</option>";
        echo '</select></div></div>
                <button class="btn btn-default" value="export" name="Export">Export</button>

        if (FormLib::get_form_value('Export') == 'export') {
            $periodID = FormLib::get_form_value('period',0);
            $end = FormLib::get_form_value('end',$periodID);
            if ($end == 0) $end = $periodID;
            // BEGIN TITLE
            $query1 = $ts_db->prepare("SELECT date_format(periodStart, '%M %D, %Y') as periodStart, periodID 
                FROM {$FANNIE_PLUGIN_SETTINGS['TimesheetDatabase']}.payperiods WHERE periodID = ?");
            $result1 = $ts_db->execute($query1,array($periodID));
            $periodStart = $ts_db->fetch_row($result1);

            $query2 = $ts_db->prepare("SELECT date_format(periodEnd, '%M %D, %Y') as periodEnd, periodID 
                FROM {$FANNIE_PLUGIN_SETTINGS['TimesheetDatabase']}.payperiods WHERE periodID = ?");
            $result2 = $ts_db->execute($query2,array($end));
            $periodEnd = $ts_db->fetch_row($result2);
            // $periodct = ($end !== $periodID) ? $end - $periodID : 1;
            $p = array();
            $periodct = 0;  
            for ($i = $periodStart[1]; $i <= $periodEnd[1]; $i++) {
                // echo $i;
                $p[] = $i;
            echo "<br />";
            echo "<h3>" . $periodStart[0] . " &mdash; " . $periodEnd[0] . "</h3>";
            echo "Number of payperiods: " . $periodct;
            // END TITLE
            $query = $ts_db->prepare("SELECT s.ShiftID as id, 
                IF(s.NiceName='', s.ShiftName, s.NiceName) as area
                FROM (SELECT ShiftID, NiceName, ShiftName, ShiftOrder 
                FROM ".$FANNIE_PLUGIN_SETTINGS['TimesheetDatabase'].".shifts WHERE visible = 1 AND ShiftID <> 31) s 
                GROUP BY s.ShiftID ORDER BY s.ShiftOrder");
            // echo $query;
            $result = $ts_db->execute($query);
            echo "<table class=\"table table-bordered table-striped\"><thead>\n<tr>
                <th>ID</th><th>Area</th><th>Total Hrs</th><!--<th>agg</th>--><th>wages</th></tr></thead>\n<tbody>\n";   
            $queryP = $ts_db->prepare("SELECT SUM(t.hours) as total 
                FROM ". $FANNIE_PLUGIN_SETTINGS['TimesheetDatabase'].".timesheet t 
                WHERE t.periodID >= ? AND t.periodID <= ? AND t.area = ?");
            $query2P = $ts_db->prepare("
                SELECT SUM(e.wage) as agg 
                FROM ".$FANNIE_PLUGIN_SETTINGS['TimesheetDatabase'].".TimesheetEmployees e, ".
                $FANNIE_PLUGIN_SETTINGS['TimesheetDatabase'].".timesheet t 
                WHERE t.emp_no = e.timesheetEmployeeID AND t.periodID >= ?
                AND t.periodID <= ? AND t.area = ?");
            $nfm = new NumberFormatter('en_US', NumberFormatter::CURRENCY);
            while ($row = $ts_db->fetch_row($result)) {

                echo "<tr><td>".$row['id']."</td><td>".$row['area']."</td><td align='right'>";

                $result1 = $ts_db->execute($queryP,array($periodID,$end,$row['id']));
                $totHrs = $ts_db->fetch_row($result1);
                $tot = ($totHrs[0]) ? $totHrs[0] : 0;
                echo $tot . "</td>";
                $totArray[] = $tot;
                // $totArray = array();
                // array_push($totArray, $tot);
                // foreach ($tot as $t) {
                //  $totArray[] = $t;
                // }
                $result2 = $ts_db->execute($query2P,array($periodID,$end,$row['id']));
                $totAgg = $ts_db->fetch_row($result2);
                $agg = ($totAgg[0]) ? $totAgg[0] : 0;
                // echo "<td align='right'>$agg</td><td align='right'>";
                $wages = $tot * $agg;
                echo "<td align='right'>" . $nfm->format($wages) . "</td></tr>\n";

                $wageArray[] = $wages;
                // $wageArray = array();
                // array_push($wageArray, $wages);
                // foreach ($wages as $w) {
                //  $wageArray[] = $w;
                // }
                if ($row['id'] == "31") $csvwages .= ""; // Hide PTO from copy&paste output
                else $csvwages .= $wages . "\t";
                if ($row['id'] == "31") $csvhours .= "";
                else $csvhours .= $tot . "\t";
            // print_r($totArray);

            echo "<tr><td colspan=4><hr /></td></tr>";
            echo "<tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><b>TOTALS</b></td>
                <td align=right><b>" . number_format(array_sum($totArray),2) . "</b></td>
                <td align=right><b>" . number_format(array_sum($wageArray),2) . "</b></td></tr>";
            //  OVERTIME
            $OT1 = array();
            $OT2 = array();
            $employees = new TimesheetEmployeesModel($ts_db);
            $weekoneP = $ts_db->prepare("SELECT ROUND(SUM(hours), 2) 
                FROM {$FANNIE_PLUGIN_SETTINGS['TimesheetDatabase']}.timesheet AS t
                INNER JOIN {$FANNIE_PLUGIN_SETTINGS['TimesheetDatabase']}.payperiods AS p 
                ON (p.periodID = t.periodID)
                WHERE t.emp_no = ?
                AND t.periodID = ?
                AND t.area <> 31
                AND t.tdate >= DATE(p.periodStart)
                AND t.tdate < DATE(date_add(p.periodStart, INTERVAL 7 day))");
            $weektwoQ = $ts_db->prepare("SELECT ROUND(SUM(hours), 2)
                FROM {$FANNIE_PLUGIN_SETTINGS['TimesheetDatabase']}.timesheet AS t
                INNER JOIN {$FANNIE_PLUGIN_SETTINGS['TimesheetDatabase']}.payperiods AS p
                ON (p.periodID = t.periodID)
                WHERE t.emp_no = ?
                AND t.periodID = ?
                AND t.area <> 31
                AND t.tdate >= DATE(date_add(p.periodStart, INTERVAL 7 day)) 
                AND t.tdate <= DATE(p.periodEnd)");
            foreach ($p as $v) {
                foreach ($employees->find() as $employee) {
                    $row = array('emp_no' => $employee->timesheetEmployeeID());

                    $weekoneR = $ts_db->execute($weekoneP,array($row['emp_no'],$v));
                    $weektwoR = $ts_db->execute($weektwoP,array($row['emp_no'],$v));

                    list($weekone) = $ts_db->fetch_row($weekoneR);
                    if (is_null($weekone)) $weekone = 0;
                    list($weektwo) = $ts_db->fetch_row($weektwoR);
                    if (is_null($weektwo)) $weektwo = 0;

                    if ($weekone > $ft) $otime1 = $weekone - $ft;
                    if ($weektwo > $ft) $otime2 = $weektwo - $ft;
                    // $otime = $otime + $otime1 + $otime2;
                    $OT1[] = $otime1;
                    $OT2[] = $otime2;
                    $otime1 = 0;
                    $otime2 = 0;
            // print_r($OT1);
            $OT = array_sum($OT1) + array_sum($OT2);
            $OTTOT = number_format($OT,2);
            echo "<tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td>OT Total</td><td align='right'>$OTTOT</td></tr>";
            //  END OVERTIME
            //  PTO REQUESTED
            $ptoQ = $ts_db->prepare("SELECT SUM(t.hours) as total FROM ". 
                $FANNIE_PLUGIN_SETTINGS['TimesheetDatabase'].".timesheet t 
                WHERE t.periodID >= ? AND t.periodID <= ? AND t.area = 31");
            $ptoR = $ts_db->execute($ptoQ,array($periodID,$end));
            $pto = $ts_db->fetch_row($ptoR);
            $PTOREQ = number_format($pto[0],2);
            echo "<tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td>PTO Requested</td><td align='right'>$PTOREQ</td></tr>";
            //  END PTO REQUESTED
            //  PTO NEW
            $nonPTOtotalP = $ts_db->prepare("SELECT SUM(hours) 
                FROM ".$FANNIE_PLUGIN_SETTINGS['TimesheetDatabase'].".timesheet 
                WHERE periodID >= ? AND periodID <= ? AND area <> 31 
                AND emp_no = ?");
            $PTOnew = array();
            foreach ($employees->find() as $employee) {
                $nonPTOtotalr = $ts_db->execute($nonPTOtotalP,array($periodID,$end,$employee->timesheetEmployeeID()));
                $nonPTOtotal = $ts_db->fetch_row($nonPTOtotalr);
                $ptoAcc = $nonPTOtotal[0] * 0.075;
                $PTOnew[] = $ptoAcc;
            // print_r($PTOnew);
            $PTONEW = number_format(array_sum($PTOnew),2);
            echo "<tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td>PTO New</td><td align='right'>$PTONEW</td></tr>";
            //  END PTO NEW
            echo "</tbody></table>\n";

            echo "<br />";
            echo "<a id='copyLink2'>Copy</a> & Paste <b>Hours</b> data (columns C:AB):";
            echo "<table border=0><tr><td><textarea id='copyMe2' cols=50 rows=3>" . $csvhours . "</textarea></td></tr></table>";
            echo "<a id='copyLink3'>Copy</a> & Paste the OT/PTO <b>Hours</b> data (columns AG:AI):";
            echo "<table border=0><tr><td><textarea id='copyMe3' cols=50 rows=1>$OTTOT\t$PTOREQ\t$PTONEW</textarea></td></tr></table>";
            // echo "<br />";
            echo "<a id='copyLink'>Copy</a> & Paste <b>Wages</b> data:";
            echo "<table border=0><tr><td><textarea id='copyMe' cols=50 rows=5>" . $csvwages . "</textarea></td></tr></table>";

    function javascript_content(){
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        clip.addEventListener( 'load', function(client) {
            // alert( "movie is loaded" );
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            alert("Copied text to clipboard: " + text );
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            // alert("mouse over"); 
        clip.addEventListener( 'mouseOut', function(client) { 
            // alert("mouse out"); 
        clip.addEventListener( 'mouseDown', function(client) { 
            // set text to copy here
            clip.setText( document.getElementById('copyMe').value );
            // alert("mouse down"); 
        clip.addEventListener( 'mouseUp', function(client) { 
            // alert("mouse up"); 

        clip.glue( 'copyLink' ); 
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            alert("Copied text to clip1board: " + text );
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        clip1.addEventListener( 'mouseOut', function(client) { 
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            clip2.setText( document.getElementById('copyMe3').value );
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        clip2.addEventListener( 'mouseUp', function(client) { 
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