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  @class OrderItemLib
  Collection of methods to handle adding
  different types of items to special orders.
class OrderItemLib
    private static $generic_item = array(
        'upc' => '',
        'sku' => '',
        'brand' => '',
        'description' => '',
        'normal_price' => 0,
        'special_price' => 0,
        'cost' => 0,
        'saleCost' => 0,
        'discounttype' => 0,
        'discountable' => 1,
        'caseSize' => 1,
        'department' => 0,
        'stocked' => 0,
        'vendorID' => 0,
        'vendorName' => '',

      Lookup an item by UPC or SKU and return a
      standardized array representation
    public static function getItem($upc)
        if (trim($upc) !== '' && !preg_match('/^0+$/', trim($upc))) {
            $item = self::getItemByUPC($upc);
            if ($item !== false) {
                return $item;

            $item = self::getItemBySKU($upc);
            if ($item !== false) {
                return $item;

        $item = self::$generic_item;
        $item['description'] = $upc;
        $item['upc'] = $upc;

        return $item;

      Find an item by UPC
    private static function getItemByUPC($upc)
        $dbc = self::dbc();
        $upc = BarcodeLib::padUPC($upc);

          Lookup one:
          Item should be found in products, may optionally
          have info in the vendorItems table. Not in use items
          are purposely excluded. Their price and cost information
          may well not be up-to-date.
        $prodP = $dbc->prepare('
            SELECT p.brand,
                CASE WHEN p.cost=0 AND v.cost<>0 THEN v.cost ELSE p.cost END AS cost,
                COALESCE(v.saleCost, 0) AS saleCost,
       AS discountable,
                COALESCE(v.units, 1) AS caseSize,
                1 AS stocked,
                p.default_vendor_id AS vendorID,
                COALESCE(n.vendorName, \'\') AS vendorName,
                COALESCE(v.sku, \'\') AS sku,
            FROM products AS p
                LEFT JOIN vendorItems AS v ON p.upc=v.upc AND p.default_vendor_id=v.vendorID
                LEFT JOIN vendors AS n ON p.default_vendor_id=n.vendorID
                LEFT JOIN PriceRules AS r ON p.price_rule_id=r.priceRuleID
            WHERE p.upc=?
                AND (p.inUse=1 OR p.discounttype=1)
        $prodR = $dbc->execute($prodP, array($upc));
        if ($prodR && $dbc->numRows($prodR) > 0) {
            return self::resultToItem($dbc, $prodR);

          Lookup two:
          Not in products. Try vendorItems for not-stocked
        $prodP = $dbc->prepare('
            SELECT v.brand,
                v.SRP AS normal_price,
                0 AS special_price,
                0 AS discounttype,
                1 AS discountable,
                v.units AS caseSize,
                0 AS stocked,
                COALESCE(n.vendorName, \'\') AS vendorName,
                0 AS department,
                0 AS priceRuleTypeID
            FROM vendorItems AS v 
                LEFT JOIN vendors AS n ON v.vendorID=n.vendorID
            WHERE v.upc=?
            ORDER BY v.vendorID

        $prodR = $dbc->execute($prodP, array($upc));
        if ($prodR && $dbc->numRows($prodR) > 0) {
            return self::resultToItem($dbc, $prodR);

        // found nothing.
        return false;

    private static function getItemBySKU($sku)
        $dbc = self::dbc();
        // legacy behavior. + forces entry to be treated
        // as a SKU instead of a UPC.
        if (substr($sku, 0, 1) == '+') {
            $sku = substr($sku, 1);

          Lookup one:
          Item should be found in products, may optionally
          have info in the vendorItems table. Not in use items
          are purposely excluded. Their price and cost information
          may well not be up-to-date.
        $prodP = $dbc->prepare('
            SELECT p.brand,
                CASE WHEN p.cost=0 AND v.cost<>0 THEN v.cost ELSE p.cost END AS cost,
                COALESCE(v.saleCost, 0) AS saleCost,
       AS discountable,
                COALESCE(v.units, 1) AS caseSize,
                1 AS stocked,
                p.default_vendor_id AS vendorID,
                COALESCE(n.vendorName, \'\') AS vendorName,
                COALESCE(v.sku, \'\') AS sku,
            FROM products AS p
                LEFT JOIN vendorItems AS v ON p.upc=v.upc AND p.default_vendor_id=v.vendorID
                LEFT JOIN vendors AS n ON p.default_vendor_id=n.vendorID
                LEFT JOIN PriceRules AS r ON p.price_rule_id=r.priceRuleID
            WHERE v.sku LIKE ?
                AND (p.inUse=1 OR p.discounttype=1)
        $prodR = $dbc->execute($prodP, array('%' . $sku));
        if ($prodR && $dbc->numRows($prodR) > 0) {
            return self::resultToItem($dbc, $prodR);

          Lookup two:
          Not in products. Try vendorItems for not-stocked
        $prodP = $dbc->prepare('
            SELECT v.brand,
                v.SRP AS normal_price,
                0 AS special_price,
                0 AS discounttype,
                1 AS discountable,
                v.units AS caseSize,
                0 AS stocked,
                COALESCE(n.vendorName, \'\') AS vendorName,
                0 AS department,
                0 AS priceRuleTypeID
            FROM vendorItems AS v 
                LEFT JOIN vendors AS n ON v.vendorID=n.vendorID
            WHERE v.sku LIKE ?
            ORDER BY v.vendorID

        $prodR = $dbc->execute($prodP, array('%' . $sku));
        if ($prodR && $dbc->numRows($prodR) > 0) {
            return self::resultToItem($dbc, $prodR);

        // found nothing.
        return false;

      Helper: merge a SQL result with the generic item record
    private static function resultToItem($dbc, $prodR)
        $prodW = $dbc->fetchRow($prodR);
        $ret = self::$generic_item;
        foreach ($ret as $key => $val) {
            if (isset($prodW[$key])) {
                $ret[$key] = $prodW[$key];

        if (FannieConfig::config('COOP_ID') === 'WFC_Duluth' 
            && ($prodW['priceRuleTypeID'] == 6 || $prodW['priceRuleTypeID'] == 7 || $prodW['priceRuleTypeID'] == 8)) {
            $ret['discountable'] = 0;

        return $ret;

      Helper: get database handle
    private static function dbc()
        return FannieDB::get(FannieConfig::config('OP_DB'));

      Lookup special order department mapping
    public static function mapDepartment($deptID)
        $dbc = self::dbc();
        $mapP = $dbc->prepare('
            SELECT map_to
            FROM ' . FannieConfig::config('TRANS_DB') . $dbc->sep() . 'SpecialOrderDeptMap
            WHERE dept_ID=?
        $mapR = $dbc->execute($mapP, array($deptID));
        if ($mapR === false || $dbc->numRows($mapR) == 0) {
            return $deptID;
        } else {
            $row = $dbc->fetchRow($mapR);
            return $row['map_to'];

    public static function getUnitPrice($item, $is_member)
        if ($item['stocked'] && self::useSalePrice($item, $is_member)) {
            return $item['special_price'];
        $altSale = self::alternateSaleApplies($item);

        return $altSale ? $altSale : $item['normal_price'];

      Get the unit price for an item based on pricing
    public static function getEffectiveUnit($item, $is_member)
        if ($item['stocked'] && self::useSalePrice($item, $is_member)) {
            return $item['special_price'];
        } elseif ($item['stocked']) {
            $altSale = self::alternateSaleApplies($item);
            return $altSale ? $altSale : self::stockedUnitPrice($item, $is_member);

        return self::notStockedUnitPrice($item, $is_member);

    public static function getCasePrice($item, $is_member)
        return $item['caseSize'] * self::getEffectiveUnit($item, $is_member);

      Apply pricing rules for items that are not
      currently stocked in-store
    private static function notStockedUnitPrice($item, $is_member)
        if ($item['discountable']) {
            return self::markUpOrDown($item, $is_member);

        return $item['normal_price'];

      Apply pricing rules for items that are 
      currently stocked in-store
    private static function stockedUnitPrice($item, $is_member)
        if ($item['discountable']) {
            return self::markUpOrDown($item, $is_member);

        return $item['normal_price'];

    public static function markUpOrDown($item, $is_member)
        if ($is_member['type'] == 'markdown') {
            return (1.0-$is_member['amount']) * $item['normal_price'];
        } elseif ($is_member['type'] == 'markup') {
            return (1.0+$is_member['amount']) * $item['cost'];
        } else {
            return $item['normal_price'];

      Decide if the sale price be used for this item
    public static function useSalePrice($item, $is_member)
          @Configurability: need to be able to turn off sale
          pricing entirely if desired rather than just for
          specific batch types
        if ($item['special_price'] == 0) {
            return false;
        } elseif ($item['discounttype'] == 1) {
            return self::saleApplies($item);
        } elseif ($item['discounttype'] == 2 && $is_member['isMember']) {
            return self::saleApplies($item);

        return false;

      Find the batch and check whether that batch type
      is so-eligible
    private static function saleApplies($item)
        $dbc = self::dbc();
        $saleP = $dbc->prepare('
            SELECT t.specialOrderEligible
            FROM batchList AS l
                INNER JOIN batches AS b ON l.batchID=b.batchID
                INNER JOIN batchType AS t ON t.batchTypeID=b.batchType
            WHERE l.upc=?
                AND l.salePrice=?
                AND b.startDate <= ' . $dbc->curdate() . '
                AND b.endDate >= ' . $dbc->curdate()
        $eligible = $dbc->getValue($saleP, array($item['upc'], $item['special_price']));

        if ($eligible) {
            return true;

        $lcP = $dbc->prepare('SELECT likeCode FROM upcLike WHERE upc=?');
        $like = $dbc->getValue($lcP, array($item['upc']));
        if (!$like) {
            return false;

        $eligible = $dbc->getValue($saleP, array('LC' . $like, $item['special_price']));

        return $eligible ? true : false;

      Batches may overlap. An item will actively be in the batch with
      the lowest sale price but may be in an additional batch as well.
      Further, not all batch types may be special-order-eligible.

      E.g., an item is in two batches:
      1. DISCONTINUED batch type, $1.79, not SPO eligible
      2. REGULAR SALE batch type, $1.99, SPO eligible

      The item will be actively in the DISCONINTUED batch and self::saleApplies()
      will return false since that batch is not SPO eligible. This method
      however will return 1.99 as an alternate sale price point.
    private static function alternateSaleApplies($item)
        $dbc = self::dbc();
        $saleP = $dbc->prepare("
            SELECT MIN(l.salePrice)
            FROM batchList AS l
                INNER JOIN batches AS b ON l.batchId=b.batchID
                INNER JOIN batchType AS t ON t.batchTypeID=b.batchType
            WHERE l.upc=?
                AND t.specialOrderEligible=1
                AND l.salePrice < ?
                AND b.startDate <= " . $dbc->curdate() . "
                AND b.endDate >= " . $dbc->curdate()
        $altSale = $dbc->getValue($saleP, array($item['upc'], $item['normal_price']));

        return $altSale ? $altSale : false;

      Check whether a manual quantity is required for this item
      @return [boolean] false if not required or
        [integer] default quantity
    public static function manualQuantityRequired($item)
        if (isset($item['stocked']) && isset($item['caseSize'])) {
            return $item['stocked'] && $item['caseSize'] == 1;
        $dbc = self::dbc(); 
        $table = FannieConfig::config('TRANS_DB') . $dbc->sep() . 'SpecialOrderDeptMap';
        $superP = $dbc->prepare("
            SELECT minQty 
            FROM " . $table . "
            WHERE dept_ID=?");
        $req = $dbc->getValue($superP, array($item['department']));
        if ($req > 0) {
            return $req;
        } else {
            return false;

    public static function memPricing($cardno)
        $default = array(
            'type' => 'markdown',
            'amount' => 0,
            'isMember' => false,
        $dbc = self::dbc();
        $table = FannieConfig::config('TRANS_DB') . $dbc->sep() . 'SpecialOrderMemDiscounts';
        $prep = $dbc->prepare('
            SELECT d.type,
                c.Type AS cType
            FROM ' . $table . ' AS d
                INNER JOIN custdata AS c ON c.memType=d.memType
            WHERE c.CardNo=?
                AND c.personNum=1
        $res = $dbc->getRow($prep, array($cardno));
        if ($res) {
            return array(
                'type' => $res['type'],
                'amount' => $res['amount'],
                'isMember' => $res['cType'] == 'PC' ? true : false,
        } else {
            return $default;