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Test Coverage

    Copyright 2010 Whole Foods Co-op

    This file is part of CORE-POS.

    CORE-POS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    CORE-POS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    in the file license.txt along with IT CORE; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA


use COREPOS\Fannie\API\lib\Operators as Op;

include(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../config.php');
if (!class_exists('FannieAPI')) {
    include(__DIR__ . '/../classlib2.0/FannieAPI.php');

class OrderReviewPage extends FannieRESTfulPage
    protected $header = 'Review Order';
    protected $title = 'Review Order';
    protected $must_authenticate = true;
    public $description = '[Review Special Order] lists and an archived special order';
    public $page_set = 'Special Orders';

    public function preprocess()
        $this->__routes[] = 'get<orderID>';
        $this->__routes[] = 'get<orderID><history>';
        $this->__routes[] = 'get<orderID><items>';
        $this->__routes[] = 'get<orderID><customer>';

        return parent::preprocess();

    public function get_orderID_customer_handler()
        $dbc = $this->connection;
        $TRANS = $this->config->get('TRANS_DB') . $dbc->sep();
        $orderID = $this->orderID;

        $names = array();
        $pn = 1;
        $status_row = array(
            'Type' => 'REG',
            'status' => ''

        $orderModel = new SpecialOrdersModel($dbc);
        // look up member id 
        $memNum = 0;
        $findMem = $dbc->prepare("SELECT card_no,voided FROM {$TRANS}CompleteSpecialOrder WHERE order_id=?");
        $memR = $dbc->execute($findMem, array($orderID));
        if ($dbc->num_rows($memR) > 0) {
            $memW = $dbc->fetch_row($memR);
            $memNum = $memW['card_no'];
            $pn = $memW['voided'];

        // Get member info from custdata, non-member info from SpecialOrders
        if ($memNum != 0) {
            $namesP = $dbc->prepare("SELECT personNum,FirstName,LastName FROM custdata
                WHERE CardNo=? ORDER BY personNum");
            $namesR = $dbc->execute($namesP,array($memNum));
            while($namesW = $dbc->fetch_row($namesR)) {
                $names[$namesW['personNum']] = array($namesW['FirstName'],$namesW['LastName']);

            $statusQ = $dbc->prepare("SELECT Type FROM custdata WHERE CardNo=?");
            $statusR = $dbc->execute($statusQ,array($memNum));
            $status_row  = $dbc->fetch_row($statusR);
            if ($status_row['Type'] == 'INACT') {
                $status_row['status'] = 'Inactive';
            } elseif ($status_row['Type'] == 'INACT2') {
                $status_row['status'] = 'Inactive';
            } elseif ($status_row['Type'] == 'TERM') {
                $status_row['status'] = 'Terminated';

        $q = $dbc->prepare("SELECT entry_date FROM {$TRANS}SpecialOrderHistory 
                WHERE order_id=? AND entry_type='CONFIRMED'");
        $r = $dbc->execute($q, array($orderID));
        $confirm_date = "";
        if ($dbc->num_rows($r) > 0) {
            $w = $dbc->fetchRow($r);
            $confirm_date = $w['entry_date'];

        $callback = 1;
        $user = 'Unknown';
        $orderDate = '';
        $q = $dbc->prepare("SELECT datetime,numflag,mixMatch FROM 
                {$TRANS}CompleteSpecialOrder WHERE order_id=? AND trans_id=0");
        $r = $dbc->execute($q, array($orderID));
        if ($dbc->num_rows($r) > 0) {
            list($orderDate,$callback,$user) = $dbc->fetch_row($r);

        $ret = "";
        $ret .= sprintf('<input type="hidden" id="orderID" value="%d" />',$orderID);
        $ret .= '<div class="row">
            <div class="col-sm-6 text-left">';
        $ret .= sprintf('<b>Owner Number</b>: %s',
        $ret .= '<br />';
        $ret .= '<b>Owner</b>: '.($status_row['Type']=='PC'?'Yes':'No');
        $ret .= '<br />';
        if (!empty($status_row['status'])) {
            $ret .= '<b>Account status</b>: '.$status_row['status'];
            $ret .= '<br />';
        $ret .= "<b>Taken by</b>: ".$user."<br />";
        $ret .= "<b>On</b>: ".date("M j, Y g:ia",strtotime($orderDate))."<br />";
        if (FannieAuth::validateUserQuiet('ordering_edit')) {
            $ret .= '<a href="SpoEditsPage.php?id=' . $orderID . '">Edit History</a><br />';
        $ret .= '</div>
            <div class="col-sm-6 text-right">';
        $ret .= '<b>Call to Confirm</b>: ';
        if ($callback == 1) {
            $ret .= 'Yes';
        } else {
            $ret .= 'No';
        $ret .= '<br />';   
        $ret .= '<span id="confDateSpan">'.(!empty($confirm_date)?'Confirmed '.$confirm_date:'Not confirmed')."</span> ";
        $ret .= '<br />';

        $ret .= '<a href="index.php" class="btn btn-default">Done</a>';
        $ret .= '</div></div>';

        $ret .= '<table class="table table-bordered table-striped">';

        // names
        if (empty($names)) {
            $ret .= sprintf('<tr><th>First Name</th><td>%s
            $ret .= sprintf('<th>Last Name</th><td>%s
        } else {
            $ret .= '<tr><th>Name</th><td colspan="2">';
            foreach($names as $p=>$n) {
                if ($p == $pn) $ret .= $n[0].' '.$n[1];
            $ret .= '</td>';
            $ret .= '<td>&nbsp;</td>';

        $super = new SuperDeptNamesModel($dbc);
        $ret .= '<td colspan="4">Notes for: ' . $super->super_name() . '</td></tr>';

        // address
        $street = $orderModel->street();
        $street2 = '';
        if(strstr($street,"\n")) {
            list($street, $street2) = explode("\n", $street, 2);

        $ret .= sprintf('<tr><th>Address</th><td>%s
            <td rowspan="2" colspan="4">%s
            <tr><th>Addr (2)</th><td>%s
            <th>Alt. Phone</th><td>%s</td>

        $noteP = $dbc->prepare('SELECT note FROM ' . FannieDB::fqn('memberNotes', 'op') . ' WHERE cardno=? ORDER BY stamp DESC');
        $acctNote = $dbc->getValue($noteP, array($memNum));
        if (trim($acctNote)) {
            $ret .= '<tr><th>Acct Notes</th><td colspan="4">' . $acctNote . '</td></tr>';
        $ret .= '</table>';

        echo $ret;

        return false;

    public function get_orderID_items_handler()
        $dbc = $this->connection;
        $TRANS = $this->config->get('TRANS_DB') . $dbc->sep();

        $dQ = $dbc->prepare("SELECT dept_no,dept_name FROM departments order by dept_no");
        $dR = $dbc->execute($dQ);
        $depts = array(0=>'Unassigned');
        while ($dW = $dbc->fetch_row($dR)) {
            $depts[$dW['dept_no']] = $dW['dept_name'];

        $ret = '<table class="table table-bordered table-striped">';
        $ret .= '<tr><th>UPC</th><th>SKU</th><th>Description</th><th>Cases</th><th>SRP</th><th>Actual</th><th>Qty</th><th>Dept</th></tr>';
        $q = $dbc->prepare("SELECT o.upc,o.description,total,quantity,department,
            sku,ItemQtty,regPrice,o.discounttype,o.charflag,o.mixMatch FROM {$TRANS}CompleteSpecialOrder as o
            left join vendors as n on o.mixMatch=n.vendorName
            left join vendorItems as v on o.upc=v.upc AND o.upc <> '0000000000000' AND v.vendorID=n.vendorID
            WHERE order_id=? AND trans_type='I' AND o.deleted=0
            ORDER BY trans_id DESC");
        $r = $dbc->execute($q, array($this->orderID));
        while ($row = $dbc->fetch_row($r)) {
            $ret .= $this->printItemRow($row, $depts);
        $ret .= '</table>';

        echo $ret;

        return false;

    private function printItemRow($row, $depts)
        $ret = sprintf('<tr>
        $ret .= '<td>' . $row['department'] . ' ' . $depts[$row['department']] . '</td>';
        $ret .= '</tr>';
        $ret .= '<tr>';
        $ret .= sprintf('<td colspan="2" align="right">Unit Price: $%.2f</td>',
            Op::div( Op::div($row['regPrice'],$row['ItemQtty']), $row['quantity'] ));
        $ret .= sprintf('<td>From: %s</td>',$row['mixMatch']);
        $ret .= '<td>Discount</td>';
        if ($row['discounttype'] == 1 || $row['discounttype'] == 2) {
            $ret .= '<td id="discPercent'.$row['upc'].'">Sale</td>';
        } else if ($row['regPrice'] != $row['total']) {
            $ret .= sprintf('<td id="discPercent%s">%d%%</td>',$row['upc'],
                round(100*Op::div($row['regPrice']-$row['total'], $row['regPrice']))
        } else {
            $ret .= '<td id="discPercent'.$row['upc'].'">0%</td>';
        $ret .= sprintf('<td colspan="4">Printed: %s</td>',
        $ret .= '</tr>';
        $ret .= '<tr class="small"><td class="small" colspan="8"><span style="font-size:1;">&nbsp;</span></td></tr>';

        return $ret;

    public function get_orderID_history_handler()
        $dbc = $this->connection;

        $statP = $dbc->prepare("SELECT statusFlag, subStatus FROM SpecialOrders WHERE specialOrderID=?");
        $stat = $dbc->getRow($statP, array($this->orderID));

        $status = array(
            0 => "Ready to Order",
            3 => "Call before Ordering",
            1 => "Called/waiting",
            2 => "Pending",
            4 => "Placed",
            5 => "Arrived",
            7 => "Completed",
            8 => "Canceled",
            9 => "Inquiry"

        $ret = '<div class="alert alert-info">Closed ' . date('Y-m-d h:i:sa', $stat['subStatus'])
            . ' with status ' . $status[$stat['statusFlag']] . '</div>';

        $prep = $dbc->prepare("SELECT entry_date, entry_type, entry_value
                           FROM SpecialOrderHistory
                           WHERE order_id = ?
                            AND entry_type IN ('AUTOCLOSE', 'PURCHASED')
                           ORDER BY entry_date");
        $result = $dbc->execute($prep, array($this->orderID));

        $ret .= '<table class="table table-bordered table-striped small">';
        $ret .= '<tr>
        while ($row = $dbc->fetch_row($result)) {
            $ret .= $this->printHistory($row);
        $ret .= '</table>';

        echo $ret;

        return false;

    private function printHistory($row)
        if ($row['entry_type'] == 'PURCHASED') {
            $trans_num = $row['entry_value'];
            $tdate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($row['entry_date']));
            $link = '../admin/LookupReceipt/RenderReceiptPage.php?date=' . $tdate . '&receipt=' . $trans_num;
            $row['entry_value'] = sprintf('<a href="%s" target="_%s">%s</a>', $link, $trans_num, $trans_num);
        $ret = sprintf('<tr>

        return $ret;

    public function get_view()
        return '<div class="alert alert-danger">No Order Specified</div>';

    public function get_orderID_view()
        $orderP = $this->connection->prepare('SELECT * FROM ' . FannieDB::fqn('SpecialOrders', 'trans') . ' WHERE specialOrderID=?');
        $order = $this->connection->getRow($orderP, array($this->orderID));
        $nodupe = '';
        $checked = '';
        if ($order['noDuplicate']) {
            $nodupe = 'disabled title="This order cannot be duplicated"';
            $checked = 'checked';
        $noToggle = FannieAuth::validateUserQuiet('ordering_edit') ? '' : 'disabled';
        return <<<HTML
    <button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-dupe" {$nodupe}
        onclick="copyOrder({$this->orderID}); return false;">
    Duplicate Order
        <input type="checkbox" id="dupeCB" {$checked} {$noToggle} 
            onchange="toggleDisable({$this->orderID});" />
        Disable duplication for this order
<div class="panel panel-default">
    <div class="panel-heading">Customer Information</div>
    <div class="panel-body" id="customerDiv"></div>
<div class="panel panel-default">
    <div class="panel-heading">Order Items</div>
    <div class="panel-body" id="itemDiv"></div>
<div class="panel panel-default">
    <div class="panel-heading">Order History</div>
    <div class="panel-body" id="historyDiv"></div>

    public function javascriptContent()
        $js = <<<JAVASCRIPT
function copyOrder(oid){
    if (confirm("Copy this order?")){
            cache: false
function toggleDisable(oid) {
    var nodupe = 0;
    if ($('#dupeCB').prop('checked')) {
        nodupe = 1;
        url: 'OrderAjax.php',
        data: 'id='+oid+'&nodupe='+nodupe,
        method: 'post',
    }).done(function (resp) {
        if (nodupe) {
            $('.btn-dupe').prop('disabled', true);
        } else {
            $('.btn-dupe').prop('disabled', false);
        type: 'get',
        data: 'customer=1&orderID={{orderID}}',
        cache: false
        var oid = $('#orderID').val();
            type: 'get',
            data: 'items=1&orderID='+oid+'&nonForm=yes',
            cache: false
            type: 'get',
            data: 'history=1&orderID='+oid,
            cache: false

        $orderID = property_exists($this, 'orderID') ? $this->orderID : 0;

        return str_replace('{{orderID}}', $orderID, $js);

    public function unitTest($phpunit)
        $phpunit->assertNotEquals(0, strlen($this->javascriptContent()));
        $phpunit->assertNotEquals(0, strlen($this->get_view()));
        $phpunit->assertNotEquals(0, strlen($this->get_orderID_view()));
        $phpunit->assertNotEquals(0, strlen(ob_get_clean()));
        $phpunit->assertNotEquals(0, strlen(ob_get_clean()));
        $phpunit->assertNotEquals(0, strlen(ob_get_clean()));

        $item = array('upc'=>'1234','sku'=>'1234','description'=>'foo','ItemQtty'=>1,
            'discounttype'=>1, 'charflag'=>'P');
        $phpunit->assertNotEquals(0, strlen($this->printItemRow($item, array(1=>'foo'))));

        $entry = array('entry_type'=>'PURCHASED', 'entry_date'=>'2000-01-01', 'entry_value'=>1);
        $phpunit->assertNotEquals(0, strlen($this->printHistory($entry)));
