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    Copyright 2010 Whole Foods Co-op

    This file is part of IT CORE.

    IT CORE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    IT CORE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    in the file license.txt along with IT CORE; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA


namespace COREPOS\pos\lib\Scanning\PriceMethods;
use COREPOS\pos\lib\Scanning\PriceMethod;
use COREPOS\pos\lib\Database;
use COREPOS\pos\lib\MiscLib;
use COREPOS\pos\lib\TransRecord;

   @class SplitABGroupPM
   The same as ABGroupPM, but the discount gets
   split across two departments
   Splitting doesn't work with member/staff
   sales (discount will still apply, just
   not divided)

   This is pricemethod 3 in earlier WFC releases
   and may not exist anywhere else.

class SplitABGroupPM extends PriceMethod {

    public function addItem(array $row, $quantity, $priceObj)
        if ($quantity == 0) return false;

        $pricing = $priceObj->priceInfo($row,$quantity);
        $department = $row['department'];

        // enforce limit on discounting sale items
        $dsi = $this->session->get('DiscountableSaleItems');
        if ($dsi == 0 && $dsi !== '' && $priceObj->isSale()) {
            $row['discount'] = 0;

        $mixMatch = $row['mixmatchcode'];
        /* group definition: number of items
           that make up a group, price for a
           full set. Use "special" rows if the
           item is on sale */
        $groupQty = $row['quantity'];
        $groupPrice = $row['groupprice'];
        if ($priceObj->isSale()){
            $groupQty = $row['specialquantity'];
            $groupPrice = $row['specialgroupprice'];    

        /* not straight-up interchangable
         * ex: buy item A, get $1 off item B
         * need strict pairs AB 
         * type 3 tries to split the discount amount
         * across A & B's departments; type 4
         * does not 
        $qualMM = abs($mixMatch);
        $discMM = -1*abs($mixMatch);

        $dbt = Database::tDataConnect();
        // lookup existing qualifiers (i.e., item As)
        // by-weight items are rounded down here
        $qualQ = "SELECT floor(sum(ItemQtty)),max(department) 
            FROM localtemptrans WHERE mixMatch='$qualMM' 
            and trans_status <> 'R'";
        $qualR = $dbt->query($qualQ);
        $quals = 0;
        $dept1 = 0;
            $rowq = $dbt->fetch_row($qualR);
            $quals = round($rowq[0]);
            $dept1 = $rowq[1];    

        // lookup existing discounters (i.e., item Bs)
        // by-weight items are counted per-line here
        // extra checks to make sure the maximum
        // discount on scale items is "free"
        $discQ = "SELECT sum(CASE WHEN scale=0 THEN ItemQtty ELSE 1 END),
            max(department),max(scale),max(total) FROM localtemptrans 
            WHERE mixMatch='$discMM' 
            and trans_status <> 'R'";
        $discR = $dbt->query($discQ);
        $dept2 = 0;
        $discs = 0;
        $discountIsScale = false;
        $scaleDiscMax = 0;
            $rowd = $dbt->fetch_row($discR);
            $discs = round($rowd[0]);
            $dept2 = $rowd[1];
            if ($rowd[2]==1) $discountIsScale = true;
            $scaleDiscMax = $rowd[3];
        if ($quantity != (int)$quantity && $mixMatch < 0){
            $discountIsScale = true;
            $scaleDiscMax = $quantity * $pricing['unitPrice'];

        // items that have already been used in an AB set
        $matchQ = "SELECT sum(matched) FROM localtemptrans WHERE
            mixmatch IN ('$qualMM','$discMM')";
        $matchR = $dbt->query($matchQ);
        $matches = 0;
        if ($matchR && $dbt->num_rows($matchR) > 0) {
            $matchW = $dbt->fetch_row($matchR);
            $matches = $matchW[0];

        // reduce totals by existing matches
        // implicit: quantity required for B = 1
        // i.e., buy X item A save on 1 item B
        $matches = $matches/$groupQty;
        $quals -= $matches*($groupQty-1);
        $discs -= $matches;

        // where does the currently scanned item go?
        if ($mixMatch > 0) {
            $quals = ($quals >0)?$quals+floor($quantity):floor($quantity);
            $dept1 = $department;
        } else {
            // again, scaled items count once per line
            $discs = ($discs >0)?$discs+$quantity:$quantity;
            if ($quantity != (int)$quantity) {
                $discs = ($discs >0)?$discs+1:1;
            $dept2 = $department;

        // count up complete sets
        $sets = 0;
        while($discs > 0 && $quals >= ($groupQty-1) ){
            $discs -= 1;
            $quals -= ($groupQty -1);

        if ($sets > 0){
            $maxDiscount = $sets*$groupPrice;
            if ($scaleDiscMax != 0 && $maxDiscount > $scaleDiscMax)
                $maxDiscount = $scaleDiscMax;

            // if the current item is by-weight, quantity
            // decrement has to be corrected, but matches
            // should still be an integer
            $ttlMatches = $sets;
            if($quantity != (int)$quantity) $sets = $quantity;
            $quantity = $quantity - $sets;

                'upc' => $row['upc'],
                'description' => $row['description'],
                'trans_type' => 'I',
                'trans_subtype' => (isset($row['trans_subtype'])) ? $row['trans_subtype'] : '',
                'department' => $row['department'],
                'quantity' => $sets,
                'unitPrice' => $pricing['unitPrice'],
                'total' => MiscLib::truncate2($sets*$pricing['unitPrice']),
                'regPrice' => $pricing['regPrice'],
                'scale' => $row['scale'],
                'tax' => $row['tax'],
                'foodstamp' => $row['foodstamp'],
                'memDiscount' => ($priceObj->isMemberSale() || $priceObj->isStaffSale()) ? MiscLib::truncate2($maxDiscount) : 0,
                'discountable' => $row['discount'],
                'discounttype' => $row['discounttype'],
                'ItemQtty' => $sets,
                'volDiscType' => ($priceObj->isSale() ? $row['specialpricemethod'] : $row['pricemethod']),
                'volume' => ($priceObj->isSale() ? $row['specialquantity'] : $row['quantity']),
                'VolSpecial' => ($priceObj->isSale() ? $row['specialgroupprice'] : $row['groupprice']),
                'mixMatch' => $row['mixmatchcode'],
                'matched' => $ttlMatches * $groupQty,
                'cost' => (isset($row['cost']) ? $row['cost']*$sets*$groupQty : 0.00),
                'numflag' => (isset($row['numflag']) ? $row['numflag'] : 0),
                'charflag' => (isset($row['charflag']) ? $row['charflag'] : '')

            if (!$priceObj->isMemberSale() && !$priceObj->isStaffSale()){

        /* any remaining quantity added without
           grouping discount */
        if ($quantity > 0){
                'upc' => $row['upc'],
                'description' => $row['description'],
                'trans_type' => 'I',
                'trans_subtype' => (isset($row['trans_subtype'])) ? $row['trans_subtype'] : '',
                'department' => $row['department'],
                'quantity' => $quantity,
                'unitPrice' => $pricing['unitPrice'],
                'total' => MiscLib::truncate2($pricing['unitPrice'] * $quantity),
                'regPrice' => $pricing['regPrice'],
                'scale' => $row['scale'],
                'tax' => $row['tax'],
                'foodstamp' => $row['foodstamp'],
                'discountable' => $row['discount'],
                'discounttype' => $row['discounttype'],
                'ItemQtty' => $quantity,
                'volDiscType' => ($priceObj->isSale() ? $row['specialpricemethod'] : $row['pricemethod']),
                'volume' => ($priceObj->isSale() ? $row['specialquantity'] : $row['quantity']),
                'VolSpecial' => ($priceObj->isSale() ? $row['specialgroupprice'] : $row['groupprice']),
                'mixMatch' => $row['mixmatchcode'],
                'cost' => (isset($row['cost'])?$row['cost']*$quantity:0.00),
                'numflag' => (isset($row['numflag'])?$row['numflag']:0),
                'charflag' => (isset($row['charflag'])?$row['charflag']:'')

        return True;