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4 hrs
Test Coverage

    Copyright 2014 Whole Foods Co-op

    This file is part of Fannie.

    IT CORE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    IT CORE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    in the file license.txt along with IT CORE; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA


namespace COREPOS\pos\lib\models;

  @class ViewModel
class ViewModel extends BasicModel

    protected $name = '__VirtualClass_ShouldNotExist';

      Generate SQL definition of view.
      Is a method rather than property in case
      any part of the query needs to be generated
      based on DBMS and/or configuration values
      @return [string] view definition

      Note: This should be everything that
      follows the "CREATE VIEW view_name AS".
      Do not include that part.
    public function definition()
        return 'SELECT 1 as columnName';

      Create specified view
      @return [boolean]
    public function create()
        if ($this->connection->isView($this->name)) {
            return true;

        $dbms = $this->connection->dbmsName();
        $selectQuery = $this->definition();
        $createQuery = 'CREATE VIEW '
            . $this->identifierEscape($dbms, $this->name)
            . ' AS '
            . $selectQuery;

        $try = $this->connection->query($createQuery);

        return $try ? true : false;

      Deletes the view. This will drop an
      existing view but will not drop an 
      existing table.
      @return [boolean]
    public function delete()
        if (!$this->connection->isView($this->name)) {
            return false;

        $try = $this->connection->query('DROP VIEW ' . $this->connection->identifierEscape($this->name));

        return $try ? true : false;

      Does nothing. No meaning in context of a view.
    public function save()
        return false; 

      Normalize will drop a table and recreate as a view if needed
    public function normalize($db_name, $mode=BasicModel::NORMALIZE_MODE_CHECK, $doCreate=false)
        // don't try to detect a db structure corresponding to
        // the ViewModel class itself
        if ($this->name == '__VirtualClass_ShouldNotExist') {
            return 0;

        if ($mode != BasicModel::NORMALIZE_MODE_CHECK && $mode != BasicModel::NORMALIZE_MODE_APPLY) {
            printf("Error: Unknown mode (%s)\n", $mode);
            return false;

        echo "==========================================\n";
        printf("%s view %s\n", 
        echo "==========================================\n";

        if (!$this->connection->isConnected($db_name)) {
            printf("Error: Unknown database (%s)", $db_name);
            return false;

        if (!$this->connection->table_exists($this->name)) {
            return $this->normalizeCreate($mode, $doCreate);
        } elseif (!$this->connection->isView($this->name)) {
            return $this->normalizeTableToView($mode, $doCreate);

        return 0;

    protected function normalizeCreate($mode, $doCreate)
        if ($mode == BasicModel::NORMALIZE_MODE_CHECK) {
            echo "View {$this->name} " . _('not found!') . "\n";
            echo "==========================================\n";
            printf("%s view %s\n",_("Check complete. Need to create"), $this->name);
            echo "==========================================\n\n";
            return 999;
        } elseif ($mode == BasicModel::NORMALIZE_MODE_APPLY) {
            echo "==========================================\n";
            if ($doCreate) {
                $cResult = $this->create(); 
                printf(_("Update complete. Creation of view %s %s\n"),$this->name, ($cResult)?_("OK"):_("failed"));
            } else {
                printf(_("Update complete. Creation of view %s %s\n"),$this->name, ($doCreate)?_("OK"):_("not supported"));
            echo "==========================================\n\n";
            return true;

    protected function normalizeTableToView($mode, $doCreate)
        if ($mode == BasicModel::NORMALIZE_MODE_CHECK) {
            echo "Table {$this->name} " . _('should be a view!') . "\n";
            echo "==========================================\n";
            printf("%s view %s\n",_("Check complete. Need to drop and re-create"), $this->name);
            echo "==========================================\n\n";
            return 999;
        } else if ($mode == BasicModel::NORMALIZE_MODE_APPLY) {
            echo "==========================================\n";
            if ($doCreate) {
                $cResult = $this->delete();
                if ($cResult) {
                    $cResult = $this->create(); 
                printf(_("Update complete. Creation of view %s %s\n"),$this->name, ($cResult)?_("OK"):_("failed"));
            } else {
                printf(_("Update complete. Creation of view %s %s\n"),$this->name, ($doCreate)?_("OK"):_("not supported"));
            echo "==========================================\n\n";
            return true;