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Test Coverage

    Copyright 2013 Whole Foods Co-op
    Copyright 2014 West End Food Co-op, Toronto, Ontario

    This file is part of IT CORE.

    IT CORE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    IT CORE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    in the file license.txt along with IT CORE; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA


use COREPOS\pos\lib\Database;
use COREPOS\pos\lib\ReceiptLib;
use COREPOS\pos\lib\ReceiptBuilding\Messages\ReceiptMessage;

    @class CCredUsedBalances
    List post-transaction balances for Coop Cred accounts
    used in this transaction.
class CCredUsedBalances extends ReceiptMessage {

    public $paper_only = true;

    public function select_condition(){

        global $CORE_LOCAL;

        $tenderList = "('dummy')";
        if ($CORE_LOCAL->get('CCredTendersUsed') != '') {
            $tu = $CORE_LOCAL->get('CCredTendersUsed');
            $tenderList = implode("','", array_keys($tu));
            $tenderList = "('" . $tenderList ."')";

        $departmentList = "(-999)";
        if ($CORE_LOCAL->get('CCredDepartmentsUsed') != '') {
            $du = $CORE_LOCAL->get('CCredDepartmentsUsed');
            $departmentList = implode(",", array_keys($du));
            $departmentList = "(" . $departmentList .")";

        $conn = CoopCredLib::ccDataConnect();

        return "SUM(CASE
                    WHEN trans_subtype IN {$tenderList} 
                    OR department IN {$departmentList} THEN 1
                    ELSE 0


      Generate the message
      @param $val the value returned by the object's select_condition()
      @param $ref a transaction reference (emp-lane-trans)
      @param $reprint boolean
      @return [string] message to print on receipt
    public function message($val, $ref, $reprint=False){

        global $CORE_LOCAL;

        if ($val == 0) {
            return '';

        $lineStart = "";
        $lineEnd = "\n";

        $conn = CoopCredLib::ccDataConnect();
        if ($conn === False) {
            return "Error: ccDataConnect() failed." . $lineEnd;

        $dateTimeStamp = time();
        $date = ReceiptLib::build_time($dateTimeStamp);

        $projectName = _('Coop Cred');
        $itemSeparator = '';
        for ($i=1 ; $i <= 2 ; $i++) {
            $itemSeparator .= $lineEnd;
        $slip = $itemSeparator;
        $programsReported = array();

        $tu = $CORE_LOCAL->get('CCredTendersUsed');
        if (is_array($tu)) {
            foreach ($tu as $tTender => $tProgramID) {
                if (in_array($tProgramID,$programsReported)) {
                } else {
                    $programsReported[] = $tProgramID;

                $programCode = "CCred$tProgramID";
                $programName = $CORE_LOCAL->get("{$programCode}programName");

                $subs = CoopCredLib::getCCredSubtotals($tTender, $conn,
                    $programCode, 'localtranstoday', $ref);
                if ($subs !== True) {
                    return ("Error: Coop Cred Program " . $tProgramID . " subtotals.");

                $acb = ($CORE_LOCAL->get("{$programCode}availBal") != '') ?
                        $CORE_LOCAL->get("{$programCode}availBal") :
                        _("Balance not available.");
                $slip .= sprintf("%s: %s %s: \$ %s%s",
                    $lineEnd . $lineEnd

            // each tender

        $du = $CORE_LOCAL->get('CCredDepartmentsUsed');
        if (is_array($du)) {
            foreach ($du as $dDepartment => $dProgramID) {
                if (in_array($dProgramID,$programsReported)) {
                } else {
                    $programsReported[] = $dProgramID;

                $programCode = "CCred$dProgramID";
                $programName = $CORE_LOCAL->get("{$programCode}programName");
                $pcTenderType = $CORE_LOCAL->get("{$programCode}tenderType");

                $subs = CoopCredLib::getCCredSubtotals($pcTenderType, $conn,
                    $programCode, 'localtranstoday', $ref);
                if ($subs !== True) {
                    return ("Error: Coop Cred Program " . $dProgramID . " subtotals.");

                $acb = ($CORE_LOCAL->get("{$programCode}availBal") != '') ?
                        $CORE_LOCAL->get("{$programCode}availBal") :
                        _("Balance not available.");
                $slip .= sprintf("%s: %s %s: \$ %s%s",
                    $lineEnd . $lineEnd

            // each department

        return $slip;


      The same data can be rendered two different ways. One's a
      signature slip, the other is just a list of date, amount,
      approval code, etc
        9Oct2014 - Not used in CCredUsedBalances, but save for reference for
        the QQ problem: how to print the report.
    protected function variable_slip($ref, $reprint=False, $sigSlip=False){
        global $CORE_LOCAL;
        $date = ReceiptLib::build_time(time());
        list($emp,$reg,$trans) = explode('-', $ref);
        $sort = 'asc';

        $slip = '';
        $idclause = '';
        $db = Database::tDataConnect();
        if ($reprint) {
            $db = Database::mDataConnect();
            if ($db === false) {
                return false;
        if ($sigSlip && is_numeric($CORE_LOCAL->get('paycard_id'))) {
            $idclause = ' AND transID='.$CORE_LOCAL->get('paycard_id');

        // query database for cc receipt info 
        $query = "SELECT  tranType, amount, PAN, entryMethod, issuer,"
            ." xResultMessage, xApprovalNumber, xTransactionID, name, datetime "
            ." FROM ccReceiptView where date=".date('Ymd',time())
            ." and cashierNo = ".$emp." and laneNo = ".$reg
            ." and transNo = ".$trans ." ".$idclause
            ." ORDER BY datetime $sort, transID DESC";

        if ($db->table_exists('PaycardTransactions')) {
            $trans_type = $db->concat('p.cardType', "' '", 'p.transType', '');

            $query = "SELECT $trans_type AS tranType,
                CASE WHEN p.transType = 'Return' THEN -1*p.amount
                    ELSE p.amount END as amount,
                CASE WHEN p.manual=1 THEN 'Manual'
                    ELSE 'Swiped' END as entryMethod,
                p.requestDatetime AS datetime
              FROM PaycardTransactions AS p
              WHERE dateID=" . date('Ymd') . "
                AND empNo=" . $emp . "
                AND registerNo=" . $reg . "
                AND transNo=" . $trans . $idclause . "
                AND p.validResponse=1
                AND (p.xResultMessage LIKE '%APPROVE%'
                        OR p.xResultMessage LIKE '%PENDING%')
                    AND p.cardType IN ('Credit', 'Debit')
              ORDER BY p.requestDatetime";

        $result = $db->query($query);
        while($row = $db->fetchRow($result)){
            $trantype = $row['tranType'];  
            if ($row['amount'] < 0) {
                $amt = "-$".number_format(-1*$row['amount'],2);
            } else {
                $amt = "$".number_format($row['amount'],2);
            $pan = $row['PAN']; // already masked in the database
            $entryMethod = $row['entryMethod'];
            $cardBrand = $row['issuer'];
            $approvalPhrase = $row['xResultMessage'];
            $authCode = "#".$row['xApprovalNumber'];
            $sequenceNum = $row['xTransactionID'];  
            $name = $row["name"];

            $slip .= ReceiptLib::centerString("................................................")."\n";
            if ($sigSlip){
                $slip .= ReceiptLib::centerString($CORE_LOCAL->get("chargeSlip1"))."\n"        // store name 
                    .ReceiptLib::centerString($CORE_LOCAL->get("chargeSlip3").", ".$CORE_LOCAL->get("chargeSlip4"))."\n"  // address
                    .ReceiptLib::centerString($CORE_LOCAL->get("chargeSlip5"))."\n"        // merchant code 
                    .ReceiptLib::centerString($CORE_LOCAL->get("receiptHeader2"))."\n\n";    // phone
                $slip .= $trantype."\n"            // trans type:  purchase, canceled purchase, refund or canceled refund
                    ."Card: ".$cardBrand."  ".$pan."\n"
                    ."Reference:  ".$ref."\n"
                    ."Date & Time:  ".$date."\n"
                    ."Entry Method:  ".$entryMethod."\n"          // swiped or manual entry
                    ."Sequence Number:  ".$sequenceNum."\n"    // their sequence #        
                    //."Authorization:  ".$approvalPhrase." ".$authCode."\n"        // result + auth number
                    ."Authorization:  ".$approvalPhrase."\n"        // result + auth number
                    .ReceiptLib::boldFont()  // change to bold font for the total
                    ."Amount: ".$amt."\n"        
                $slip .= ReceiptLib::centerString("I agree to pay above total amount")."\n"
                    .ReceiptLib::centerString("according to card issuer agreement.")."\n\n"
            else {
                // use columns instead
                $c1 = array();
                $c2 = array();
                $c1[] = $trantype;
                $c1[] = "Entry Method:  ".$entryMethod;
                $c1[] = "Sequence Number:  ".$sequenceNum;
                $c2[] = $cardBrand."  ".$pan;
                $c2[] = "Authorization:  ".$approvalPhrase;
                $c2[] = ReceiptLib::boldFont()."Amount: ".$amt.ReceiptLib::normalFont();
                $slip .= ReceiptLib::twoColumns($c1,$c2);
            $slip .= ReceiptLib::centerString(".................................................")."\n";

            if ($sigSlip){
                // Cut is added automatically by printing process
                //$slip .= "\n\n\n\n".chr(27).chr(105);

        return $slip;

      Message can be printed independently from a regular    
      receipt. Pass this string to ajax-end.php as URL
      parameter receiptType to print the standalone receipt.
    //public $standalone_receipt_type = '';
    //public $standalone_receipt_type = 'cCredSlip';
    public $standalone_receipt_type = 'ccSlip';

      Print message as its own receipt
      @param $ref a transaction reference (emp-lane-trans)
      @param $reprint boolean
      @return [string] message to print 
    public function standalone_receipt($ref, $reprint=False){
        return "Coop Cred standalone receipt.\n";
        //return $this->variable_slip($ref, $reprint, True);