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Deb packages are generated using alien. To get alien set up
on CentOS:

1. Install some pre-requisites from official repos
$ yum install fakeroot dpkg-devel

2. Install Getopt from rpmforge. If done via yum, this conflicts
(just on a manpage; can be safely ignored).
$ yum install perl-Getopt-Long
$ rpm -Uvh --force /var/cache/yum/rpmforge/packages/perl-Getopt-Long*

3. Get debhelper (source version) from debian. It's just a bunch of perl
$ tar xzf debhelper*
$ cd debhelper*
$ make install

4. Get alien (source version and .deb version) from debian. Use alien to
convert itself.
$ tar xzf alien*.tar.gz
$ cd alien
$ mv ../alien*.deb .
$ ./ -r alien*.deb
$ rpm -Uvh alien*.rpm

Everything's now installed. Alien installs to an odd path though, so
you have to correct for it in the shell before using the alien command.
$ export PERL5LIB="/usr/share/perl5"