# Additional components
Next to the previously mentioned main components, some additional components exist.
Those are mainly used while processing the various build steps.
## Composer interaction
The [**`Resource\Local\Composer`**]( component
provides a way to install **Composer dependencies**, described by an existing
`composer.json` file:
```{code-block} php
$installer = new \CPSIT\ProjectBuilder\Resource\Local\Composer();
$exitCode = $installer->install('/path/to/composer.json', output: $output);
## Error handling
During bootstrapping, the [**`Error\ErrorHandler`**](
component is initialized. It is responsible for **handling exceptions** that are
thrown by the application. On verbose output, the exception is passed through the
Composer application.
## I/O handling
Additionally, there exist two core components that are responsible for **I/O handling**:
1. The [**`IO\Messenger`**]( component takes care of every
message that is passed to the user. Additionally, it provides some helper methods
to interact with the user or provide a styled output for e.g. new sections or
user selections.
2. While the `Messenger` mainly targets the application's output behavior, a second
component [**`IO\InputReader`**]( handles user input.
It's mainly used when processing interactive build steps to fetch and apply user
input. The `InputReader` depends on an active [`IO`][1] object, which is only available
to the `Messenger`, thus it implicitly depends on it.
```{code-block} php
/** @var \CPSIT\ProjectBuilder\IO\InputReader $inputReader */
$phpVersion = $inputReader->choices('Which PHP version should be used?', ['8.1', '8.0']);
$name = $inputReader->staticValue('What\'s your name?');
$password = $inputReader->hiddenValue('What\'s your password?');
if ($inputReader->ask('Confirm project generation?', default: false)) {
// Project generation confirmed, continue...
As an additional I/O component, some **validators** exist, ready to be used by the
| Type | Class | Description |
| `callback` | [`CallbackValidator`]( | User input is validated by a given callback |
| `email` | [`EmailValidator`]( | User input must be a valid e-mail address |
| `notEmpty` | [`NotEmptyValidator`]( | User input must not be empty (strict mode available) |
| `regex` | [`RegexValidator`]( | User input must match a given regular expression |
| `url` | [`UrlValidator`]( | User input must be a valid URL |
Each validator implements [`ValidatorInterface`](
Not all validators can be used for each interaction with the `InputReader`.
## Naming
With the [**`Naming\NameVariantBuilder`**](
component, it is possible to **create variants of project and customer names**. For
this, the current build instructions are used. All available name variants are
described in the [**`Naming\NameVariant`**]( class.
## Template rendering
Project templates must be written as [Twig][2] template files.
Each template file is **rendered** by the [**`Twig\Renderer`**](
component. The `Renderer` internally heavily makes use of a custom Twig extension, the
component. Within this extension, a prebuilt set of Twig filters and functions is
### Twig filters
The following Twig filters currently exist:
| Name | Class | Description |
| `convert_case` | [`ConvertCaseFilter`]( | Convert string to a given [`string case`]( |
| `slugify` | [`SlugifyFilter`]( | Generate slug from given string by using [`cocur/slugify`][3] |
Each Twig filter implements [`TwigFilterInterface`](
### Twig functions
The following Twig functions currently exist:
| Name | Class | Description |
| `is_default_project_name` | [`DefaultProjectNameFunction`]( | Check if given project name is the default project name as described by [`NameVariantBuilder::isDefaultProjectName()`]( |
| `get_default_author_email` | [`DefaultAuthorEmailFunction`]( | Read default author e-mail address from global Git config |
| `get_default_author_name` | [`DefaultAuthorNameFunction`]( | Read default author name from global Git config |
| `get_latest_stable_php_version` | [`PhpVersionFunction`]( | Fetch the latest stable PHP version from PHP REST API (response is cached) |
| `name_variant` | [`NameVariantFunction`]( | Create name variant with [`NameVariantBuilder::createVariant()`]( |
| `resolve_ip` | [`ResolveIpFunction`]( | Resolve IP address for a given hostname or URL |
Each Twig function implements [`TwigFunctionInterface`](