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# Processing build steps

Project generation is described through a set of so-called "build steps". Each step is
configured by the `step` property (see [`Configuration#Structure`](configuration.md#structure)).

## Procedure

1. Once the user selected a project type, a new [`Generator`](https://github.com/CPS-IT/project-builder/blob/main/src/Builder/Generator/Generator.php)
   is created
2. The `Generator` runs through all configured steps
   1. Step is created by using the [`StepFactory`](https://github.com/CPS-IT/project-builder/blob/main/src/Builder/Generator/Step/StepFactory.php)
   2. Step is executed by calling `$step->run($result)`
   3. On step failure:
      * All applied steps are [reverted](#reverting-failed-steps) by calling
      * Further execution is terminated
   4. [`BuildResult`](https://github.com/CPS-IT/project-builder/blob/main/src/Builder/BuildResult.php) is returned

## Reverting failed steps

When steps are executed, they may perform I/O operations on the generated project or other
directories. If any of those operations fail, it should be possible to revert them. For
this, steps are required to implement a `revert()` method. It is called for all previously
applied steps once any step in the project generation process fails.

## Applying processed steps

Each successfully processed step should itself apply to the current build result. This is
the only way for the application to recognize that the step was executed. If the step is
not applied to the build result, it cannot be reverted.


```{code-block} php
:emphasize-lines: 10

use CPSIT\ProjectBuilder\Builder;

final class MyStep implements Builder\Generator\Step\StepInterface
    public function run(Builder\BuildResult $buildResult): bool
        // Do anything...

        if ($successful) {

        return $successful;

    // ...

## Variants

Each step must implement [`StepInterface`](https://github.com/CPS-IT/project-builder/blob/main/src/Builder/Generator/Step/StepInterface.php).
However, some variants for steps exist giving them additional possibilities in the
project generation lifecycle:

* If a step is actively **processing** files, it should implement
  This way, it is possible to provide information about which files were processed after
  successful project generation.
* Steps may also be able to stop further processing, thus being **stoppable**. For this,
  can be implemented. The method `isStopped()` is then called after the step is processed
  to determine whether further steps should be processed.

## Available steps

The following steps are currently available:

### Collect build instructions

* Identifier: **`collectBuildInstructions`**
* Implementation: [`Builder\Generator\Step\CollectBuildInstructionsStep`](https://github.com/CPS-IT/project-builder/blob/main/src/Builder/Generator/Step/CollectBuildInstructionsStep.php)

This step walks through all configured properties. It uses the `InputReader` to collect
build instructions for property. All collected build instructions result in a list of
template variables. Those can be used in other steps when rendering Twig templates or
taking decisions based on user-provided data.

### Generate build artifact

* Identifier: **`generateBuildArtifact`**
* Implementation: [`Builder\Generator\Step\GenerateBuildArtifactStep`](https://github.com/CPS-IT/project-builder/blob/main/src/Builder/Generator/Step/GenerateBuildArtifactStep.php)
* Variants: _stoppable_

This step should always be configured as **last step** prior to
[mirroring processed files](#mirror-processed-files). It generates a build artifact
that contains information about the used generator and template packages as well as
all user input and more general information about how the new project was generated.
By default, the artifact file is stored in `.build/build-artifact.json` of the new
project. However, the artifact path can be overwritten via the `artifactPath` option.

Read more at [`Architecture#Build artifact`](architecture/lifecycle.md#build-artifact).

### Install Composer dependencies

* Identifier: **`installComposerDependencies`**
* Implementation: [`Builder\Generator\Step\InstallComposerDependenciesStep`](https://github.com/CPS-IT/project-builder/blob/main/src/Builder/Generator/Step/InstallComposerDependenciesStep.php)

By using this step, it is possible to install additional Composer dependencies. Those
dependencies should provide shared source files. The appropriate `composer.json`
must be in the project type's template folder.

Read more at [`Configuration`](configuration.md).

### Mirror processed files

* Identifier: **`mirrorProcessedFiles`**
* Implementation: [`Builder\Generator\Step\MirrorProcessedFilesStep`](https://github.com/CPS-IT/project-builder/blob/main/src/Builder/Generator/Step/MirrorProcessedFilesStep.php)
* Variants: _processing_, _stoppable_

This is typically one of the **last configured steps**. It asks for confirmation to
mirror all previously processed source files and shared source files to the target
project directory. It also takes care of cleaning up the target directory as
well as removing the previously generated temporary directory.

### Process source files

* Identifier: **`processSourceFiles`**
* Implementation: [`Builder\Generator\Step\ProcessSourceFilesStep`](https://github.com/CPS-IT/project-builder/blob/main/src/Builder/Generator/Step/ProcessSourceFilesStep.php)
* Variants: _processing_

Copies all files in the project type's `templates/src` folder to a temporary directory.
If a file has the `.twig` extension, it is first processed by the Twig renderer. All
previously collected build instructions are passed as template variables to the

#### File conditions

In the project template config, it is possible to provide a set of file conditions.
Each file condition applies to a given path. The specified condition is then used
in the step to decide whether to include or exclude the appropriate file. All other
files will always be processed.

#### Target file

A file condition may also contain an additional `target` configuration. It can be
used to configure a different target file location than the default location, e.g.
if files with different contents should result in the same target file, depending
on a given file condition.

#### Multiple conditions

It is possible to define more than one file condition for a single file. This is
useful in combination with the configuration of a file target, e.g. if the file
is expected on different locations for different versions of a configured framework.
If more than one file condition evaluates to `true`, the first configured target is
always used.

Read more at [`Configuration#Source files`](configuration.md#source-files) and
[`Architecture#Template rendering`](architecture/components.md#template-rendering).

### Process shared source files

* Identifier: **`processSharedSourceFiles`**
* Implementation: [`Builder\Generator\Step\ProcessSharedSourceFilesStep`](https://github.com/CPS-IT/project-builder/blob/main/src/Builder/Generator/Step/ProcessSharedSourceFilesStep.php)
* Variants: _processing_

The behavior of this step is similar to the [`processSourceFiles`](#process-source-files)
step. However, this step processes shared source files inside the `shared`
folder of the project type's `templates` directory. These files are normally added
during runtime by the [`installComposerDependencies`](#install-composer-dependencies)

Read more at [`Configuration#Shared source files`](configuration.md#shared-source-files).

### Run Command

* Identifier: **`runCommand`**
* Implementation: [`Builder\Generator\Step\RunCommandStep`](https://github.com/CPS-IT/project-builder/blob/main/src/Builder/Generator/Step/RunCommandStep.php)

The `runCommand` enables you to execute custom shell commands in the generated project directory.
Place your command step after dependent steps have been executed. Multiple steps are permitted.

Please keep in mind that an already executed command cannot be reverted.

Users need to confirm the execution of each `runCommand` by default. You may, however, skip this
confirmation and have the command run without user intervention by setting `skipConfirmation: true`
in the [step option configuration](configuration.md#structure).

Additionally, you can opt to ignore the result of a potentially failing command run with `allowFailure: true`
to ensure the project generation would not abort because of that failure.

### Show next steps

* Identifier: **`showNextSteps`**
* Implementation: [`Builder\Generator\Step\ShowNextStepsStep`](https://github.com/CPS-IT/project-builder/blob/main/src/Builder/Generator/Step/ShowNextStepsStep.php)

This step should always be configured as **last step**. It shows the user how to
manually continue the build process after successful project generation. This
can be some sort of "Getting started with the new project". The steps are
provided by a Twig template file, configured via the `templateFile` option.