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// Purplet adapter entrypoint for Purplet + Node.js/Bun.
// This file also serves an example on how to write purplet entrypoints.

// Due to a handful of custom build plugins and extra code, we have a handful of special imports.
// The following reference comment includes the typedefs.
/// <reference path="../../../../adapter-imports.d.ts" />

// Before this file loads at all, `packages/purplet/src/build/builtin-entrypoint.ts` is imported,
// preparing `purplet/env`'s global state, as well as the logger and error handler. Aside from
// starting up the bot, runtimes are responsible for finishing the global state setup.

// This import pulls an array of all the bot features.
import features from '$$features';
// For certain runtimes, it may be desirable to only import a subset of features:
// import onlyInteraction from '$$features/interaction';
// To modify the values in `purplet/env`, runtimes are given a `setGlobalEnv` function. This
// import also contains our Gateway class.
import type { GatewayBotOptions } from '$$adapter';
import { GatewayBot, setGlobalEnv, setRestOptions } from '$$adapter';
// `purplet/env` contains global variables, even though we are modifying them, we can still import
import { botUser } from 'purplet/env';
// We have a number of internal APIs. These are not documented and are subject to change. Sorry.
import { errorNoToken, isDirectlyRun, Spinner } from 'purplet/internal';

// The runtime has to get a hold of the environment variables and the token. In this case,
// the .env file is loaded by `@purplet/polyfill`
  env: process.env,

// We validate that the token is set, and throw an pretty error if it isn't.
// (`errorNoToken` is an internal message shared with dev mode)
const token = process.env.DISCORD_TOKEN!;
if (!token) {
  throw errorNoToken();

// We need to set the global rest client token. You can pass other options to the rest client here.
setRestOptions({ token });

// Development mode and production mode share the same class, but here we extend it to add
// the token as a default variable.
class BuiltBot extends GatewayBot {
  constructor(opts: Partial<GatewayBotOptions> = {}) {
    // Load all the features
    this.patchFeatures({ add: features });

// You can export whatever you want from here. For certain cloud providers, they will need you
// to export a function to handle a http request, for example.
export default BuiltBot;

// Most people are going to run this file directly, so we run the bot on start.
// For advanced usecases, they can also import this file and this logic will not run.
if (isDirectlyRun(import.meta.url)) {
  const spinner = new Spinner({ text: 'Starting production bot' });
  try {
    await new BuiltBot().start();

        `Online as ${botUser.tag}!`,
        `(loaded ${features.length} feature${features.length === 1 ? '' : 's'})`,
      ].join(' ')
  } catch (error) {
    spinner.error(error as any);