import dedent from 'dedent';
import path from 'path';
import { Logger } from '@paperdave/logger';
import { asyncMap } from '@paperdave/utils';
import { readdir, readFile, writeFile } from 'fs/promises';
import type { ResolvedConfig } from './types';
import { isDirectory, posixify, resolveEntrypoint, writeIfChanged } from '../utils/fs';
const searchPaths = ['tsconfig.json', 'jsconfig.json'];
export async function writeTSConfig(config: ResolvedConfig) {
const files = await readdir(config.root);
const matched = searchPaths.filter(file => files.includes(file));
const rootRelative = (file: string) => posixify(path.relative(config.root, file));
const tempRelative = (file: string) => posixify(path.relative(config.temp, file));
const shouldExtends = posixify(
'./' + path.relative(config.root, path.resolve(config.root, config.temp, 'tsconfig.json'))
let userTSConfig;
if (matched.length === 0) {'Generating a tsconfig.json file, as it was not found in your project.');
userTSConfig = {
extends: shouldExtends,
await writeFile(`${config.root}/tsconfig.json`, JSON.stringify(userTSConfig, null, 2), 'utf8');
} else if (matched.length > 1) {
'Found multiple typescript configuration files in your project. Please remove one of the following:\n' + => ` - ${x}`).join('\n')
userTSConfig = JSON.parse(await readFile(`${config.root}/${matched[0]}`, 'utf8'));
} else {
userTSConfig = JSON.parse(await readFile(`${config.root}/${matched[0]}`, 'utf8'));
if (userTSConfig.extends !== shouldExtends) {
Your ${matched[0]} does not extend the Purplet generated tsconfig. Please update your ${matched[0]} with:
"extends": "${shouldExtends}"
const dirs = new Set([rootRelative(path.dirname(config.paths.features))]);
const include = [];
dirs.forEach(dir => {
const paths: Record<string, string[]> = {};
await asyncMap(Object.entries(config.alias), async ([key, value]) => {
const absolute = path.resolve(config.root, value);
// Direct alias emiited only if a resolved file exists.
const resolved = await resolveEntrypoint(absolute);
if (resolved) {
paths[key] = [rootRelative(resolved) + key.endsWith('/*') ? '/*' : ''];
// Wildcard aliases are emitted only if a directory exists, but skip if a '/*' alias is given.
if (await isDirectory(absolute)) {
paths[key.endsWith('/*') ? key : key + '/*'] = [rootRelative(absolute) + '/*'];
const tsconfig = {
compilerOptions: {
baseUrl: tempRelative('.'),
rootDirs: [tempRelative('.')],
types: ['purplet'],
// Vite compiles modules one at a time
isolatedModules: true,
// JSON files are importable by vite
resolveJsonModule: true,
// Purplet-opinionated default settings
lib: ['esnext'],
moduleResolution: 'node',
module: 'esnext',
target: 'esnext',
strict: true,
forceConsistentCasingInFileNames: true,
esModuleInterop: true,
include: [
await writeIfChanged(path.join(config.temp, 'tsconfig.json'), JSON.stringify(tsconfig, null, 2));