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import { asyncMap } from '@paperdave/utils';
import type { Feature, FeatureInternalData, Hook, HookType } from './hook';
import { FEATURE } from './hook';
import type { Cleanup } from '../utils/types';

export type MergeFunction<T, Result> = (a: T[]) => Result;
export type FeatureArrayResolvable = readonly Feature[] | { features: readonly Feature[] };

 * Runs a data hook, given a list of features to operate on (may include non-matching hooks), the
 * hook, and a merge function to combine multiple entries. Returns the merged data.
export async function runHook<Data, Result>(
  allFeatures: FeatureArrayResolvable,
  hook: Hook<Data, 'data'>,
  merge: MergeFunction<Data, Result>
): Promise<Result>;
 * Runs a data hook, given a list of features to operate on (may include non-matching hooks), the
 * hook, and no function to combine multiple entries. Returns an array of data.
export async function runHook<Data>(
  allFeatures: FeatureArrayResolvable,
  hook: Hook<Data, 'data'>
): Promise<Data[]>;
 * Runs an event hook, given a list of features to operate on (may include non-matching hooks), the
 * hook, and the event data. Returns nothing.
export async function runHook<Data>(
  allFeatures: FeatureArrayResolvable,
  hook: Hook<Data, 'event'>,
  event: Data
): Promise<void>;
 * Runs a lifecycle hook, given a list of features to operate on (may include non-matching hooks),
 * the hook, and the event data. Returns a cleanup function.
export async function runHook<Data>(
  allFeatures: FeatureArrayResolvable,
  hook: Hook<Data, 'lifecycle'>,
  event: Data
): Promise<Cleanup>;
 * **Extra overload for mixed-type hooks.**
 * Runs a hook, given a list of features to operate on (may include non-matching hooks), the hook,
 * and either the event data or a merge function, based on the type of hook. Returns different
 * things based on the hook type.
export async function runHook<Data, R>(
  allFeatures: FeatureArrayResolvable,
  hook: Hook<Data, HookType>,
  event?: Data | MergeFunction<Data, R>
): Promise<Cleanup | Data>;
// Implementation:
export async function runHook<Data, Type extends HookType>(
  features: FeatureArrayResolvable,
  hook: Hook<Data, Type>,
  extraArg?: Data | MergeFunction<Data, unknown>
) {
  const rawList: readonly Feature[] = Array.isArray(features)
    ? features
    : (features as { features: readonly Feature[] }).features;

  const list = rawList.filter(feature => feature[FEATURE] ===;

  if (hook.type === 'data') {
    const values = await asyncMap(list, feature =>
      typeof feature[FEATURE].data === 'function'
        ? feature[FEATURE]
        : feature[FEATURE].data

    return extraArg ? (extraArg as MergeFunction<Data, unknown>)(values.flat()) : values.flat();

  if (hook.type === 'event') {
    return Promise.all( =>
        (feature[FEATURE] as FeatureInternalData<unknown, 'event'>), extraArg)

  if (hook.type === 'lifecycle') {
    const allCleanup = await asyncMap(list, feature =>
      (feature[FEATURE] as FeatureInternalData<unknown, 'lifecycle'>), extraArg)
    return () => {
      for (const cleanup of allCleanup) {

  throw new Error('unsupported hook type: ' + hook.type);