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25 mins
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import type { Immutable } from '@paperdave/utils';
import type { ImageURLOptions } from '@purplet/utils';
import type { APIUser } from 'purplet/types';
import { UserFlagsBitfield } from './bit-field';
import type { Interaction } from './interaction';
import { rest } from '../lib/env';
import type { PartialClass } from '../utils/class';
import { createPartialClass } from '../utils/class';

/** Structure for APIUser. */
export class User {
  constructor(readonly raw: Immutable<APIUser>) {}

  async fetch() {
    return new User(await rest.user.getUser({ userId: }));

  get id() {

  get username() {
    return this.raw.username;

  get discriminator() {
    return this.raw.discriminator;

  get tag() {
    return `${this.username}#${this.discriminator}`;

  get avatarHash() {
    return this.raw.avatar;

  get bannerHash() {
    return this.raw.banner;

  get bannerColor(): string | null {
    // @ts-expect-error Missing from discord-api-types???
    return this.raw.banner_color;

  get accentColor() {
    return this.raw.accent_color;

  get flags() {
    return new UserFlagsBitfield(this.raw.flags ?? this.raw.public_flags);

  get hypesquadHouse() {
    const flags = this.flags;
    return flags.hasHypeSquadOnlineHouse1
      ? 'bravery'
      : flags.hasHypeSquadOnlineHouse2
      ? 'brilliance'
      : flags.hasHypeSquadOnlineHouse3
      ? 'balance'
      : null;

  get isBot() {
    return ?? this.raw.system;

  get defaultAvatarURL() {
    return rest.cdn.defaultAvatar(parseInt(this.discriminator, 10) % 5);

  avatarURL(options: ImageURLOptions = {}) {
    return this.avatarHash
      ? rest.cdn.avatar(, this.avatarHash, options)
      : this.defaultAvatarURL;

  bannerURL(options: ImageURLOptions = {}) {
    return this.bannerHash ? rest.cdn.banner(, this.bannerHash, options) : null;

  // TODO: uncomment and tweak when released.
  // get avatarDecorationId() {
  //   // @ts-expect-error Unreleased, so obviously missing from discord-api-types
  //   return this.raw.avatar_decoration;
  // }

  toString() {
    return `<@${}>`;

// Uncomment if needed
// export class OAuthUser extends User {
//   get isEmailVerified() {
//     return this.raw.verified;
//   }
//   get email() {
//     return;
//   }
// }

// InteractionExecutingUser refers to the user that is executing an interaction, seen on `interaction.user`.
// InteractionUser refers to user data that is passed to an interaction.
export type PartialUser = PartialClass<
  // Class, Required properties from `raw`, Allowed methods from class
  typeof User,
  'id' | 'username' | 'public_flags' | 'discriminator' | 'avatar', // | 'avatar_decoration',
  | 'id'
  | 'username'
  | 'flags'
  | 'discriminator'
  | 'tag'
  | 'avatarHash'
  | 'avatarURL'
  | 'defaultAvatarURL'
  | 'hypesquadHouse'
  | 'isBot'
  | 'fetch'
  | 'toString'
export const PartialUser = createPartialClass<PartialUser>(User);

export type EmptyUser = PartialClass<
  // Class, Required properties from `raw`, Allowed methods from class
  typeof User,
  'id' | 'fetch' | 'toString'
export const EmptyUser = createPartialClass<EmptyUser>(User);

export class InteractionExecutingUser extends PartialUser {
  constructor(readonly raw: APIUser, readonly interaction: Interaction) {

  get locale() {
    return this.interaction.locale;