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3 hrs
Test Coverage
using NUnit.Framework;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml.Serialization;

namespace Edument.CQRS
    /// <summary>
    /// Provides infrastructure for a set of tests on a given command handler
    /// and aggregate.
    /// </summary>
    /// <typeparam name="TCommandHandler"></typeparam>
    /// <typeparam name="TAggregate"></typeparam>
    public class BDDTest<TCommandHandler, TAggregate, TReadModel>
        //where TCommandHandler : new()
        where TAggregate : Aggregate, new()
        where TReadModel : class
        private TCommandHandler _sut;
        private TReadModel _readModel;
        protected void SystemUnderTest(TCommandHandler commandHandler)
            SystemUnderTest(commandHandler, null);

        protected void SystemUnderTest(TCommandHandler commandHandler, TReadModel readModel)
            _sut = commandHandler;
            _readModel = readModel;

        protected void Test(IEnumerable given, Func<TAggregate, object> when, Action<object> then)
            then(when(ApplyEvents(new TAggregate(), given)));

        protected IEnumerable Given(params object[] events)
            return events;

        protected Func<TAggregate, object> When<TCommand>(TCommand command)
            return agg =>
                    return DispatchCommand(_ => agg, command).Cast<object>().ToArray();
                catch (Exception e)
                    return e;

        protected Action<object> Then(params object[] expectedEvents)
            return got =>
                var gotEvents = got as object[];
                if (gotEvents != null)
                    if (gotEvents.Length == expectedEvents.Length)
                        for (var i = 0; i < gotEvents.Length; i++)
                            if (gotEvents[i].GetType() == expectedEvents[i].GetType())
                                Assert.AreEqual(Serialize(expectedEvents[i]), Serialize(gotEvents[i]));
                                Assert.Fail(string.Format("Incorrect event in results; expected a {0} but got a {1}",
                                    expectedEvents[i].GetType().Name, gotEvents[i].GetType().Name));
                    else if (gotEvents.Length < expectedEvents.Length) 
                        Assert.Fail(string.Format("Expected event(s) missing: {0}",
                            expectedEvents.Select(e => e.GetType().Name)
                                .Except(gotEvents.Select(e => e.GetType().Name))));
                        var expectedNames = expectedEvents.Select(e => e.GetType().Name);
                        var gotNames = gotEvents.Select(e => e.GetType().Name);
                        var unexpectedEvents = gotNames.Except(expectedNames);
                        Assert.Fail(string.Format("Unexpected event(s) emitted: \n\t{0}", string.Join("\n\t", unexpectedEvents)));
                else if (got is CommandHandlerNotDefiendException)
                    Assert.Fail((got as Exception).Message);
                    Assert.Fail("Expected events, but got exception {0}", got.GetType().Name);

        protected Action<object> ThenFailWith<TException>()
            return got =>
                if (got is TException)
                { /*Assert.Pass("Got correct exception type");*/ }
                else if (got is CommandHandlerNotDefiendException)
                    Assert.Fail((got as Exception).Message);
                else if (got is Exception)
                        "Expected exception {0}, but got exception {1}",
                        typeof(TException).Name, got.GetType().Name));
                        "Expected exception {0}, but got event result",

        private IEnumerable DispatchCommand<TCommand>(Func<Guid, TAggregate> al, TCommand c)
            var handler =_sut as IHandleCommand<TCommand, TAggregate>;
            if (handler == null)
                throw new CommandHandlerNotDefiendException(string.Format(
                    "Command handler {0} does not yet handle command {1}",
                   _sut.GetType().Name, c.GetType().Name));
            return handler.Handle(al, c);

        private TAggregate ApplyEvents(TAggregate agg, IEnumerable events)
            return agg;

        private string Serialize(object obj)
            var ser = new XmlSerializer(obj.GetType());
            var ms = new MemoryStream();
            ser.Serialize(ms, obj);
            ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            return new StreamReader(ms).ReadToEnd();

        private class CommandHandlerNotDefiendException : Exception
            public CommandHandlerNotDefiendException(string msg) : base(msg) { }