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55 mins
Test Coverage
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Threading;

namespace Edument.CQRS
    public class InMemoryEventStore : IEventStore
        private class Stream
            public ArrayList Events;

        private ConcurrentDictionary<Guid, Stream> store =
            new ConcurrentDictionary<Guid, Stream>();

        public IEnumerable LoadEventsFor<TAggregate>(Guid id)
            // Get the current event stream; note that we never mutate the
            // Events array so it's safe to return the real thing.
            Stream s;
            if (store.TryGetValue(id, out s))
                return s.Events;
                return new ArrayList();

        public IEnumerable LoadAllEvents()
            foreach (var k in store)
                foreach (var e in k.Value.Events)
                    yield return e;

        public void SaveEventsFor<TAggregate>(Guid? id, int eventsLoaded, ArrayList newEvents)
            // Establish the aggregate ID to save the events under and ensure they
            // all have the correct ID.
            if (newEvents.Count == 0)
            Guid aggregateId = id ?? GetAggregateIdFromEvent(newEvents[0]);
            foreach (var e in newEvents)
                if (GetAggregateIdFromEvent(e) != aggregateId)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(
                        "Cannot save events reporting inconsistent aggregate IDs");
            // Get or create stream.
            var s = store.GetOrAdd(aggregateId, _ => new Stream());

            // We'll use a lock-free algorithm for the update.
            while (true)
                // Read the current event list.
                var eventList = s.Events;

                // Ensure no events persisted since us.
                var prevEvents = eventList == null ? 0 : eventList.Count;
                if (prevEvents != eventsLoaded)
                    throw new Exception("Concurrency conflict; cannot persist these events");

                // Create a new event list with existing ones plus our new
                // ones (making new important for lock free algorithm!)
                var newEventList = eventList == null
                    ? new ArrayList()
                    : (ArrayList)eventList.Clone();

                // Try to put the new event list in place atomically.
                if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref s.Events, newEventList, eventList) == eventList)

        private Guid GetAggregateIdFromEvent(object e)
            var idField = e.GetType().GetField("Id");
            if (idField == null)
                throw new Exception("Event type " + e.GetType().Name + " is missing an Id field");
            return (Guid)idField.GetValue(e);