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                <div id="photoCredit"><strong>Exchange District</strong> &bull; Credit: Exchange District BIZ</div>

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                    <div class="col span_2_of_2" id="welcome">
                    <p>Hi Everyone, and Welcome to the 2014 MBAC Nationals Website!
The Masters of Manitoba hope you find the site informative, and easy to use, as those were our goals during the construction and design process.
To those of you joining us in Winnipeg for the National championship, we hope you enjoy your stay in the Exchange District, the heart of the city, where you will find all sorts of entertainment venues and diverse restaurants to take your mind off the stress of competition.
Best wishes to all of you for success at the upcoming event.
Doug Wood<br />
President, Master Bowlers Association of Manitoba                     </p>
                    <div class="section group">
                    <div class="col span_1_of_2" id="news">
                <h4>July 2, 2014<br />Singles Stepladder</span></h4><p>The frame by frame scores of the singles stepladder can be found here: <a href="">MENS</a> & <a href="">LADIES</a></p>

                <h4>July 1, 2014<br />Unclaimed Social Prizes</span></h4><p>There are still unclaimed prizes from last night's social. They are yellow tickets: #3 - 2071, #10 - 2153, #11 - 2075, #13 - 2169, #17 - 2073, #21 - 2241, #24 - 2232. Grand prize #3 purple ticket - 2632 and the 50/50 205187. Please see a committee member if any of these numbers are yours.</p>
                 <h4>July 1, 2014<br />Happy Birthday Canada</span></h4><p>After a day at the lanes, we hope the weather cooperates, and everyone can head over to The Forks for some Canada Day fun! Tonight, Boston Pizza at 333 St. Mary Ave has team specials and prizes for the Master Bowlers, check your grab bags for the flyer and coupon to bring with you.</p>
                 <h4>July 1, 2014<br />Social</span></h4><p>We hope everyone enjoyed the Manitoba Night Social, and is ready to start day 3 of bowling!</p>

                 <h4>June 29, 2014<br />Update</span></h4><p>It was a WINDY, rainy day here in Winnipeg, which brought on a few problems. We appreciate everyone's patience while everything got resolved and rescheduled and are looking forward to tomorrow! On another note, a 410 was bowled by Stephen Reardon of NFLD Teaching Men at Academy Lanes and we are looking forward to seeing more high scores in the upcoming days. </p>

<!--                    <h4>June 11, 2014<br />Lane Draw</span></h4><p>The lane draw is now available online, as well, the schedule has been updated with destination centres for each division.</p>
                    <h4>June 11, 2014<br />Souvenir Pre-Orders are now Closed</span></h4><p>Souvenirs will be available for purchase at the event on a first come first serve basis, as the opportunity to pre-order items on-line has ended.</p>
                    <h4>June 4, 2014<br /><span style="color:red;">Souvenir Pre-Order Deadline</span></h4><p>Be sure to visit our online store to pre-order your items for a discount! Cut-off is this <strong>Friday, June 6th!!!</strong> <br /><a href="" target="_blank">CLICK HERE</a></p>
                    <h4>May 9, 2014<br />Souvenirs</h4><p>Be sure to visit our online store to pre-order your items. <br /><a href="" target="_blank">CLICK HERE</a></p>
                    <h4>April 16, 2014<br />Web Site Launch</h4><p>Welcome to the 2014 MBAC Nationals Website</p>-->
                    <div class="col span_1_of_2" id="schedule">
                    <h2>TODAY'S SCHEDULE</h2>
                    <h3 id="day6">wednesday, july 2, 2014</h3>
                    <h4>8:15 AM</h4><p><strong>Buses Depart for Lanes</strong><br />Fairmont to Bowling Centres</p>
                    <h4>9:00 AM</h4><p><strong>Teams  (3 Games)</strong><br />Academy / Rossmere</p>
                    <p><strong>Tournament Ladies</strong> - Academy Uptown Lanes<br />
                    <strong>Tournament Men</strong> - Academy Uptown Lanes<br />
                    <strong>Teaching Ladies</strong> - Rossmere Lanes<br />
                    <strong>Teaching Men</strong> - Rossmere Lanes<br />
                    <strong>Seniors</strong> - Academy Uptown Lanes<br />
                    <h4>12:30 PM</h4><p><strong>Singles Depart for Lanes (Buses)</strong><br />Fairmont Hotel to Academy Lanes</p>
                    <h4>1:30 PM</h4><p><strong>Teams Depart for Hotel (Buses)</strong><br />To Fairmont Hotel</p>
                    <h4>2:00 PM</h4><p><strong>Singles Step Ladder</strong><br />Academy Lanes</p>
                    <h4>4:00 PM</h4><p><strong>Buses Depart for Hotel</strong><br />To Fairmont Hotel</p>
                    <h4>5:30 PM</h4><p><strong>VIP Reception</strong><br />Fairmont Hotel (York)</p>
                    <h4>6:00 PM</h4><p><strong>Cocktails</strong><br />Fairmont Hotel (Winnipeg Ballroom)</p>
                    <h4>6:30 PM - 2:00AM</h4><p><strong>Victory Banquet</strong><br />Fairmont Hotel (Winnipeg Ballroom)</p>
                <div class="col span_1_of_3">
                    <div class="section group" id="sponsors">
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                    <div class="innerContainer"><a href="index.html"><img id="r1" src="images/sponsors/libertytax.jpg" style="width:100%;" alt="" border="0"></a></div>

          <div data-ng-app="app">
            <div data-ng-controller="HighscoresController">
                        <div class="section group" id="highScores" data-ng-include="" data-src="'/ClientApp/views/highscores.html'">
                        <!--<div class="col span_2_of_2">
                        <h2>HIGH SCORES</h2>
                        <h4>Tournament Division</h4>
                        <li>Name - 000</li>
                        <li>Name - 000</li>
                        <li>Name - 000</li>
                        <li>Name - 000</li>
                        <li>Name - 000</li>
                        <li>Name - 000</li>
                        <h4>Teaching Division</h4>
                        <li>Name - 000</li>
                        <li>Name - 000</li>
                        <li>Name - 000</li>
                        <li>Name - 000</li>
                        <li>Name - 000</li>
                        <li>Name - 000</li>
                        <li>Name - 000</li>
                        <li>Name - 000</li>
                        <li>Name - 000</li>
                        <li>Name - 000</li>
                        <li>Name - 000</li>
                        <li>Name - 000</li>

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