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Test Coverage
    This code is from Dynamic Web Coding at
    Copyright 2001-2010 by Sharon Paine 
    See Terms of Use at
    regarding conditions under which you may use this code.
    This notice must be retained in the code as is!
    Version date: Oct 2010
    supports sequential and random rotation and IE win transition filter
    requires dw_event.js

// props supported: id (required), images(required), speed, path, 
// actions, bRand, bMouse, bTrans, alt, title, captions, captionId
function dw_Rotator(rObj) {
    var imgObj = document.getElementById(; 
    if ( !imgObj || !rObj.images ) { return; } =; this.speed = rObj.speed || 4500; // default speed of rotation
    this.path = rObj.path || ""; this.bRand = rObj.bRand; this.bMouse = rObj.bMouse;
    // uses filters for transition (for ie win only)
    this.bTrans = rObj.bTrans && typeof imgObj.filters != 'undefined';
    this.actions = rObj.actions; this.captions = rObj.captions; this.captionId = rObj.captionId;
    this.title = rObj.title; this.alt = rObj.alt; 
    this.ctr = rObj.num || 0; // getRandom fn sets num
    this.timer = 0; this.imgs = [];
    this.addImages(rObj.images); this._setupLink(imgObj);
    var index = dw_Rotator.col.length; dw_Rotator.col[index] = this;
    this.animString = "dw_Rotator.col[" + index + "]";

dw_Rotator.col = []; // hold instances
dw_Rotator.resumeDelay = 400; // onmouseout resume rotation after delay
dw_Rotator.prototype.on_rotate = function() {}

// so instance can be retrieved by id (as well as by looping through col)
dw_Rotator.getInstanceById = function(id) {
    var i, obj;
    for (i=0; obj = dw_Rotator.col[i]; i++) {
        if ( == id ) { return obj; }
    return null;

dw_Rotator.prototype.addImages = function(imgAr) { // preloads images
    var i, img;
    for (i=0; imgAr[i]; i++) {
        img = new Image();
        img.src = this.path + imgAr[i];
        this.imgs[this.imgs.length] = img;

// mouse events pause/resume
dw_Rotator.prototype._setupLink = function(imgObj) { 
    if ( imgObj.parentNode && imgObj.parentNode.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'a' ) {
        var parentLink = this.parentLink = imgObj.parentNode;
        if (this.bMouse) {
            dw_Event.add(parentLink, 'mouseover', dw_Rotator.pause);
            dw_Event.add(parentLink, 'mouseout', dw_Rotator.resume);

dw_Rotator.prototype.rotate = function() {
    var imgObj = document.getElementById(;
    if ( this.bRand ) {
    } else {
        if (this.ctr < this.imgs.length-1) this.ctr++;
        else this.ctr = 0;
    if ( this.bTrans ) {
    } else {
        imgObj.src = this.imgs[this.ctr].src;
    this.swapAlt(imgObj); this.prepAction(); this.showCaption();
    this.timer = setTimeout( this.animString + ".rotate()", this.speed);

dw_Rotator.prototype.setRandomCtr = function() {
    var i = 0, ctr;
    do { 
        ctr = Math.floor( Math.random() * this.imgs.length );
    } while ( ctr == this.ctr && i < 6 )// repeat attempts to get new image, if necessary
    this.ctr = ctr;

dw_Rotator.prototype.doImageTrans = function(imgObj) { = 'blendTrans(duration=1)';
    if (imgObj.filters.blendTrans) imgObj.filters.blendTrans.Apply();
    imgObj.src = this.imgs[this.ctr].src;

dw_Rotator.prototype.swapAlt = function(imgObj) {
    if ( !imgObj.setAttribute ) return;
    if ( this.alt && this.alt[this.ctr] ) {
        imgObj.setAttribute('alt', this.alt[this.ctr]);
    if ( this.title && this.title[this.ctr] ) {
        imgObj.setAttribute('title', this.title[this.ctr]);

dw_Rotator.prototype.prepAction = function() {
    if ( this.actions && this.parentLink && this.actions[this.ctr] ) {
        if ( typeof this.actions[this.ctr] == 'string' ) {
            this.parentLink.href = this.actions[this.ctr];
        } else if ( typeof this.actions[this.ctr] == 'function' ) {
            // to execute function when linked image clicked 
            // passes id used to uniquely identify instance  
            // retrieve it using the dw_Rotator.getInstanceById function 
            // so any property of the instance could be obtained for use in the function 
            var id =;
            this.parentLink.href = "javascript: void " + this.actions[this.ctr] + "('" + id + "')";

dw_Rotator.prototype.showCaption = function() {
    if ( this.captions && this.captionId ) {
        var el = document.getElementById( this.captionId );
        if ( el && this.captions[this.ctr] ) {
            el.innerHTML = this.captions[this.ctr];

dw_Rotator.prototype.clearTimer = function() {
    clearTimeout( this.timer ); this.timer = null;

// class methods

// Start rotation for all instances 
dw_Rotator.start = function(delay) {
    var i, obj;
    for (i=0; obj = dw_Rotator.col[i]; i++) {
        if ( !obj.isActive ) {
            obj.clearTimer(); obj.isActive = true; 
            delay = delay || obj.speed; // passed from restart (aux file)
            obj.timer = setTimeout( obj.animString + ".rotate()", delay);

// Stop rotation for all instances 
dw_Rotator.stop = function() {
    var i, obj;
    for (i=0; obj = dw_Rotator.col[i]; i++) {
        obj.clearTimer(); obj.isActive = false;

// for stopping/starting (onmouseover/out)
dw_Rotator.pause = function(e) {    
    e = dw_Event.DOMit(e);
    var id =;
    var obj = dw_Rotator.getInstanceById(id);
    if (obj) { obj.clearTimer(); }

dw_Rotator.resume = function(e) {
    e = dw_Event.DOMit(e);
    var id =;
    var obj = dw_Rotator.getInstanceById(id);
    if ( obj && obj.isActive ) {
        obj.timer = setTimeout( obj.animString + ".rotate()", dw_Rotator.resumeDelay );

dw_Rotator.setup = function () {
    var rObj, r;
    for (var i=0; arguments[i]; i++) {
        rObj = arguments[i];
        r = new dw_Rotator(rObj);