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Test Coverage
    This code is from Dynamic Web Coding at
    Copyright 2008-2012 by Sharon Paine 
    See Terms of Use at
    regarding conditions under which you may use this code.
    This notice must be retained in the code as is!
    for use with dw_rotator.js
    version date: Oct 2010

// display image at random
// rObj: object literal holding data 
// either uses document.write to insert, or returns string
function dw_getRandomImage(rObj, bReturn) {
    var imgAr = rObj.images;  if (!imgAr ) return '';
    var num = Math.floor( Math.random() * imgAr.length );
    var imgStr = '';   var imgFile = imgAr[ num ];
    rObj.num = num; // hold which img selected (for ctr)
    var path = rObj.path || ''; var id = || '';
    var title, alt = '', url;
    // If there are *any* entries for actions, alt or title include them here 
    if (rObj.alt) {
        alt = rObj.alt[num]? rObj.alt[num]: rObj.alt[0]? rObj.alt[0]: '';
    if (rObj.title) {
        title = rObj.title[num]? rObj.title[num]: rObj.title[0]? rObj.title[0]: '';
    if (rObj.actions) {
        url = rObj.actions[num]? rObj.actions[num]: rObj.actions[0]? rObj.actions[0]: null;
    if (url) {
        imgStr += '<a href="';
        imgStr += typeof url == 'string'? url: 'javascript: void ' + url;
        imgStr += rObj.loadNewWin? '" target="_blank">': '">';
    imgStr += '<img src="' + path + imgFile + '"';
    imgStr += id? ' id="' + id + '"': '';
    if (title) {
        imgStr += ' title="' + title + '"';
    imgStr += ' alt="' + alt + '" border="0" />';
    if (url) {
        imgStr += '</a>';
    if (bReturn) {
        return imgStr;
    } else {
        document.write(imgStr); document.close();
        return '';

//  code to add stop/restart links

dw_Rotator.addControls = function() {
    var els = dw_getElementsByClassName('rotator_controls');
    for (var i=0; els[i]; i++) {
        var links = els[i].getElementsByTagName('a');
        for (var j=0; links[j]; j++) {
            if ( dw_hasClass( links[j], 'stop') ) {
                links[j].onclick = function () { dw_Rotator.stop(); return false }
            } else if ( dw_hasClass( links[j], 'start') ) {
                links[j].onclick = function () { dw_Rotator.restart(); return false }
        els[i].style.display = 'block';

// restart rotation for all instances 
dw_Rotator.restart = function() {
    dw_Rotator.start(dw_Rotator.resumeDelay); // start, but with shorter delay

function dw_hasClass(el, cl) {
    var re = new RegExp("\\b" + cl + "\\b", "i");
    if ( re.test( el.className ) ) {
        return true;
    return false;

function dw_getElementsByClassName(sClass, sTag, oCont) {
    var result = [], list, i;
    var re = new RegExp("\\b" + sClass + "\\b", "i");
    oCont = oCont? oCont: document;
    if ( document.getElementsByTagName ) {
        if ( !sTag || sTag == "*" ) {
            list = oCont.all? oCont.all: oCont.getElementsByTagName("*");
        } else {
            list = oCont.getElementsByTagName(sTag);
        for (i=0; list[i]; i++) 
            if ( re.test( list[i].className ) ) result.push( list[i] );
    return result;

// example use of function pointer in actions
// id: id by which the instance can be obtained using dw_Rotator.getInstanceById
// (id passed to constructor - id attached to img tag)
function displayImgInSubWin(id) {
    var rObj = dw_Rotator.getInstanceById(id);
    // notice access to properties of the instance available here 
    // file name could be based on the image file name, perhaps to display a larger version
    var file = rObj.imgs[rObj.ctr].src;
    return false;

// arguments: file to open, subwindow name, left, top, width, height, other attributes
// common attributes: (comma separator, no spaces!)
// "resizable,scrollbars,toolbar,location,directories,status,menubar"
// all but url are optional with defaults provided below 
function openSubWin(url, nm, x, y, w, h, atts) {
    nm = nm || "subwindow";
    atts = atts || "menubar,resizable,scrollbars";
    w = w || 600; h = h || 450;
    x = (typeof x=="number")? x: Math.round( (screen.availWidth - w)/2 );
    y = (typeof y=="number")? y: Math.round( (screen.availHeight - h)/2 );
    atts += ',width='+w+',height='+h+',left='+x+',top='+y;
    var win =, nm, atts); 
    if ( win && !win.closed ) {
    //return false; // if onclick 