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// -- Post related Meta Boxes

 * Display post submit form fields.
 * @since 2.7.0
 * @param object $post
function post_submit_meta_box($post) {
    global $action;

    $post_type = $post->post_type;
    $can_publish = current_user_can("publish_${post_type}s");
<div class="submitbox" id="submitpost">

<div id="minor-publishing">

<?php // Hidden submit button early on so that the browser chooses the right button when form is submitted with Return key ?>
<div style="display:none;">
<input type="submit" name="save" value="<?php esc_attr_e('Save'); ?>" />

<div id="minor-publishing-actions">
<div id="save-action">
<?php if ( 'publish' != $post->post_status && 'future' != $post->post_status && 'pending' != $post->post_status )  { ?>
<input <?php if ( 'private' == $post->post_status ) { ?>style="display:none"<?php } ?> type="submit" name="save" id="save-post" value="<?php esc_attr_e('Save Draft'); ?>" tabindex="4" class="button button-highlighted" />
<?php } elseif ( 'pending' == $post->post_status && $can_publish ) { ?>
<input type="submit" name="save" id="save-post" value="<?php esc_attr_e('Save as Pending'); ?>" tabindex="4" class="button button-highlighted" />
<?php } ?>

<div id="preview-action">
if ( 'publish' == $post->post_status ) {
    $preview_link = esc_url(get_permalink($post->ID));
    $preview_button = __('Preview Changes');
} else {
    $preview_link = esc_url(apply_filters('preview_post_link', add_query_arg('preview', 'true', get_permalink($post->ID))));
    $preview_button = __('Preview');
<a class="preview button" href="<?php echo $preview_link; ?>" target="wp-preview" id="post-preview" tabindex="4"><?php echo $preview_button; ?></a>
<input type="hidden" name="wp-preview" id="wp-preview" value="" />

<div class="clear"></div>
</div><?php // /minor-publishing-actions ?>

<div id="misc-publishing-actions">

<div class="misc-pub-section<?php if ( !$can_publish ) { echo ' misc-pub-section-last'; } ?>"><label for="post_status"><?php _e('Status:') ?></label>
<span id="post-status-display">
switch ( $post->post_status ) {
    case 'private':
        _e('Privately Published');
    case 'publish':
    case 'future':
    case 'pending':
        _e('Pending Review');
    case 'draft':
<?php if ( 'publish' == $post->post_status || 'private' == $post->post_status || $can_publish ) { ?>
<a href="#post_status" <?php if ( 'private' == $post->post_status ) { ?>style="display:none;" <?php } ?>class="edit-post-status hide-if-no-js" tabindex='4'><?php _e('Edit') ?></a>

<div id="post-status-select" class="hide-if-js">
<input type="hidden" name="hidden_post_status" id="hidden_post_status" value="<?php echo esc_attr($post->post_status); ?>" />
<select name='post_status' id='post_status' tabindex='4'>
<?php if ( 'publish' == $post->post_status ) : ?>
<option<?php selected( $post->post_status, 'publish' ); ?> value='publish'><?php _e('Published') ?></option>
<?php elseif ( 'private' == $post->post_status ) : ?>
<option<?php selected( $post->post_status, 'private' ); ?> value='publish'><?php _e('Privately Published') ?></option>
<?php elseif ( 'future' == $post->post_status ) : ?>
<option<?php selected( $post->post_status, 'future' ); ?> value='future'><?php _e('Scheduled') ?></option>
<?php endif; ?>
<option<?php selected( $post->post_status, 'pending' ); ?> value='pending'><?php _e('Pending Review') ?></option>
<option<?php selected( $post->post_status, 'draft' ); ?> value='draft'><?php _e('Draft') ?></option>
 <a href="#post_status" class="save-post-status hide-if-no-js button"><?php _e('OK'); ?></a>
 <a href="#post_status" class="cancel-post-status hide-if-no-js"><?php _e('Cancel'); ?></a>

<?php } ?>
</div><?php // /misc-pub-section ?>

<div class="misc-pub-section " id="visibility">
<?php _e('Visibility:'); ?> <span id="post-visibility-display"><?php

if ( 'private' == $post->post_status ) {
    $post->post_password = '';
    $visibility = 'private';
    $visibility_trans = __('Private');
} elseif ( !empty( $post->post_password ) ) {
    $visibility = 'password';
    $visibility_trans = __('Password protected');
} elseif ( $post_type == 'post' && is_sticky( $post->ID ) ) {
    $visibility = 'public';
    $visibility_trans = __('Public, Sticky');
} else {
    $visibility = 'public';
    $visibility_trans = __('Public');

echo esc_html( $visibility_trans ); ?></span>
<?php if ( $can_publish ) { ?>
<a href="#visibility" class="edit-visibility hide-if-no-js"><?php _e('Edit'); ?></a>

<div id="post-visibility-select" class="hide-if-js">
<input type="hidden" name="hidden_post_password" id="hidden-post-password" value="<?php echo esc_attr($post->post_password); ?>" />
<?php if ($post_type == 'post'): ?>
<input type="checkbox" style="display:none" name="hidden_post_sticky" id="hidden-post-sticky" value="sticky" <?php checked(is_sticky($post->ID)); ?> />
<?php endif; ?>
<input type="hidden" name="hidden_post_visibility" id="hidden-post-visibility" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $visibility ); ?>" />

<input type="radio" name="visibility" id="visibility-radio-public" value="public" <?php checked( $visibility, 'public' ); ?> /> <label for="visibility-radio-public" class="selectit"><?php _e('Public'); ?></label><br />
<?php if ($post_type == 'post'): ?>
<span id="sticky-span"><input id="sticky" name="sticky" type="checkbox" value="sticky" <?php checked(is_sticky($post->ID)); ?> tabindex="4" /> <label for="sticky" class="selectit"><?php _e('Stick this post to the front page') ?></label><br /></span>
<?php endif; ?>
<input type="radio" name="visibility" id="visibility-radio-password" value="password" <?php checked( $visibility, 'password' ); ?> /> <label for="visibility-radio-password" class="selectit"><?php _e('Password protected'); ?></label><br />
<span id="password-span"><label for="post_password"><?php _e('Password:'); ?></label> <input type="text" name="post_password" id="post_password" value="<?php echo esc_attr($post->post_password); ?>" /><br /></span>
<input type="radio" name="visibility" id="visibility-radio-private" value="private" <?php checked( $visibility, 'private' ); ?> /> <label for="visibility-radio-private" class="selectit"><?php _e('Private'); ?></label><br />

 <a href="#visibility" class="save-post-visibility hide-if-no-js button"><?php _e('OK'); ?></a>
 <a href="#visibility" class="cancel-post-visibility hide-if-no-js"><?php _e('Cancel'); ?></a>
<?php } ?>

</div><?php // /misc-pub-section ?>

// translators: Publish box date formt, see
$datef = __( 'M j, Y @ G:i' );
if ( 0 != $post->ID ) {
    if ( 'future' == $post->post_status ) { // scheduled for publishing at a future date
        $stamp = __('Scheduled for: <b>%1$s</b>');
    } else if ( 'publish' == $post->post_status || 'private' == $post->post_status ) { // already published
        $stamp = __('Published on: <b>%1$s</b>');
    } else if ( '0000-00-00 00:00:00' == $post->post_date_gmt ) { // draft, 1 or more saves, no date specified
        $stamp = __('Publish <b>immediately</b>');
    } else if ( time() < strtotime( $post->post_date_gmt . ' +0000' ) ) { // draft, 1 or more saves, future date specified
        $stamp = __('Schedule for: <b>%1$s</b>');
    } else { // draft, 1 or more saves, date specified
        $stamp = __('Publish on: <b>%1$s</b>');
    $date = date_i18n( $datef, strtotime( $post->post_date ) );
} else { // draft (no saves, and thus no date specified)
    $stamp = __('Publish <b>immediately</b>');
    $date = date_i18n( $datef, strtotime( current_time('mysql') ) );

if ( $can_publish ) : // Contributors don't get to choose the date of publish ?>
<div class="misc-pub-section curtime misc-pub-section-last">
    <span id="timestamp">
    <?php printf($stamp, $date); ?></span>
    <a href="#edit_timestamp" class="edit-timestamp hide-if-no-js" tabindex='4'><?php _e('Edit') ?></a>
    <div id="timestampdiv" class="hide-if-js"><?php touch_time(($action == 'edit'),1,4); ?></div>
</div><?php // /misc-pub-section ?>
<?php endif; ?>

<?php do_action('post_submitbox_misc_actions'); ?>
<div class="clear"></div>

<div id="major-publishing-actions">
<?php do_action('post_submitbox_start'); ?>
<div id="delete-action">
if ( current_user_can( "delete_${post_type}", $post->ID ) ) {
    if ( !EMPTY_TRASH_DAYS ) {
        $delete_url = wp_nonce_url( add_query_arg( array('action' => 'delete', 'post' => $post->ID) ), "delete-${post_type}_{$post->ID}" );
        $delete_text = __('Delete Permanently');
    } else {
        $delete_url = wp_nonce_url( add_query_arg( array('action' => 'trash', 'post' => $post->ID) ), "trash-${post_type}_{$post->ID}" );
        $delete_text = __('Move to Trash');
    } ?>
<a class="submitdelete deletion<?php if ( 'edit' != $action ) { echo " hidden"; } ?>" href="<?php echo $delete_url; ?>"><?php echo $delete_text; ?></a><?php
} ?>

<div id="publishing-action">
<img src="images/wpspin_light.gif" id="ajax-loading" style="visibility:hidden;" alt="" />
if ( !in_array( $post->post_status, array('publish', 'future', 'private') ) || 0 == $post->ID ) {
    if ( $can_publish ) :
        if ( !empty($post->post_date_gmt) && time() < strtotime( $post->post_date_gmt . ' +0000' ) ) : ?>
        <input name="original_publish" type="hidden" id="original_publish" value="<?php esc_attr_e('Schedule') ?>" />
        <input name="publish" type="submit" class="button-primary" id="publish" tabindex="5" accesskey="p" value="<?php esc_attr_e('Schedule') ?>" />
<?php    else : ?>
        <input name="original_publish" type="hidden" id="original_publish" value="<?php esc_attr_e('Publish') ?>" />
        <input name="publish" type="submit" class="button-primary" id="publish" tabindex="5" accesskey="p" value="<?php esc_attr_e('Publish') ?>" />
<?php    endif;
    else : ?>
        <input name="original_publish" type="hidden" id="original_publish" value="<?php esc_attr_e('Submit for Review') ?>" />
        <input name="publish" type="submit" class="button-primary" id="publish" tabindex="5" accesskey="p" value="<?php esc_attr_e('Submit for Review') ?>" />
} else { ?>
        <input name="original_publish" type="hidden" id="original_publish" value="<?php esc_attr_e('Update') ?>" />
        <input name="save" type="submit" class="button-primary" id="publish" tabindex="5" accesskey="p" value="<?php esc_attr_e('Update') ?>" />
} ?>
<div class="clear"></div>


 * Display post tags form fields.
 * @since 2.6.0
 * @param object $post
function post_tags_meta_box($post, $box) {
    $tax_name = esc_attr(substr($box['id'], 8));
    $taxonomy = get_taxonomy($tax_name);
    $helps = isset($taxonomy->helps) ? esc_attr($taxonomy->helps) : __('Separate tags with commas.');
<div class="tagsdiv" id="<?php echo $tax_name; ?>">
    <div class="jaxtag">
    <div class="nojs-tags hide-if-js">
    <p><?php _e('Add or remove tags'); ?></p>
    <textarea name="<?php echo "tax_input[$tax_name]"; ?>" class="the-tags" id="tax-input[<?php echo $tax_name; ?>]"><?php echo esc_attr(get_terms_to_edit( $post->ID, $tax_name )); ?></textarea></div>

    <div class="ajaxtag hide-if-no-js">
        <label class="screen-reader-text" for="new-tag-<?php echo $tax_name; ?>"><?php echo $box['title']; ?></label>
        <div class="taghint"><?php _e('Add new tag'); ?></div>
        <input type="text" id="new-tag-<?php echo $tax_name; ?>" name="newtag[<?php echo $tax_name; ?>]" class="newtag form-input-tip" size="16" autocomplete="off" value="" />
        <input type="button" class="button tagadd" value="<?php esc_attr_e('Add'); ?>" tabindex="3" />
    <p class="howto"><?php echo $helps; ?></p>
    <div class="tagchecklist"></div>
<p class="hide-if-no-js"><a href="#titlediv" class="tagcloud-link" id="link-<?php echo $tax_name; ?>"><?php printf( __('Choose from the most used tags in %s'), $box['title'] ); ?></a></p>

 * Display post categories form fields.
 * @since 2.6.0
 * @param object $post
function post_categories_meta_box($post) {
<ul id="category-tabs">
    <li class="tabs"><a href="#categories-all" tabindex="3"><?php _e( 'All Categories' ); ?></a></li>
    <li class="hide-if-no-js"><a href="#categories-pop" tabindex="3"><?php _e( 'Most Used' ); ?></a></li>

<div id="categories-pop" class="tabs-panel" style="display: none;">
    <ul id="categorychecklist-pop" class="categorychecklist form-no-clear" >
<?php $popular_ids = wp_popular_terms_checklist('category'); ?>

<div id="categories-all" class="tabs-panel">
    <ul id="categorychecklist" class="list:category categorychecklist form-no-clear">
<?php wp_category_checklist($post->ID, false, false, $popular_ids) ?>

<?php if ( current_user_can('manage_categories') ) : ?>
<div id="category-adder" class="wp-hidden-children">
    <h4><a id="category-add-toggle" href="#category-add" class="hide-if-no-js" tabindex="3"><?php _e( '+ Add New Category' ); ?></a></h4>
    <p id="category-add" class="wp-hidden-child">
    <label class="screen-reader-text" for="newcat"><?php _e( 'Add New Category' ); ?></label><input type="text" name="newcat" id="newcat" class="form-required form-input-tip" value="<?php esc_attr_e( 'New category name' ); ?>" tabindex="3" aria-required="true"/>
    <label class="screen-reader-text" for="newcat_parent"><?php _e('Parent category'); ?>:</label><?php wp_dropdown_categories( array( 'hide_empty' => 0, 'name' => 'newcat_parent', 'orderby' => 'name', 'hierarchical' => 1, 'show_option_none' => __('Parent category') ) ); ?>
    <input type="button" id="category-add-sumbit" class="add:categorychecklist:category-add button" value="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Add' ); ?>" tabindex="3" />
<?php    wp_nonce_field( 'add-category', '_ajax_nonce', false ); ?>
    <span id="category-ajax-response"></span></p>


 * Display post excerpt form fields.
 * @since 2.6.0
 * @param object $post
function post_excerpt_meta_box($post) {
<label class="screen-reader-text" for="excerpt"><?php _e('Excerpt') ?></label><textarea rows="1" cols="40" name="excerpt" tabindex="6" id="excerpt"><?php echo $post->post_excerpt ?></textarea>
<p><?php _e('Excerpts are optional hand-crafted summaries of your content that can be used in your theme. <a href="" target="_blank">Learn more about manual excerpts.</a>'); ?></p>

 * Display trackback links form fields.
 * @since 2.6.0
 * @param object $post
function post_trackback_meta_box($post) {
    $form_trackback = '<input type="text" name="trackback_url" id="trackback_url" class="code" tabindex="7" value="'. esc_attr( str_replace("\n", ' ', $post->to_ping) ) .'" />';
    if ('' != $post->pinged) {
        $pings = '<p>'. __('Already pinged:') . '</p><ul>';
        $already_pinged = explode("\n", trim($post->pinged));
        foreach ($already_pinged as $pinged_url) {
            $pings .= "\n\t<li>" . esc_html($pinged_url) . "</li>";
        $pings .= '</ul>';

<p><label for="trackback_url"><?php _e('Send trackbacks to:'); ?></label> <?php echo $form_trackback; ?><br /> (<?php _e('Separate multiple URLs with spaces'); ?>)</p>
<p><?php _e('Trackbacks are a way to notify legacy blog systems that you&#8217;ve linked to them. If you link other WordPress blogs they&#8217;ll be notified automatically using <a href="" target="_blank">pingbacks</a>, no other action necessary.'); ?></p>
if ( ! empty($pings) )
    echo $pings;

 * Display custom fields form fields.
 * @since 2.6.0
 * @param object $post
function post_custom_meta_box($post) {
<div id="postcustomstuff">
<div id="ajax-response"></div>
$metadata = has_meta($post->ID);
meta_form(); ?>
<p><?php _e('Custom fields can be used to add extra metadata to a post that you can <a href="" target="_blank">use in your theme</a>.'); ?></p>

 * Display comments status form fields.
 * @since 2.6.0
 * @param object $post
function post_comment_status_meta_box($post) {
<input name="advanced_view" type="hidden" value="1" />
<p class="meta-options">
    <label for="comment_status" class="selectit"><input name="comment_status" type="checkbox" id="comment_status" value="open" <?php checked($post->comment_status, 'open'); ?> /><?php _e('Allow Comments.') ?></label><br />
    <label for="ping_status" class="selectit"><input name="ping_status" type="checkbox" id="ping_status" value="open" <?php checked($post->ping_status, 'open'); ?> /><?php printf( __('Allow <a href="%s" target="_blank">trackbacks and pingbacks</a> on this page.'),_x('','Url to codex article on Managing Comments')); ?></label>

 * Display comments for post.
 * @since 2.8.0
 * @param object $post
function post_comment_meta_box($post) {
    global $wpdb, $post_ID;

    $total = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT count(1) FROM $wpdb->comments WHERE comment_post_ID = '%d' AND ( comment_approved = '0' OR comment_approved = '1')", $post_ID));

    if ( 1 > $total ) {
        echo '<p>' . __('No comments yet.') . '</p>';

    wp_nonce_field( 'get-comments', 'add_comment_nonce', false );

<table class="widefat comments-box fixed" cellspacing="0" style="display:none;">
    <th scope="col" class="column-author"><?php _e('Author') ?></th>
    <th scope="col" class="column-comment">
<?php /* translators: field name in comment form */ echo _x('Comment', 'noun'); ?></th>
<tbody id="the-comment-list" class="list:comment"></tbody>
<p class="hide-if-no-js"><a href="#commentstatusdiv" id="show-comments" onclick="commentsBox.get(<?php echo $total; ?>);return false;"><?php _e('Show comments'); ?></a> <img class="waiting" style="display:none;" src="images/wpspin_light.gif" alt="" /></p>
    $hidden = get_hidden_meta_boxes('post');
    if ( ! in_array('commentsdiv', $hidden) ) { ?>
        <script type="text/javascript">jQuery(document).ready(function(){commentsBox.get(<?php echo $total; ?>, 10);});</script>

 * Display slug form fields.
 * @since 2.6.0
 * @param object $post
function post_slug_meta_box($post) {
<label class="screen-reader-text" for="post_name"><?php _e('Slug') ?></label><input name="post_name" type="text" size="13" id="post_name" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $post->post_name ); ?>" />

 * Display form field with list of authors.
 * @since 2.6.0
 * @param object $post
function post_author_meta_box($post) {
    global $current_user, $user_ID;
    $authors = get_editable_user_ids( $current_user->id, true, $post->post_type ); // TODO: ROLE SYSTEM
    if ( $post->post_author && !in_array($post->post_author, $authors) )
        $authors[] = $post->post_author;
<label class="screen-reader-text" for="post_author_override"><?php _e('Author'); ?></label><?php wp_dropdown_users( array('include' => $authors, 'name' => 'post_author_override', 'selected' => empty($post->ID) ? $user_ID : $post->post_author) ); ?>

 * Display list of revisions.
 * @since 2.6.0
 * @param object $post
function post_revisions_meta_box($post) {

// -- Page related Meta Boxes

 * Display page attributes form fields.
 * @since 2.7.0
 * @param object $post
function page_attributes_meta_box($post){
<h5><?php _e('Parent') ?></h5>
<label class="screen-reader-text" for="parent_id"><?php _e('Page Parent') ?></label>
<?php wp_dropdown_pages(array('exclude_tree' => $post->ID, 'selected' => $post->post_parent, 'name' => 'parent_id', 'show_option_none' => __('Main Page (no parent)'), 'sort_column'=> 'menu_order, post_title')); ?>
<p><?php _e('You can arrange your pages in hierarchies. For example, you could have an &#8220;About&#8221; page that has &#8220;Life Story&#8221; and &#8220;My Dog&#8221; pages under it. There are no limits to how deeply nested you can make pages.'); ?></p>
    if ( 0 != count( get_page_templates() ) ) { ?>
<h5><?php _e('Template') ?></h5>
<label class="screen-reader-text" for="page_template"><?php _e('Page Template') ?></label><select name="page_template" id="page_template">
<option value='default'><?php _e('Default Template'); ?></option>
<?php page_template_dropdown($post->page_template); ?>
<p><?php _e('Some themes have custom templates you can use for certain pages that might have additional features or custom layouts. If so, you&#8217;ll see them above.'); ?></p>
    } ?>
<h5><?php _e('Order') ?></h5>
<p><label class="screen-reader-text" for="menu_order"><?php _e('Page Order') ?></label><input name="menu_order" type="text" size="4" id="menu_order" value="<?php echo esc_attr($post->menu_order) ?>" /></p>
<p><?php _e('Pages are usually ordered alphabetically, but you can put a number above to change the order pages appear in.'); ?></p>

// -- Link related Meta Boxes

 * Display link create form fields.
 * @since 2.7.0
 * @param object $link
function link_submit_meta_box($link) {
<div class="submitbox" id="submitlink">

<div id="minor-publishing">

<?php // Hidden submit button early on so that the browser chooses the right button when form is submitted with Return key ?>
<div style="display:none;">
<input type="submit" name="save" value="<?php esc_attr_e('Save'); ?>" />

<div id="minor-publishing-actions">
<div id="preview-action">
<?php if ( !empty($link->link_id) ) { ?>
    <a class="preview button" href="<?php echo $link->link_url; ?>" target="_blank" tabindex="4"><?php _e('Visit Link'); ?></a>
<?php } ?>
<div class="clear"></div>

<div id="misc-publishing-actions">
<div class="misc-pub-section misc-pub-section-last">
    <label for="link_private" class="selectit"><input id="link_private" name="link_visible" type="checkbox" value="N" <?php checked($link->link_visible, 'N'); ?> /> <?php _e('Keep this link private') ?></label>


<div id="major-publishing-actions">
<?php do_action('post_submitbox_start'); ?>
<div id="delete-action">
if ( !empty($_GET['action']) && 'edit' == $_GET['action'] && current_user_can('manage_links') ) { ?>
    <a class="submitdelete deletion" href="<?php echo wp_nonce_url("link.php?action=delete&amp;link_id=$link->link_id", 'delete-bookmark_' . $link->link_id); ?>" onclick="if ( confirm('<?php echo esc_js(sprintf(__("You are about to delete this link '%s'\n  'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to delete."), $link->link_name )); ?>') ) {return true;}return false;"><?php _e('Delete'); ?></a>
<?php } ?>

<div id="publishing-action">
<?php if ( !empty($link->link_id) ) { ?>
    <input name="save" type="submit" class="button-primary" id="publish" tabindex="4" accesskey="p" value="<?php esc_attr_e('Update Link') ?>" />
<?php } else { ?>
    <input name="save" type="submit" class="button-primary" id="publish" tabindex="4" accesskey="p" value="<?php esc_attr_e('Add Link') ?>" />
<?php } ?>
<div class="clear"></div>
<?php do_action('submitlink_box'); ?>
<div class="clear"></div>

 * Display link categories form fields.
 * @since 2.6.0
 * @param object $link
function link_categories_meta_box($link) { ?>
<ul id="category-tabs">
    <li class="tabs"><a href="#categories-all"><?php _e( 'All Categories' ); ?></a></li>
    <li class="hide-if-no-js"><a href="#categories-pop"><?php _e( 'Most Used' ); ?></a></li>

<div id="categories-all" class="tabs-panel">
    <ul id="categorychecklist" class="list:category categorychecklist form-no-clear">
        if ( isset($link->link_id) )

<div id="categories-pop" class="tabs-panel" style="display: none;">
    <ul id="categorychecklist-pop" class="categorychecklist form-no-clear">
        <?php wp_popular_terms_checklist('link_category'); ?>

<div id="category-adder" class="wp-hidden-children">
    <h4><a id="category-add-toggle" href="#category-add"><?php _e( '+ Add New Category' ); ?></a></h4>
    <p id="link-category-add" class="wp-hidden-child">
        <label class="screen-reader-text" for="newcat"><?php _e( '+ Add New Category' ); ?></label>
        <input type="text" name="newcat" id="newcat" class="form-required form-input-tip" value="<?php esc_attr_e( 'New category name' ); ?>" aria-required="true" />
        <input type="button" id="category-add-submit" class="add:categorychecklist:linkcategorydiv button" value="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Add' ); ?>" />
        <?php wp_nonce_field( 'add-link-category', '_ajax_nonce', false ); ?>
        <span id="category-ajax-response"></span>

 * Display form fields for changing link target.
 * @since 2.6.0
 * @param object $link
function link_target_meta_box($link) { ?>
<fieldset><legend class="screen-reader-text"><span><?php _e('Target') ?></span></legend>
<p><label for="link_target_blank" class="selectit">
<input id="link_target_blank" type="radio" name="link_target" value="_blank" <?php echo ( isset( $link->link_target ) && ($link->link_target == '_blank') ? 'checked="checked"' : ''); ?> />
<?php _e('<code>_blank</code> - new window or tab.'); ?></label></p>
<p><label for="link_target_top" class="selectit">
<input id="link_target_top" type="radio" name="link_target" value="_top" <?php echo ( isset( $link->link_target ) && ($link->link_target == '_top') ? 'checked="checked"' : ''); ?> />
<?php _e('<code>_top</code> - current window or tab, with no frames.'); ?></label></p>
<p><label for="link_target_none" class="selectit">
<input id="link_target_none" type="radio" name="link_target" value="" <?php echo ( isset( $link->link_target ) && ($link->link_target == '') ? 'checked="checked"' : ''); ?> />
<?php _e('<code>_none</code> - same window or tab.'); ?></label></p>
<p><?php _e('Choose the target frame for your link.'); ?></p>

 * Display checked checkboxes attribute for xfn microformat options.
 * @since 1.0.1
 * @param string $class
 * @param string $value
 * @param mixed $deprecated Not used.
function xfn_check($class, $value = '', $deprecated = '') {
    global $link;

    $link_rel = isset( $link->link_rel ) ? $link->link_rel : ''; // In PHP 5.3: $link_rel = $link->link_rel ?: '';
    $rels = preg_split('/\s+/', $link_rel);

    if ('' != $value && in_array($value, $rels) ) {
        echo ' checked="checked"';

    if ('' == $value) {
        if ('family' == $class && strpos($link_rel, 'child') === false && strpos($link_rel, 'parent') === false && strpos($link_rel, 'sibling') === false && strpos($link_rel, 'spouse') === false && strpos($link_rel, 'kin') === false) echo ' checked="checked"';
        if ('friendship' == $class && strpos($link_rel, 'friend') === false && strpos($link_rel, 'acquaintance') === false && strpos($link_rel, 'contact') === false) echo ' checked="checked"';
        if ('geographical' == $class && strpos($link_rel, 'co-resident') === false && strpos($link_rel, 'neighbor') === false) echo ' checked="checked"';
        if ('identity' == $class && in_array('me', $rels) ) echo ' checked="checked"';

 * Display xfn form fields.
 * @since 2.6.0
 * @param object $link
function link_xfn_meta_box($link) {
<table class="editform" style="width: 100%;" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="5">
        <th style="width: 20%;" scope="row"><label for="link_rel"><?php /* translators: xfn: */ _e('rel:') ?></label></th>
        <td style="width: 80%;"><input type="text" name="link_rel" id="link_rel" size="50" value="<?php echo ( isset( $link->link_rel ) ? esc_attr($link->link_rel) : ''); ?>" /></td>
        <td colspan="2">
            <table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="5" class="form-table">
                    <th scope="row"> <?php /* translators: xfn: */ _e('identity') ?> </th>
                    <td><fieldset><legend class="screen-reader-text"><span> <?php /* translators: xfn: */ _e('identity') ?> </span></legend>
                        <label for="me">
                        <input type="checkbox" name="identity" value="me" id="me" <?php xfn_check('identity', 'me'); ?> />
                        <?php _e('another web address of mine') ?></label>
                    <th scope="row"> <?php /* translators: xfn: */ _e('friendship') ?> </th>
                    <td><fieldset><legend class="screen-reader-text"><span> <?php /* translators: xfn: */ _e('friendship') ?> </span></legend>
                        <label for="contact">
                        <input class="valinp" type="radio" name="friendship" value="contact" id="contact" <?php xfn_check('friendship', 'contact', 'radio'); ?> /> <?php /* translators: xfn: */ _e('contact') ?></label>
                        <label for="acquaintance">
                        <input class="valinp" type="radio" name="friendship" value="acquaintance" id="acquaintance" <?php xfn_check('friendship', 'acquaintance', 'radio'); ?> />  <?php /* translators: xfn: */ _e('acquaintance') ?></label>
                        <label for="friend">
                        <input class="valinp" type="radio" name="friendship" value="friend" id="friend" <?php xfn_check('friendship', 'friend', 'radio'); ?> /> <?php /* translators: xfn: */ _e('friend') ?></label>
                        <label for="friendship">
                        <input name="friendship" type="radio" class="valinp" value="" id="friendship" <?php xfn_check('friendship', '', 'radio'); ?> /> <?php /* translators: xfn: */ _e('none') ?></label>
                    <th scope="row"> <?php /* translators: xfn: */ _e('physical') ?> </th>
                    <td><fieldset><legend class="screen-reader-text"><span> <?php /* translators: xfn: */ _e('physical') ?> </span></legend>
                        <label for="met">
                        <input class="valinp" type="checkbox" name="physical" value="met" id="met" <?php xfn_check('physical', 'met'); ?> />
                        <?php /* translators: xfn: */ _e('met') ?></label>
                    <th scope="row"> <?php /* translators: xfn: */ _e('professional') ?> </th>
                    <td><fieldset><legend class="screen-reader-text"><span> <?php /* translators: xfn: */ _e('professional') ?> </span></legend>
                        <label for="co-worker">
                        <input class="valinp" type="checkbox" name="professional" value="co-worker" id="co-worker" <?php xfn_check('professional', 'co-worker'); ?> />
                        <?php /* translators: xfn: */ _e('co-worker') ?></label>
                        <label for="colleague">
                        <input class="valinp" type="checkbox" name="professional" value="colleague" id="colleague" <?php xfn_check('professional', 'colleague'); ?> />
                        <?php /* translators: xfn: */ _e('colleague') ?></label>
                    <th scope="row"> <?php /* translators: xfn: */ _e('geographical') ?> </th>
                    <td><fieldset><legend class="screen-reader-text"><span> <?php /* translators: xfn: */ _e('geographical') ?> </span></legend>
                        <label for="co-resident">
                        <input class="valinp" type="radio" name="geographical" value="co-resident" id="co-resident" <?php xfn_check('geographical', 'co-resident', 'radio'); ?> />
                        <?php /* translators: xfn: */ _e('co-resident') ?></label>
                        <label for="neighbor">
                        <input class="valinp" type="radio" name="geographical" value="neighbor" id="neighbor" <?php xfn_check('geographical', 'neighbor', 'radio'); ?> />
                        <?php /* translators: xfn: */ _e('neighbor') ?></label>
                        <label for="geographical">
                        <input class="valinp" type="radio" name="geographical" value="" id="geographical" <?php xfn_check('geographical', '', 'radio'); ?> />
                        <?php /* translators: xfn: */ _e('none') ?></label>
                    <th scope="row"> <?php /* translators: xfn: */ _e('family') ?> </th>
                    <td><fieldset><legend class="screen-reader-text"><span> <?php /* translators: xfn: */ _e('family') ?> </span></legend>
                        <label for="child">
                        <input class="valinp" type="radio" name="family" value="child" id="child" <?php xfn_check('family', 'child', 'radio'); ?>  />
                        <?php /* translators: xfn: */ _e('child') ?></label>
                        <label for="kin">
                        <input class="valinp" type="radio" name="family" value="kin" id="kin" <?php xfn_check('family', 'kin', 'radio'); ?>  />
                        <?php /* translators: xfn: */ _e('kin') ?></label>
                        <label for="parent">
                        <input class="valinp" type="radio" name="family" value="parent" id="parent" <?php xfn_check('family', 'parent', 'radio'); ?> />
                        <?php /* translators: xfn: */ _e('parent') ?></label>
                        <label for="sibling">
                        <input class="valinp" type="radio" name="family" value="sibling" id="sibling" <?php xfn_check('family', 'sibling', 'radio'); ?> />
                        <?php /* translators: xfn: */ _e('sibling') ?></label>
                        <label for="spouse">
                        <input class="valinp" type="radio" name="family" value="spouse" id="spouse" <?php xfn_check('family', 'spouse', 'radio'); ?> />
                        <?php /* translators: xfn: */ _e('spouse') ?></label>
                        <label for="family">
                        <input class="valinp" type="radio" name="family" value="" id="family" <?php xfn_check('family', '', 'radio'); ?> />
                        <?php /* translators: xfn: */ _e('none') ?></label>
                    <th scope="row"> <?php /* translators: xfn: */ _e('romantic') ?> </th>
                    <td><fieldset><legend class="screen-reader-text"><span> <?php /* translators: xfn: */ _e('romantic') ?> </span></legend>
                        <label for="muse">
                        <input class="valinp" type="checkbox" name="romantic" value="muse" id="muse" <?php xfn_check('romantic', 'muse'); ?> />
                        <?php /* translators: xfn: */ _e('muse') ?></label>
                        <label for="crush">
                        <input class="valinp" type="checkbox" name="romantic" value="crush" id="crush" <?php xfn_check('romantic', 'crush'); ?> />
                        <?php /* translators: xfn: */ _e('crush') ?></label>
                        <label for="date">
                        <input class="valinp" type="checkbox" name="romantic" value="date" id="date" <?php xfn_check('romantic', 'date'); ?> />
                        <?php /* translators: xfn: */ _e('date') ?></label>
                        <label for="romantic">
                        <input class="valinp" type="checkbox" name="romantic" value="sweetheart" id="romantic" <?php xfn_check('romantic', 'sweetheart'); ?> />
                        <?php /* translators: xfn: */ _e('sweetheart') ?></label>
<p><?php _e('If the link is to a person, you can specify your relationship with them using the above form. If you would like to learn more about the idea check out <a href="">XFN</a>.'); ?></p>

 * Display advanced link options form fields.
 * @since 2.6.0
 * @param object $link
function link_advanced_meta_box($link) {
<table class="form-table" style="width: 100%;" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="5">
    <tr class="form-field">
        <th valign="top"  scope="row"><label for="link_image"><?php _e('Image Address') ?></label></th>
        <td><input type="text" name="link_image" class="code" id="link_image" size="50" value="<?php echo ( isset( $link->link_image ) ? esc_attr($link->link_image) : ''); ?>" style="width: 95%" /></td>
    <tr class="form-field">
        <th valign="top"  scope="row"><label for="rss_uri"><?php _e('RSS Address') ?></label></th>
        <td><input name="link_rss" class="code" type="text" id="rss_uri" value="<?php echo  ( isset( $link->link_rss ) ? esc_attr($link->link_rss) : ''); ?>" size="50" style="width: 95%" /></td>
    <tr class="form-field">
        <th valign="top"  scope="row"><label for="link_notes"><?php _e('Notes') ?></label></th>
        <td><textarea name="link_notes" id="link_notes" cols="50" rows="10" style="width: 95%"><?php echo  ( isset( $link->link_notes ) ? $link->link_notes : ''); ?></textarea></td>
    <tr class="form-field">
        <th valign="top"  scope="row"><label for="link_rating"><?php _e('Rating') ?></label></th>
        <td><select name="link_rating" id="link_rating" size="1">
            for ($r = 0; $r <= 10; $r++) {
                echo('            <option value="'. esc_attr($r) .'" ');
                if ( isset($link->link_rating) && $link->link_rating == $r)
                    echo 'selected="selected"';
        ?></select>&nbsp;<?php _e('(Leave at 0 for no rating.)') ?>

 * Display post thumbnail meta box.
 * @since 2.9.0
function post_thumbnail_meta_box() {
    global $post;
    $thumbnail_id = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_thumbnail_id', true );
    echo _wp_post_thumbnail_html( $thumbnail_id );