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2 days
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// utility functions
function convertEntities(o) {
    var c, v;
    c = function(s) {
        if (/&[^;]+;/.test(s)) {
            var e = document.createElement("div");
            e.innerHTML = s;
            return !e.firstChild ? s : e.firstChild.nodeValue;
        return s;

    if ( typeof o === 'string' ) {
        return c(o);
    } else if ( typeof o === 'object' ) {
        for (v in o) {
            if ( typeof o[v] === 'string' ) {
                o[v] = c(o[v]);
    return o;

var wpCookies = {
// The following functions are from Cookie.js class in TinyMCE, Moxiecode, used under LGPL.

    each : function(o, cb, s) {
        var n, l;

        if (!o)
            return 0;

        s = s || o;

        if (typeof(o.length) != 'undefined') {
            for (n=0, l = o.length; n<l; n++) {
                if (, o[n], n, o) === false)
                    return 0;
        } else {
            for (n in o) {
                if (o.hasOwnProperty(n)) {
                    if (, o[n], n, o) === false) {
                        return 0;
        return 1;

    getHash : function(n) {
        var v = this.get(n), h;

        if (v) {
            this.each(v.split('&'), function(v) {
                v = v.split('=');
                h = h || {};
                h[v[0]] = v[1];
        return h;

    setHash : function(n, v, e, p, d, s) {
        var o = '';

        this.each(v, function(v, k) {
            o += (!o ? '' : '&') + k + '=' + v;

        this.set(n, o, e, p, d, s);

    get : function(n) {
        var c = document.cookie, e, p = n + "=", b;

        if (!c)

        b = c.indexOf("; " + p);

        if (b == -1) {
            b = c.indexOf(p);

            if (b != 0)
                return null;

        } else {
            b += 2;

        e = c.indexOf(";", b);

        if (e == -1)
            e = c.length;

        return decodeURIComponent(c.substring(b + p.length, e));

    set : function(n, v, e, p, d, s) {
        document.cookie = n + "=" + encodeURIComponent(v) +
            ((e) ? "; expires=" + e.toGMTString() : "") +
            ((p) ? "; path=" + p : "") +
            ((d) ? "; domain=" + d : "") +
            ((s) ? "; secure" : "");

    remove : function(n, p) {
        var d = new Date();

        d.setTime(d.getTime() - 1000);

        this.set(n, '', d, p, d);

// Returns the value as string. Second arg or empty string is returned when value is not set.
function getUserSetting( name, def ) {
    var o = getAllUserSettings();

    if ( o.hasOwnProperty(name) )
        return o[name];

    if ( typeof def != 'undefined' )
        return def;

    return '';

// Both name and value must be only ASCII letters, numbers or underscore
// and the shorter, the better (cookies can store maximum 4KB). Not suitable to store text.
function setUserSetting( name, value, del ) {
    if ( 'object' !== typeof userSettings )
        return false;

    var c = 'wp-settings-' + userSettings.uid, o = wpCookies.getHash(c) || {}, d = new Date(), p,
    n = name.toString().replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9_]/, ''), v = value.toString().replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9_]/, '');

    if ( del ) {
        delete o[n];
    } else {
        o[n] = v;

    d.setTime( d.getTime() + 31536000000 );
    p = userSettings.url;

    wpCookies.setHash(c, o, d, p);
    wpCookies.set('wp-settings-time-'+userSettings.uid, userSettings.time, d, p);

    return name;

function deleteUserSetting( name ) {
    return setUserSetting( name, '', 1 );

// Returns all settings as js object.
function getAllUserSettings() {
    if ( 'object' !== typeof userSettings )
        return {};

    return wpCookies.getHash('wp-settings-' + userSettings.uid) || {};