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window.wp = window.wp || {};

(function( exports, $ ){
    var api, extend, ctor, inherits,
        slice = Array.prototype.slice;

    /* =====================================================================
     * Micro-inheritance - thank you, backbone.js.
     * ===================================================================== */

    extend = function( protoProps, classProps ) {
        var child = inherits( this, protoProps, classProps );
        child.extend = this.extend;
        return child;

    // Shared empty constructor function to aid in prototype-chain creation.
    ctor = function() {};

    // Helper function to correctly set up the prototype chain, for subclasses.
    // Similar to `goog.inherits`, but uses a hash of prototype properties and
    // class properties to be extended.
    inherits = function( parent, protoProps, staticProps ) {
        var child;

        // The constructor function for the new subclass is either defined by you
        // (the "constructor" property in your `extend` definition), or defaulted
        // by us to simply call `super()`.
        if ( protoProps && protoProps.hasOwnProperty( 'constructor' ) ) {
            child = protoProps.constructor;
        } else {
            child = function() {
                // Storing the result `super()` before returning the value
                // prevents a bug in Opera where, if the constructor returns
                // a function, Opera will reject the return value in favor of
                // the original object. This causes all sorts of trouble.
                var result = parent.apply( this, arguments );
                return result;

        // Inherit class (static) properties from parent.
        $.extend( child, parent );

        // Set the prototype chain to inherit from `parent`, without calling
        // `parent`'s constructor function.
        ctor.prototype  = parent.prototype;
        child.prototype = new ctor();

        // Add prototype properties (instance properties) to the subclass,
        // if supplied.
        if ( protoProps )
            $.extend( child.prototype, protoProps );

        // Add static properties to the constructor function, if supplied.
        if ( staticProps )
            $.extend( child, staticProps );

        // Correctly set child's `prototype.constructor`.
        child.prototype.constructor = child;

        // Set a convenience property in case the parent's prototype is needed later.
        child.__super__ = parent.prototype;

        return child;

    api = {};

    /* =====================================================================
     * Base class.
     * ===================================================================== */

    api.Class = function( applicator, argsArray, options ) {
        var magic, args = arguments;

        if ( applicator && argsArray && api.Class.applicator === applicator ) {
            args = argsArray;
            $.extend( this, options || {} );

        magic = this;
        if ( this.instance ) {
            magic = function() {
                return magic.instance.apply( magic, arguments );

            $.extend( magic, this );

        magic.initialize.apply( magic, args );
        return magic;

    api.Class.applicator = {};

    api.Class.prototype.initialize = function() {};

     * Checks whether a given instance extended a constructor.
     * The magic surrounding the instance parameter causes the instanceof
     * keyword to return inaccurate results; it defaults to the function's
     * prototype instead of the constructor chain. Hence this function.
    api.Class.prototype.extended = function( constructor ) {
        var proto = this;

        while ( typeof proto.constructor !== 'undefined' ) {
            if ( proto.constructor === constructor )
                return true;
            if ( typeof proto.constructor.__super__ === 'undefined' )
                return false;
            proto = proto.constructor.__super__;
        return false;

    api.Class.extend = extend;

    /* =====================================================================
     * Events mixin.
     * ===================================================================== */

    api.Events = {
        trigger: function( id ) {
            if ( this.topics && this.topics[ id ] )
                this.topics[ id ].fireWith( this, arguments, 1 ) );
            return this;

        bind: function( id ) {
            this.topics = this.topics || {};
            this.topics[ id ] = this.topics[ id ] || $.Callbacks();
            this.topics[ id ].add.apply( this.topics[ id ], arguments, 1 ) );
            return this;

        unbind: function( id ) {
            if ( this.topics && this.topics[ id ] )
                this.topics[ id ].remove.apply( this.topics[ id ], arguments, 1 ) );
            return this;

    /* =====================================================================
     * Observable values that support two-way binding.
     * ===================================================================== */

    api.Value = api.Class.extend({
        initialize: function( initial, options ) {
            this._value = initial; // @todo: potentially change this to a this.set() call.
            this.callbacks = $.Callbacks();

            $.extend( this, options || {} );

            this.set = $.proxy( this.set, this );

         * Magic. Returns a function that will become the instance.
         * Set to null to prevent the instance from extending a function.
        instance: function() {
            return arguments.length ? this.set.apply( this, arguments ) : this.get();

        get: function() {
            return this._value;

        set: function( to ) {
            var from = this._value;

            to = this._setter.apply( this, arguments );
            to = this.validate( to );

            // Bail if the sanitized value is null or unchanged.
            if ( null === to || this._value === to )
                return this;

            this._value = to;

            this.callbacks.fireWith( this, [ to, from ] );

            return this;

        _setter: function( to ) {
            return to;

        setter: function( callback ) {
            var from = this.get();
            this._setter = callback;
            // Temporarily clear value so setter can decide if it's valid.
            this._value = null;
            this.set( from );
            return this;

        resetSetter: function() {
            this._setter = this.constructor.prototype._setter;
            this.set( this.get() );
            return this;

        validate: function( value ) {
            return value;

        bind: function() {
            this.callbacks.add.apply( this.callbacks, arguments );
            return this;

        unbind: function() {
            this.callbacks.remove.apply( this.callbacks, arguments );
            return this;

        link: function() { // values*
            var set = this.set;
            $.each( arguments, function() {
                this.bind( set );
            return this;

        unlink: function() { // values*
            var set = this.set;
            $.each( arguments, function() {
                this.unbind( set );
            return this;

        sync: function() { // values*
            var that = this;
            $.each( arguments, function() {
       this );
       that );
            return this;

        unsync: function() { // values*
            var that = this;
            $.each( arguments, function() {
                that.unlink( this );
                this.unlink( that );
            return this;

    /* =====================================================================
     * A collection of observable values.
     * ===================================================================== */

    api.Values = api.Class.extend({
        defaultConstructor: api.Value,

        initialize: function( options ) {
            $.extend( this, options || {} );

            this._value = {};
            this._deferreds = {};

        instance: function( id ) {
            if ( arguments.length === 1 )
                return this.value( id );

            return this.when.apply( this, arguments );

        value: function( id ) {
            return this._value[ id ];

        has: function( id ) {
            return typeof this._value[ id ] !== 'undefined';

        add: function( id, value ) {
            if ( this.has( id ) )
                return this.value( id );

            this._value[ id ] = value;
            value.parent = this;
            if ( value.extended( api.Value ) )
                value.bind( this._change );

            this.trigger( 'add', value );

            if ( this._deferreds[ id ] )
                this._deferreds[ id ].resolve();

            return this._value[ id ];

        create: function( id ) {
            return this.add( id, new this.defaultConstructor( api.Class.applicator, arguments, 1 ) ) );

        each: function( callback, context ) {
            context = typeof context === 'undefined' ? this : context;

            $.each( this._value, function( key, obj ) {
       context, obj, key );

        remove: function( id ) {
            var value;

            if ( this.has( id ) ) {
                value = this.value( id );
                this.trigger( 'remove', value );
                if ( value.extended( api.Value ) )
                    value.unbind( this._change );
                delete value.parent;

            delete this._value[ id ];
            delete this._deferreds[ id ];

         * Runs a callback once all requested values exist.
         * when( ids*, [callback] );
         * For example:
         *     when( id1, id2, id3, function( value1, value2, value3 ) {} );
         * @returns $.Deferred.promise();
        when: function() {
            var self = this,
                ids  = arguments ),
                dfd  = $.Deferred();

            // If the last argument is a callback, bind it to .done()
            if ( $.isFunction( ids[ ids.length - 1 ] ) )
                dfd.done( ids.pop() );

            $.when.apply( $, $.map( ids, function( id ) {
                if ( self.has( id ) )

                return self._deferreds[ id ] = self._deferreds[ id ] || $.Deferred();
            })).done( function() {
                var values = $.map( ids, function( id ) {
                        return self( id );

                // If a value is missing, we've used at least one expired deferred.
                // Call Values.when again to generate a new deferred.
                if ( values.length !== ids.length ) {
                    // ids.push( callback );
                    self.when.apply( self, ids ).done( function() {
                        dfd.resolveWith( self, values );

                dfd.resolveWith( self, values );

            return dfd.promise();

        _change: function() {
            this.parent.trigger( 'change', this );

    $.extend( api.Values.prototype, api.Events );

    /* =====================================================================
     * An observable value that syncs with an element.
     * Handles inputs, selects, and textareas by default.
     * ===================================================================== */

    api.ensure = function( element ) {
        return typeof element == 'string' ? $( element ) : element;

    api.Element = api.Value.extend({
        initialize: function( element, options ) {
            var self = this,
                synchronizer = api.Element.synchronizer.html,
                type, update, refresh;

            this.element = api.ensure( element );
   = '';

            if ('input, select, textarea') ) {
       += 'change';
                synchronizer = api.Element.synchronizer.val;

                if ('input') ) {
                    type = this.element.prop('type');
                    if ( api.Element.synchronizer[ type ] )
                        synchronizer = api.Element.synchronizer[ type ];
                    if ( 'text' === type || 'password' === type )
               += ' keyup';
                } else if ('textarea') ) {
           += ' keyup';

   this, null, $.extend( options || {}, synchronizer ) );
            this._value = this.get();

            update  = this.update;
            refresh = this.refresh;

            this.update = function( to ) {
                if ( to !== self ) )
                    update.apply( this, arguments );
            this.refresh = function() {
                self.set( self ) );

            this.bind( this.update );
            this.element.bind(, this.refresh );

        find: function( selector ) {
            return $( selector, this.element );

        refresh: function() {},

        update: function() {}

    api.Element.synchronizer = {};

    $.each( [ 'html', 'val' ], function( i, method ) {
        api.Element.synchronizer[ method ] = {
            update: function( to ) {
                this.element[ method ]( to );
            refresh: function() {
                return this.element[ method ]();

    api.Element.synchronizer.checkbox = {
        update: function( to ) {
            this.element.prop( 'checked', to );
        refresh: function() {
            return this.element.prop( 'checked' );
    }; = {
        update: function( to ) {
            this.element.filter( function() {
                return this.value === to;
            }).prop( 'checked', true );
        refresh: function() {
            return this.element.filter( ':checked' ).val();

    /* =====================================================================
     * Messenger for postMessage.
     * ===================================================================== */

    $.support.postMessage = !! window.postMessage;

    api.Messenger = api.Class.extend({
        add: function( key, initial, options ) {
            return this[ key ] = new api.Value( initial, options );

         * Initialize Messenger.
         * @param  {object} params        Parameters to configure the messenger.
         *         {string} .url          The URL to communicate with.
         *         {window} .targetWindow The window instance to communicate with. Default window.parent.
         *         {string} .channel      If provided, will send the channel with each message and only accept messages a matching channel.
         * @param  {object} options       Extend any instance parameter or method with this object.
        initialize: function( params, options ) {
            // Target the parent frame by default, but only if a parent frame exists.
            var defaultTarget = window.parent == window ? null : window.parent;

            $.extend( this, options || {} );

            this.add( 'channel', );
            this.add( 'url', params.url || '' );
            this.add( 'targetWindow', params.targetWindow || defaultTarget );
            this.add( 'origin', this.url() ).link( this.url ).setter( function( to ) {
                return to.replace( /([^:]+:\/\/[^\/]+).*/, '$1' );

            // Since we want jQuery to treat the receive function as unique
            // to this instance, we give the function a new guid.
            // This will prevent every Messenger's receive function from being
            // unbound when calling $.off( 'message', this.receive );
            this.receive = $.proxy( this.receive, this );
            this.receive.guid = $.guid++;

            $( window ).on( 'message', this.receive );

        destroy: function() {
            $( window ).off( 'message', this.receive );

        receive: function( event ) {
            var message;

            event = event.originalEvent;

            if ( ! this.targetWindow() )

            // Check to make sure the origin is valid.
            if ( this.origin() && event.origin !== this.origin() )

            // Ensure we have a string that's JSON.parse-able
            if ( typeof !== 'string' ||[0] !== '{' ) {

            message = JSON.parse( );

            // Check required message properties.
            if ( ! message || ! || typeof === 'undefined' )

            // Check if channel names match.
            if ( ( || ) && !== )

            this.trigger(, );

        send: function( id, data ) {
            var message;

            data = typeof data === 'undefined' ? null : data;

            if ( ! this.url() || ! this.targetWindow() )

            message = { id: id, data: data };
            if ( )

            this.targetWindow().postMessage( JSON.stringify( message ), this.origin() );

    // Add the Events mixin to api.Messenger.
    $.extend( api.Messenger.prototype, api.Events );

    /* =====================================================================
     * Core customize object.
     * ===================================================================== */

    api = $.extend( new api.Values(), api );
    api.get = function() {
        var result = {};

        this.each( function( obj, key ) {
            result[ key ] = obj.get();

        return result;

    // Expose the API to the world.
    exports.customize = api;
})( wp, jQuery );