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/* global tinymce */
 * WordPress View plugin.
tinymce.PluginManager.add( 'wpview', function( editor ) {
    var selected,
        VK = tinymce.util.VK,
        TreeWalker = tinymce.dom.TreeWalker,
        toRemove = false;

    function getParentView( node ) {
        while ( node && node.nodeName !== 'BODY' ) {
            if ( isView( node ) ) {
                return node;

            node = node.parentNode;

    function isView( node ) {
        return node && /\bwpview-wrap\b/.test( node.className );

    function createPadNode() {
        return editor.dom.create( 'p', { 'data-wpview-pad': 1 },
            ( && < 11 ) ? '' : '<br data-mce-bogus="1" />' );

     * Get the text/shortcode string for a view.
     * @param view The view wrapper's HTML id or node
     * @returns string The text/shoercode string of the view
    function getViewText( view ) {
        view = getParentView( typeof view === 'string' ? editor.dom.get( view ) : view );

        if ( view ) {
            return window.decodeURIComponent( editor.dom.getAttrib( view, 'data-wpview-text' ) || '' );
        return '';

     * Set the view's original text/shortcode string
     * @param view The view wrapper's HTML id or node
     * @param text The text string to be set
    function setViewText( view, text ) {
        view = getParentView( typeof view === 'string' ? editor.dom.get( view ) : view );

        if ( view ) {
            editor.dom.setAttrib( view, 'data-wpview-text', window.encodeURIComponent( text || '' ) );
            return true;
        return false;

    function _stop( event ) {

    function select( viewNode ) {
        var clipboard,
            dom = editor.dom;

        // Bail if node is already selected.
        if ( viewNode === selected ) {

        selected = viewNode;
        dom.addClass( viewNode, 'selected' );

        clipboard = dom.create( 'div', {
            'class': 'wpview-clipboard',
            'contenteditable': 'true'
        }, getViewText( viewNode ) );

        // Prepend inside the wrapper
        viewNode.insertBefore( clipboard, viewNode.firstChild );

        // Both of the following are necessary to prevent manipulating the selection/focus
        dom.bind( clipboard, 'beforedeactivate focusin focusout', _stop );
        dom.bind( selected, 'beforedeactivate focusin focusout', _stop );

        // Make sure that the editor is focused.
        // It is possible that the editor is not focused when the mouse event fires
        // without focus, the selection will not work properly.

        // select the hidden div clipboard, true );

     * Deselect a selected view and remove clipboard
    function deselect() {
        var clipboard,
            dom = editor.dom;

        if ( selected ) {
            clipboard = '.wpview-clipboard', selected )[0];
            dom.unbind( clipboard );
            dom.remove( clipboard );

            dom.unbind( selected, 'beforedeactivate focusin focusout click mouseup', _stop );
            dom.removeClass( selected, 'selected' );

        selected = null;

    function selectSiblingView( node, direction ) {
        var body = editor.getBody(),
            sibling = direction === 'previous' ? 'previousSibling' : 'nextSibling';

        while ( node && node.parentNode !== body ) {
            if ( node[sibling] ) {
                // The caret will be in another element
                return false;

            node = node.parentNode;

        if ( isView( node[sibling] ) ) {
            select( node[sibling] );
            return true;

        return false;

    // Check if the `wp.mce` API exists.
    if ( typeof wp === 'undefined' || ! wp.mce ) {

    // Remove the content of view wrappers from HTML string
    function emptyViews( content ) {
        return content.replace(/(<div[^>]+wpview-wrap[^>]+>)[\s\S]+?data-wpview-end[^>]*><\/ins><\/div>/g, '$1</div>' );

    // Prevent adding undo levels on changes inside a view wrapper
    editor.on( 'BeforeAddUndo', function( event ) {
        if ( event.lastLevel && emptyViews( event.level.content ) === emptyViews( event.lastLevel.content ) ) {

    // When the editor's content changes, scan the new content for
    // matching view patterns, and transform the matches into
    // view wrappers.
    editor.on( 'BeforeSetContent', function( event ) {
        if ( ! event.content ) {

        if ( ! event.initial ) {
            wp.mce.views.unbind( editor );

        event.content = wp.mce.views.toViews( event.content );

    // When the editor's content has been updated and the DOM has been
    // processed, render the views in the document.
    editor.on( 'SetContent', function( event ) {
        var body, padNode;


        // Add padding <p> if the noneditable node is last
        if ( event.load || ! event.set ) {
            body = editor.getBody();

            if ( isView( body.lastChild ) ) {
                padNode = createPadNode();
                body.appendChild( padNode );

                if ( ! event.initial ) {
                    editor.selection.setCursorLocation( padNode, 0 );

    // Detect mouse down events that are adjacent to a view when a view is the first view or the last view
    editor.on( 'click', function( event ) {
        var body = editor.getBody(),
            doc = editor.getDoc(),
            scrollTop = doc.documentElement.scrollTop || body.scrollTop || 0,
            x, y, firstNode, lastNode, padNode;

        if ( === 'HTML' && ! event.metaKey && ! event.ctrlKey ) {
            firstNode = body.firstChild;
            lastNode = body.lastChild;
            x = event.clientX;
            y = event.clientY;

            // Detect clicks above or to the left if the first node is a wpview
            if ( isView( firstNode ) && ( ( x < firstNode.offsetLeft && y < ( firstNode.offsetHeight - scrollTop ) ) ||
                y < firstNode.offsetTop ) ) {

                padNode = createPadNode();
                body.insertBefore( padNode, firstNode );

            // Detect clicks to the right and below the last view
            } else if ( isView( lastNode ) && ( x > ( lastNode.offsetLeft + lastNode.offsetWidth ) ||
                ( ( scrollTop + y ) - ( lastNode.offsetTop + lastNode.offsetHeight ) ) > 0 ) ) {

                padNode = createPadNode();
                body.appendChild( padNode );

            if ( padNode ) {
                // Make sure that a selected view is deselected so that focus and selection are handled properly
                editor.selection.setCursorLocation( padNode, 0 );

    editor.on( 'init', function() {
        var selection = editor.selection;
        // When a view is selected, ensure content that is being pasted
        // or inserted is added to a text node (instead of the view).
        editor.on( 'BeforeSetContent', function() {
            var walker, target,
                view = getParentView( selection.getNode() );

            // If the selection is not within a view, bail.
            if ( ! view ) {

            if ( ! view.nextSibling || isView( view.nextSibling ) ) {
                // If there are no additional nodes or the next node is a
                // view, create a text node after the current view.
                target = editor.getDoc().createTextNode('');
                editor.dom.insertAfter( target, view );
            } else {
                // Otherwise, find the next text node.
                walker = new TreeWalker( view.nextSibling, view.nextSibling );
                target =;

            // Select the `target` text node.
   target );
            selection.collapse( true );

        // When the selection's content changes, scan any new content
        // for matching views.
        // Runs on paste and on inserting nodes/html.
        editor.on( 'SetContent', function( e ) {
            if ( ! e.context ) {

            var node = selection.getNode();

            if ( ! node.innerHTML ) {

            node.innerHTML = wp.mce.views.toViews( node.innerHTML );

        editor.dom.bind( editor.getBody(), 'mousedown mouseup click', function( event ) {
            var view = getParentView( ),

            // Contain clicks inside the view wrapper
            if ( view ) {

                // Hack to try and keep the block resize handles from appearing. They will show on mousedown and then be removed on mouseup.
                if ( <= 10 ) {

                select( view );

                if ( event.type === 'click' && ! event.metaKey && ! event.ctrlKey ) {
                    if ( editor.dom.hasClass(, 'edit' ) ) {
                        wp.mce.views.edit( view );
                    } else if ( editor.dom.hasClass(, 'remove' ) ) {
                        editor.dom.remove( view );
                // Returning false stops the ugly bars from appearing in IE11 and stops the view being selected as a range in FF.
                // Unfortunately, it also inhibits the dragging of views to a new location.
                return false;
            } else {

                // Fix issue with deselecting a view in IE8. Without this hack, clicking content above the view wouldn't actually deselect it
                // and the caret wouldn't be placed at the mouse location
                if ( && <= 8 ) {
                    deselectEventType = 'mouseup';
                } else {
                    deselectEventType = 'mousedown';

                if ( event.type === deselectEventType ) {

    editor.on( 'PreProcess', function( event ) {
        var dom = editor.dom;

        // Remove empty padding nodes
        tinymce.each( 'p[data-wpview-pad]', event.node ), function( node ) {
            if ( dom.isEmpty( node ) ) {
                dom.remove( node );
            } else {
                dom.setAttrib( node, 'data-wpview-pad', null );

        // Replace the wpview node with the wpview string/shortcode?
        tinymce.each( 'div[data-wpview-text]', event.node ), function( node ) {
            // Empty the wrap node
            if ( 'textContent' in node ) {
                node.textContent = '';
            } else {
                node.innerText = '';

            // This makes all views into block tags (as we use <div>).
            // Can use 'PostProcess' and a regex instead.
            dom.replace( dom.create( 'p', null, window.decodeURIComponent( dom.getAttrib( node, 'data-wpview-text' ) ) ), node );

    editor.on( 'keydown', function( event ) {
        var keyCode = event.keyCode,
            body = editor.getBody(),
            view, padNode;

        // If a view isn't selected, let the event go on its merry way.
        if ( ! selected ) {

        // Let keypresses that involve the command or control keys through.
        // Also, let any of the F# keys through.
        if ( event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey || ( keyCode >= 112 && keyCode <= 123 ) ) {
            if ( ( event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey ) && keyCode === 88 ) {
                toRemove = selected;

        view = getParentView( editor.selection.getNode() );

        // If the caret is not within the selected view, deselect the
        // view and bail.
        if ( view !== selected ) {

        // Deselect views with the arrow keys
        if ( keyCode === VK.LEFT || keyCode === VK.UP ) {
            // Handle case where two views are stacked on top of one another
            if ( isView( view.previousSibling ) ) {
                select( view.previousSibling );
            // Handle case where view is the first node
            } else if ( ! view.previousSibling ) {
                padNode = createPadNode();
                body.insertBefore( padNode, body.firstChild );
                editor.selection.setCursorLocation( body.firstChild, 0 );
            // Handle default case
            } else {
       view.previousSibling, true );
        } else if ( keyCode === VK.RIGHT || keyCode === VK.DOWN ) {
            // Handle case where the next node is another wpview
            if ( isView( view.nextSibling ) ) {
                select( view.nextSibling );
            // Handle case were the view is that last node
            } else if ( ! view.nextSibling ) {
                padNode = createPadNode();
                body.appendChild( padNode );
                editor.selection.setCursorLocation( body.lastChild, 0 );
            // Handle default case where the next node is a non-wpview
            } else {
                editor.selection.setCursorLocation( view.nextSibling, 0 );
        } else if ( keyCode === VK.DELETE || keyCode === VK.BACKSPACE ) {
            // If delete or backspace is pressed, delete the view.
            editor.dom.remove( selected );


    // Select views when arrow keys are used to navigate the content of the editor.
    editor.on( 'keydown', function( event ) {
        var keyCode = event.keyCode,
            dom = editor.dom,
            range = editor.selection.getRng(),
            startNode = range.startContainer,
            body = editor.getBody(),
            node, container;

        if ( ! startNode || startNode === body || event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey ) {

        if ( keyCode === VK.UP || keyCode === VK.LEFT ) {
            if ( keyCode === VK.LEFT && ( ! range.collapsed || range.startOffset !== 0 ) ) {
                // Not at the beginning of the current range

            if ( ! ( node = dom.getParent( startNode, dom.isBlock ) ) ) {

            if ( selectSiblingView( node, 'previous' ) ) {
        } else if ( keyCode === VK.DOWN || keyCode === VK.RIGHT ) {
            if ( ! ( node = dom.getParent( startNode, dom.isBlock ) ) ) {

            if ( keyCode === VK.RIGHT ) {
                container = range.endContainer;

                if ( ! range.collapsed || ( range.startOffset === 0 && container.length ) ||
                    container.nextSibling ||
                    ( container.nodeType === 3 && range.startOffset !== container.length ) ) { // Not at the end of the current range


                // In a child element
                while ( container && container !== node && container !== body ) {
                    if ( container.nextSibling ) {
                    container = container.parentNode;

            if ( selectSiblingView( node, 'next' ) ) {

    editor.on( 'keyup', function( event ) {
        var padNode,
            keyCode = event.keyCode,
            body = editor.getBody(),

        if ( toRemove ) {
            editor.dom.remove( toRemove );
            toRemove = false;

        if ( keyCode === VK.DELETE || keyCode === VK.BACKSPACE ) {
            // Make sure there is padding if the last element is a view
            if ( isView( body.lastChild ) ) {
                padNode = createPadNode();
                body.appendChild( padNode );

                if ( body.childNodes.length === 2 ) {
                    editor.selection.setCursorLocation( padNode, 0 );

            range = editor.selection.getRng();

            // Allow an initial element in the document to be removed when it is before a view
            if ( body.firstChild === range.startContainer && range.collapsed === true &&
                    isView( range.startContainer.nextSibling ) && range.startOffset === 0 ) {

                editor.dom.remove( range.startContainer );

    return {
        getViewText: getViewText,
        setViewText: setViewText