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 * WordPress Translation API
 * @package WordPress
 * @subpackage i18n

 * Gets the current locale.
 * If the locale is set, then it will filter the locale in the 'locale' filter
 * hook and return the value.
 * If the locale is not set already, then the WPLANG constant is used if it is
 * defined. Then it is filtered through the 'locale' filter hook and the value
 * for the locale global set and the locale is returned.
 * The process to get the locale should only be done once but the locale will
 * always be filtered using the 'locale' hook.
 * @since 1.5.0
 * @uses apply_filters() Calls 'locale' hook on locale value.
 * @uses $locale Gets the locale stored in the global.
 * @return string The locale of the blog or from the 'locale' hook.
function get_locale() {
    global $locale;

    if ( isset( $locale ) )
        return apply_filters( 'locale', $locale );

    // WPLANG is defined in wp-config.
    if ( defined( 'WPLANG' ) )
        $locale = WPLANG;

    if ( empty( $locale ) )
        $locale = 'en_US';

    return apply_filters( 'locale', $locale );

 * Retrieves the translation of $text. If there is no translation, or
 * the domain isn't loaded the original text is returned.
 * @see __() Don't use translate() directly, use __()
 * @since 2.2.0
 * @uses apply_filters() Calls 'gettext' on domain translated text
 *        with the untranslated text as second parameter.
 * @param string $text Text to translate.
 * @param string $domain Domain to retrieve the translated text.
 * @return string Translated text
function translate( $text, $domain = 'default' ) {
    $translations = &get_translations_for_domain( $domain );
    return apply_filters( 'gettext', $translations->translate( $text ), $text, $domain );

function before_last_bar( $string ) {
    $last_bar = strrpos( $string, '|' );
    if ( false == $last_bar )
        return $string;
        return substr( $string, 0, $last_bar );

 * Translates $text like translate(), but assumes that the text
 * contains a context after its last vertical bar.
 * @since 2.5
 * @uses translate()
 * @param string $text Text to translate
 * @param string $domain Domain to retrieve the translated text
 * @return string Translated text
function translate_with_context( $text, $domain = 'default' ) {
    return before_last_bar( translate( $text, $domain ) );

function translate_with_gettext_context( $text, $context, $domain = 'default' ) {
    $translations = &get_translations_for_domain( $domain );
    return apply_filters( 'gettext_with_context', $translations->translate( $text, $context ), $text, $context, $domain );

 * Retrieves the translation of $text. If there is no translation, or
 * the domain isn't loaded the original text is returned.
 * @see translate() An alias of translate()
 * @since 2.1.0
 * @param string $text Text to translate
 * @param string $domain Optional. Domain to retrieve the translated text
 * @return string Translated text
function __( $text, $domain = 'default' ) {
    return translate( $text, $domain );

 * Retrieves the translation of $text and escapes it for safe use in an attribute.
 * If there is no translation, or the domain isn't loaded the original text is returned.
 * @see translate() An alias of translate()
 * @see esc_attr()
 * @since 2.8.0
 * @param string $text Text to translate
 * @param string $domain Optional. Domain to retrieve the translated text
 * @return string Translated text
function esc_attr__( $text, $domain = 'default' ) {
    return esc_attr( translate( $text, $domain ) );

 * Retrieves the translation of $text and escapes it for safe use in HTML output.
 * If there is no translation, or the domain isn't loaded the original text is returned.
 * @see translate() An alias of translate()
 * @see esc_html()
 * @since 2.8.0
 * @param string $text Text to translate
 * @param string $domain Optional. Domain to retrieve the translated text
 * @return string Translated text
function esc_html__( $text, $domain = 'default' ) {
    return esc_html( translate( $text, $domain ) );

 * Displays the returned translated text from translate().
 * @see translate() Echoes returned translate() string
 * @since 1.2.0
 * @param string $text Text to translate
 * @param string $domain Optional. Domain to retrieve the translated text
function _e( $text, $domain = 'default' ) {
    echo translate( $text, $domain );

 * Displays translated text that has been escaped for safe use in an attribute.
 * @see translate() Echoes returned translate() string
 * @see esc_attr()
 * @since 2.8.0
 * @param string $text Text to translate
 * @param string $domain Optional. Domain to retrieve the translated text
function esc_attr_e( $text, $domain = 'default' ) {
    echo esc_attr( translate( $text, $domain ) );

 * Displays translated text that has been escaped for safe use in HTML output.
 * @see translate() Echoes returned translate() string
 * @see esc_html()
 * @since 2.8.0
 * @param string $text Text to translate
 * @param string $domain Optional. Domain to retrieve the translated text
function esc_html_e( $text, $domain = 'default' ) {
    echo esc_html( translate( $text, $domain ) );

 * Retrieve translated string with gettext context
 * Quite a few times, there will be collisions with similar translatable text
 * found in more than two places but with different translated context.
 * By including the context in the pot file translators can translate the two
 * string differently
 * @since 2.8
 * @param string $text Text to translate
 * @param string $context Context information for the translators
 * @param string $domain Optional. Domain to retrieve the translated text
 * @return string Translated context string without pipe

function _x( $single, $context, $domain = 'default' ) {
    return translate_with_gettext_context( $single, $context, $domain );

function esc_attr_x( $single, $context, $domain = 'default' ) {
    return esc_attr( translate_with_gettext_context( $single, $context, $domain ) );

function esc_html_x( $single, $context, $domain = 'default' ) {
    return esc_html( translate_with_gettext_context( $single, $context, $domain ) );

function __ngettext() {
    _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '2.8', '_n()' );
    $args = func_get_args();
    return call_user_func_array('_n', $args);

 * Retrieve the plural or single form based on the amount.
 * If the domain is not set in the $l10n list, then a comparison will be made
 * and either $plural or $single parameters returned.
 * If the domain does exist, then the parameters $single, $plural, and $number
 * will first be passed to the domain's ngettext method. Then it will be passed
 * to the 'ngettext' filter hook along with the same parameters. The expected
 * type will be a string.
 * @since 1.2.0
 * @uses $l10n Gets list of domain translated string (gettext_reader) objects
 * @uses apply_filters() Calls 'ngettext' hook on domains text returned,
 *        along with $single, $plural, and $number parameters. Expected to return string.
 * @param string $single The text that will be used if $number is 1
 * @param string $plural The text that will be used if $number is not 1
 * @param int $number The number to compare against to use either $single or $plural
 * @param string $domain Optional. The domain identifier the text should be retrieved in
 * @return string Either $single or $plural translated text
function _n( $single, $plural, $number, $domain = 'default' ) {
    $translations = &get_translations_for_domain( $domain );
    $translation = $translations->translate_plural( $single, $plural, $number );
    return apply_filters( 'ngettext', $translation, $single, $plural, $number, $domain );

 * @see _n() A version of _n(), which supports contexts --
 * strips everything from the translation after the last bar
function _nc( $single, $plural, $number, $domain = 'default' ) {
    return before_last_bar( _n( $single, $plural, $number, $domain ) );

function _nx($single, $plural, $number, $context, $domain = 'default') {
    $translations = &get_translations_for_domain( $domain );
    $translation = $translations->translate_plural( $single, $plural, $number, $context );
    return apply_filters( 'ngettext_with_context', $translation, $single, $plural, $number, $context, $domain );

 * @deprecated Use _n_noop()
function __ngettext_noop() {
    _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '2.8', '_n_noop()' );
    $args = func_get_args();
    return call_user_func_array('_n_noop', $args);


 * Register plural strings in POT file, but don't translate them.
 * Used when you want do keep structures with translatable plural strings and
 * use them later.
 * Example:
 *  $messages = array(
 *      'post' => _n_noop('%s post', '%s posts'),
 *      'page' => _n_noop('%s pages', '%s pages')
 *  );
 *  ...
 *  $message = $messages[$type];
 *  $usable_text = sprintf(_n($message[0], $message[1], $count), $count);
 * @since 2.5
 * @param $single Single form to be i18ned
 * @param $plural Plural form to be i18ned
 * @return array array($single, $plural)
function _n_noop( $single, $plural ) {
    return array( $single, $plural );

 * Register plural strings with context in POT file, but don't translate them.
 * @see _n_noop()
function _nx_noop( $single, $plural, $context ) {
    return array( $single, $plural, $context );

 * Loads a MO file into the domain $domain.
 * If the domain already exists, the translations will be merged. If both
 * sets have the same string, the translation from the original value will be taken.
 * On success, the .mo file will be placed in the $l10n global by $domain
 * and will be a MO object.
 * @since 1.5.0
 * @uses $l10n Gets list of domain translated string objects
 * @param string $domain Unique identifier for retrieving translated strings
 * @param string $mofile Path to the .mo file
 * @return bool true on success, false on failure
function load_textdomain( $domain, $mofile ) {
    global $l10n;
    $plugin_override = apply_filters( 'override_load_textdomain', false, $domain, $mofile );
    if ( true == $plugin_override ) {
        return true;
    do_action( 'load_textdomain', $domain, $mofile );
    $mofile = apply_filters( 'load_textdomain_mofile', $mofile, $domain );

    if ( !is_readable( $mofile ) ) return false;

    $mo = new MO();
    if ( !$mo->import_from_file( $mofile ) ) return false;

    if ( isset( $l10n[$domain] ) )
        $mo->merge_with( $l10n[$domain] );

    $l10n[$domain] = &$mo;
    return true;

 * Loads default translated strings based on locale.
 * Loads the .mo file in WP_LANG_DIR constant path from WordPress root. The
 * translated (.mo) file is named based off of the locale.
 * @since 1.5.0
function load_default_textdomain() {
    $locale = get_locale();

    $mofile = WP_LANG_DIR . "/$";

    return load_textdomain( 'default', $mofile );

 * Loads the plugin's translated strings.
 * If the path is not given then it will be the root of the plugin directory.
 * The .mo file should be named based on the domain with a dash, and then the locale exactly.
 * @since 1.5.0
 * @param string $domain Unique identifier for retrieving translated strings
 * @param string $abs_rel_path Optional. Relative path to ABSPATH of a folder,
 *     where the .mo file resides. Deprecated, but still functional until 2.7
 * @param string $plugin_rel_path Optional. Relative path to WP_PLUGIN_DIR. This is the preferred argument to use. It takes precendence over $abs_rel_path
function load_plugin_textdomain( $domain, $abs_rel_path = false, $plugin_rel_path = false ) {
    $locale = get_locale();

    if ( false !== $plugin_rel_path    )
        $path = WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/' . trim( $plugin_rel_path, '/' );
    else if ( false !== $abs_rel_path )
        $path = ABSPATH . trim( $abs_rel_path, '/' );
        $path = WP_PLUGIN_DIR;

    $mofile = $path . '/'. $domain . '-' . $locale . '.mo';
    return load_textdomain( $domain, $mofile );

 * Loads the theme's translated strings.
 * If the current locale exists as a .mo file in the theme's root directory, it
 * will be included in the translated strings by the $domain.
 * The .mo files must be named based on the locale exactly.
 * @since 1.5.0
 * @param string $domain Unique identifier for retrieving translated strings
function load_theme_textdomain($domain, $path = false) {
    $locale = get_locale();

    $path = ( empty( $path ) ) ? get_template_directory() : $path;

    $mofile = "$path/$";
    return load_textdomain($domain, $mofile);

 * Loads the child themes translated strings.
 * If the current locale exists as a .mo file in the child themes root directory, it
 * will be included in the translated strings by the $domain.
 * The .mo files must be named based on the locale exactly.
 * @since 2.9.0
 * @param string $domain Unique identifier for retrieving translated strings
function load_child_theme_textdomain($domain, $path = false) {
        $locale = get_locale();

        $path = ( empty( $path ) ) ? get_stylesheet_directory() : $path;

        $mofile = "$path/$";
        return load_textdomain($domain, $mofile);

 * Returns the Translations instance for a domain. If there isn't one,
 * returns empty Translations instance.
 * @param string $domain
 * @return object A Translation instance
function &get_translations_for_domain( $domain ) {
    global $l10n;
    if ( !isset( $l10n[$domain] ) ) {
        $l10n[$domain] = &new NOOP_Translations;
    return $l10n[$domain];

 * Translates role name. Since the role names are in the database and
 * not in the source there are dummy gettext calls to get them into the POT
 * file and this function properly translates them back.
 * The before_last_bar() call is needed, because older installs keep the roles
 * using the old context format: 'Role name|User role' and just skipping the
 * content after the last bar is easier than fixing them in the DB. New installs
 * won't suffer from that problem.
function translate_user_role( $name ) {
    return translate_with_gettext_context( before_last_bar($name), 'User role' );