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5 hrs
Test Coverage
const functions = require("firebase-functions");

// Import Admin SDK
const { getDatabase } = require('firebase-admin/database');

const admin = require('firebase-admin');
const { user } = require("firebase-functions/v1/auth");

// // Create and deploy your first functions
// //
// exports.helloWorld = functions.https.onRequest((request, response) => {
//"Hello logs!", {structuredData: true});
//    response.send("Hello from Firebase!");
//  });

// the schedule is specified in cron job format "15 * * * *" = "At minute 15."

const sections = ["AR", "CGC", "GC", "GM", "EL", "IN", "SV", "MA", "MT", "PH", "MX", "SIE", "SC", "NONE"]

function set_error_callback (error) {
    if (error) {
      console.log('Data could not be saved.' + error)
    } else {
      console.log('Data saved successfully.')

exports.resetVotesScheduledFunction = functions.region('europe-west1').pubsub.schedule("0 * * * *").onRun((context) => {

    console.log("It's minute 0!");
    const db = getDatabase();
    const refZones = db.ref('Zones');
    const refUsers = db.ref('Users');

    refZones.once('value').then( (zonesSnapshot) => {

        // reset for each zone
        zonesSnapshot.forEach((zoneSnapshot) => {

            var zone_name = zoneSnapshot.key

            zoneSnapshot.forEach((zoneChildSnapshot) => {
                if (zoneChildSnapshot.key != "owner"){

                    var section_name = zoneChildSnapshot.key

                    // reset count to 0
                    refZones.child(zone_name).child(section_name).set(0, set_error_callback)


    refUsers.once('value').then( (usersSnapshot) => {

        // reset for each user
        usersSnapshot.forEach((userSnapshot) => {

            var user_id = userSnapshot.key;

            refUsers.child(user_id).child("has_voted").set(false, set_error_callback)

    return null

//TODO set back to 15 * * * * once tested finished
exports.countVotesScheduledFunction = functions.region('europe-west1').pubsub.schedule("15 * * * *").onRun((context) => {

    console.log("It's minute 15!")
    const db = getDatabase()
    const refZones = db.ref('Zones')
    const refSections = db.ref('Sections')
    const refPowerUp = db.ref('PowerUp/SuperBigMaxPower')

    const sectionsScores = new Map()
    for(var i = 0, size = sections.length; i < size ; i++){
        sectionsScores.set(sections[i], 0);

    refPowerUp.once('value').then( (PowerUpSnapshot) => {
        var power_up_cost = PowerUpSnapshot.child("value").val()

        refZones.once('value').then( (zonesSnapshot) => {

            // update for each zone
            zonesSnapshot.forEach((zoneChildSnapshot) => {

                var zone_name = zoneChildSnapshot.key

                var new_owner = "NONE"
                var current_owner = zoneChildSnapshot.child("owner").val()

                var max = 0
                var second_max = 0

                // for each section
                for(var i = 0, size = sections.length; i < size ; i++){

                    var section = sections[i]


                        let val_section = zoneChildSnapshot.child(section).val()

                            var section_power_up_funds = PowerUpSnapshot.child("funds").child(section).val()

                            if(section_power_up_funds >= power_up_cost){
                                val_section *= 2

                        if(val_section > max){
                            max = val_section
                            new_owner = section
                        } else if(val_section > second_max){
                            second_max = val_section

                // no capture if equality
                if(max != second_max){

                    sectionsScores.set(new_owner, sectionsScores.get(new_owner) + 1)
                    refZones.child(zone_name).child("owner").set(new_owner, set_error_callback)
                } else {

                    sectionsScores.set(current_owner, sectionsScores.get(current_owner) + 1)



            sectionsScores.forEach( (val, key) => {
                if(key != "NONE"){
                    refSections.child(key).child("score").set(val, set_error_callback)

            //remove money of used power ups
            const refPowerUp = db.ref('PowerUp/SuperBigMaxPower')
            refPowerUp.once('value').then( (PowerUpSnapshot) => {
                var power_up_cost = PowerUpSnapshot.child("value").val()
                PowerUpSnapshot.child("funds").forEach( (fund_section_snapshot) => {
                    var section = fund_section_snapshot.key
                    if(fund_section_snapshot.val() >= power_up_cost){
                        refPowerUp.child("funds").child(section).set(admin.database.ServerValue.increment(-power_up_cost), set_error_callback)


    return null

exports.giveMoneyScheduledFunction = functions.region('europe-west1').pubsub.schedule("0 12 * * *").onRun((context) => {

    console.log("It's noon!")
    const db = getDatabase()
    const refUsers = db.ref('Users')

    //take snapshot of Users
    refUsers.once('value').then( (usersSnapshot) => {

        //count number of user for each section
        const sectionsUserCount = new Map()
        for(var i = 0, size = sections.length; i < size ; i++){
            sectionsUserCount.set(sections[i], 0);

        usersSnapshot.forEach((userSnapshot) => {

            let userSection = userSnapshot.child("section").val()
            sectionsUserCount.set(userSection, sectionsUserCount.get(userSection) + 1)


        //take snapshot of Sections (for scores)
        //compute how much money each user of each section gets
        const refSections = db.ref('Sections')

        const moneyPerUserPerSection = new Map()
        for(var i = 0, size = sections.length; i < size ; i++){
            moneyPerUserPerSection.set(sections[i], 0);

        refSections.once('value').then( (sectionsSnapshot) => {

            sectionsSnapshot.forEach((sectionSnapshot) => {

                var sectionName = sectionSnapshot.key
                let sectionScore = sectionSnapshot.child("score").val()

                if(sectionsUserCount[sectionName] != 0){
                    moneyPerUserPerSection.set(sectionName, Math.floor(sectionScore / sectionsUserCount.get(sectionName)) + 1)

            //increment user money
            usersSnapshot.forEach((userSnapshot) => {

                var user_id = userSnapshot.key;

                let userSection = userSnapshot.child("section").val()

                var moneyToAdd = moneyPerUserPerSection.get(userSection)

                refUsers.child(user_id).child("money").set(admin.database.ServerValue.increment(moneyToAdd), set_error_callback)




    return null;