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# frozen_string_literal: true

module CanCan
  # This module is automatically included into all controllers.
  # It also makes the "can?" and "cannot?" methods available to all views.
  module ControllerAdditions
    module ClassMethods
      # Sets up a before filter which loads and authorizes the current resource. This performs both
      # load_resource and authorize_resource and accepts the same arguments. See those methods for details.
      #   class BooksController < ApplicationController
      #     load_and_authorize_resource
      #   end
      def load_and_authorize_resource(*args)
        cancan_resource_class.add_before_action(self, :load_and_authorize_resource, *args)

      # Sets up a before filter which loads the model resource into an instance variable.
      # For example, given an ArticlesController it will load the current article into the @article
      # instance variable. It does this by either calling Article.find(params[:id]) or
      #[:article]) depending upon the action. The index action will
      # automatically set @articles to Article.accessible_by(current_ability).
      # If a conditions hash is used in the Ability, the +new+ and +create+ actions will set
      # the initial attributes based on these conditions. This way these actions will satisfy
      # the ability restrictions.
      # Call this method directly on the controller class.
      #   class BooksController < ApplicationController
      #     load_resource
      #   end
      # A resource is not loaded if the instance variable is already set. This makes it easy to override
      # the behavior through a before_action on certain actions.
      #   class BooksController < ApplicationController
      #     before_action :find_book_by_permalink, :only => :show
      #     load_resource
      #     private
      #     def find_book_by_permalink
      #       @book = Book.find_by_permalink!(params[:id])
      #     end
      #   end
      # If a name is provided which does not match the controller it assumes it is a parent resource. Child
      # resources can then be loaded through it.
      #   class BooksController < ApplicationController
      #     load_resource :author
      #     load_resource :book, :through => :author
      #   end
      # Here the author resource will be loaded before each action using params[:author_id]. The book resource
      # will then be loaded through the @author instance variable.
      # That first argument is optional and will default to the singular name of the controller.
      # A hash of options (see below) can also be passed to this method to further customize it.
      # See load_and_authorize_resource to automatically authorize the resource too.
      # Options:
      # [:+only+]
      #   Only applies before filter to given actions.
      # [:+except+]
      #   Does not apply before filter to given actions.
      # [:+through+]
      #   Load this resource through another one. This should match the name of the parent instance variable or method.
      # [:+through_association+]
      #   The name of the association to fetch the child records through the parent resource.
      #   This is normally not needed because it defaults to the pluralized resource name.
      # [:+shallow+]
      #   Pass +true+ to allow this resource to be loaded directly when parent is +nil+. Defaults to +false+.
      # [:+singleton+]
      #   Pass +true+ if this is a singleton resource through a +has_one+ association.
      # [:+parent+]
      #   True or false depending on if the resource is considered a parent resource.
      #   This defaults to +true+ if a resource name is given which does not match the controller.
      # [:+class+]
      #   The class to use for the model (string or constant).
      # [:+instance_name+]
      #   The name of the instance variable to load the resource into.
      # [:+find_by+]
      #   Find using a different attribute other than id. For example.
      #     load_resource :find_by => :permalink # will use find_by_permalink!(params[:id])
      # [:+id_param+]
      #   Find using a param key other than :id. For example:
      #     load_resource :id_param => :url # will use find(params[:url])
      # [:+collection+]
      #   Specify which actions are resource collection actions in addition to :+index+. This
      #   is usually not necessary because it will try to guess depending on if the id param is present.
      #     load_resource :collection => [:sort, :list]
      # [:+new+]
      #   Specify which actions are new resource actions in addition to :+new+ and :+create+.
      #   Pass an action name into here if you would like to build a new resource instead of
      #   fetch one.
      #     load_resource :new => :build
      # [:+prepend+]
      #   Passing +true+ will use prepend_before_action instead of a normal before_action.
      def load_resource(*args)
        cancan_resource_class.add_before_action(self, :load_resource, *args)

      # Sets up a before filter which authorizes the resource using the instance variable.
      # For example, if you have an ArticlesController it will check the @article instance variable
      # and ensure the user can perform the current action on it. Under the hood it is doing
      # something like the following.
      #   authorize!(params[:action].to_sym, @article || Article)
      # Call this method directly on the controller class.
      #   class BooksController < ApplicationController
      #     authorize_resource
      #   end
      # If you pass in the name of a resource which does not match the controller it will assume
      # it is a parent resource.
      #   class BooksController < ApplicationController
      #     authorize_resource :author
      #     authorize_resource :book
      #   end
      # Here it will authorize :+show+, @+author+ on every action before authorizing the book.
      # That first argument is optional and will default to the singular name of the controller.
      # A hash of options (see below) can also be passed to this method to further customize it.
      # See load_and_authorize_resource to automatically load the resource too.
      # Options:
      # [:+only+]
      #   Only applies before filter to given actions.
      # [:+except+]
      #   Does not apply before filter to given actions.
      # [:+singleton+]
      #   Pass +true+ if this is a singleton resource through a +has_one+ association.
      # [:+parent+]
      #   True or false depending on if the resource is considered a parent resource.
      #   This defaults to +true+ if a resource name is given which does not match the controller.
      # [:+class+]
      #   The class to use for the model (string or constant). This passed in when the instance variable is not set.
      #   Pass +false+ if there is no associated class for this resource and it will use a symbol of the resource name.
      # [:+instance_name+]
      #   The name of the instance variable for this resource.
      # [:+through+]
      #   Authorize conditions on this parent resource when instance isn't available.
      # [:+prepend+]
      #   Passing +true+ will use prepend_before_action instead of a normal before_action.
      def authorize_resource(*args)
        cancan_resource_class.add_before_action(self, :authorize_resource, *args)

      # Skip both the loading and authorization behavior of CanCan for this given controller. This is primarily
      # useful to skip the behavior of a superclass. You can pass :only and :except options to specify which actions
      # to skip the effects on. It will apply to all actions by default.
      #   class ProjectsController < SomeOtherController
      #     skip_load_and_authorize_resource :only => :index
      #   end
      # You can also pass the resource name as the first argument to skip that resource.
      def skip_load_and_authorize_resource(*args)

      # Skip the loading behavior of CanCan. This is useful when using +load_and_authorize_resource+ but want to
      # only do authorization on certain actions. You can pass :only and :except options to specify which actions to
      # skip the effects on. It will apply to all actions by default.
      #   class ProjectsController < ApplicationController
      #     load_and_authorize_resource
      #     skip_load_resource :only => :index
      #   end
      # You can also pass the resource name as the first argument to skip that resource.
      def skip_load_resource(*args)
        options = args.extract_options!
        name = args.first
        cancan_skipper[:load][name] = options

      # Skip the authorization behavior of CanCan. This is useful when using +load_and_authorize_resource+ but want to
      # only do loading on certain actions. You can pass :only and :except options to specify which actions to
      # skip the effects on. It will apply to all actions by default.
      #   class ProjectsController < ApplicationController
      #     load_and_authorize_resource
      #     skip_authorize_resource :only => :index
      #   end
      # You can also pass the resource name as the first argument to skip that resource.
      def skip_authorize_resource(*args)
        options = args.extract_options!
        name = args.first
        cancan_skipper[:authorize][name] = options

      # Add this to a controller to ensure it performs authorization through +authorize+! or +authorize_resource+ call.
      # If neither of these authorization methods are called,
      # a CanCan::AuthorizationNotPerformed exception will be raised.
      # This is normally added to the ApplicationController to ensure all controller actions do authorization.
      #   class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
      #     check_authorization
      #   end
      # See skip_authorization_check to bypass this check on specific controller actions.
      # Options:
      # [:+only+]
      #   Only applies to given actions.
      # [:+except+]
      #   Does not apply to given actions.
      # [:+if+]
      #   Supply the name of a controller method to be called.
      #   The authorization check only takes place if this returns true.
      #     check_authorization :if => :admin_controller?
      # [:+unless+]
      #   Supply the name of a controller method to be called.
      #   The authorization check only takes place if this returns false.
      #     check_authorization :unless => :devise_controller?
      def check_authorization(options = {})
        block = proc do |controller|
          next if controller.instance_variable_defined?(:@_authorized)
          next if options[:if] && !controller.send(options[:if])
          next if options[:unless] && controller.send(options[:unless])

          raise AuthorizationNotPerformed,
                'This action failed the check_authorization because it does not authorize_resource. ' \
                'Add skip_authorization_check to bypass this check.'

        send(:after_action, options.slice(:only, :except), &block)

      # Call this in the class of a controller to skip the check_authorization behavior on the actions.
      #   class HomeController < ApplicationController
      #     skip_authorization_check :only => :index
      #   end
      # Any arguments are passed to the +before_action+ it triggers.
      def skip_authorization_check(*args)
        block = proc { |controller| controller.instance_variable_set(:@_authorized, true) }
        send(:before_action, *args, &block)

      def cancan_resource_class

      def cancan_skipper
        self._cancan_skipper ||= { authorize: {}, load: {} }

    def self.included(base)
      base.extend ClassMethods
      base.helper_method :can?, :cannot?, :current_ability if base.respond_to? :helper_method
      base.class_attribute :_cancan_skipper

    # Raises a CanCan::AccessDenied exception if the current_ability cannot
    # perform the given action. This is usually called in a controller action or
    # before filter to perform the authorization.
    #   def show
    #     @article = Article.find(params[:id])
    #     authorize! :read, @article
    #   end
    # A :message option can be passed to specify a different message.
    #   authorize! :read, @article, :message => "Not authorized to read #{}"
    # You can also use I18n to customize the message. Action aliases defined in Ability work here.
    #   en:
    #     unauthorized:
    #       manage:
    #         all: "Not authorized to %{action} %{subject}."
    #         user: "Not allowed to manage other user accounts."
    #       update:
    #         project: "Not allowed to update this project."
    # You can rescue from the exception in the controller to customize how unauthorized
    # access is displayed to the user.
    #   class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
    #     rescue_from CanCan::AccessDenied do |exception|
    #       redirect_to root_url, :alert => exception.message
    #     end
    #   end
    # See the CanCan::AccessDenied exception for more details on working with the exception.
    # See the load_and_authorize_resource method to automatically add the authorize! behavior
    # to the default RESTful actions.
    def authorize!(*args)
      @_authorized = true

    # Creates and returns the current user's ability and caches it. If you
    # want to override how the Ability is defined then this is the place.
    # Just define the method in the controller to change behavior.
    #   def current_ability
    #     # instead of
    #     @current_ability ||=
    #   end
    # Notice it is important to cache the ability object so it is not
    # recreated every time.
    def current_ability
      @current_ability ||=

    # Use in the controller or view to check the user's permission for a given action
    # and object.
    #   can? :destroy, @project
    # You can also pass the class instead of an instance (if you don't have one handy).
    #   <% if can? :create, Project %>
    #     <%= link_to "New Project", new_project_path %>
    #   <% end %>
    # If it's a nested resource, you can pass the parent instance in a hash. This way it will
    # check conditions which reach through that association.
    #   <% if can? :create, @category => Project %>
    #     <%= link_to "New Project", new_project_path %>
    #   <% end %>
    # This simply calls "can?" on the current_ability. See Ability#can?.
    def can?(*args)

    # Convenience method which works the same as "can?" but returns the opposite value.
    #   cannot? :destroy, @project
    def cannot?(*args)

if defined? ActiveSupport
  ActiveSupport.on_load(:action_controller) do
    include CanCan::ControllerAdditions