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# civocloud-nodejs

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This module is for accessing the [v2 civo API which is documented here]( "CIVO API")

v2 of this module has made some changes to the layout of some functions so if you are upgrading you may have to make some changes

## installation
1. install [npm]( "npm homepage")
2. `npm install civocloud --save`

## table of contents

- [getting started](#getting-started)
- [api functions](#api-functions)
- [other info](#other-info)

## getting started

this package uses native ES6 promises for all api calls.

to use `civocloud-nodejs` you first need to supply the api token:
const { Civo } = require('civocloud');

const civo = new Civo({ apiToken: 'apiToken' });

a simple example of calling one of the APIs is:
const { Civo } = require('civocloud');

const civo = new Civo({ apiToken: 'apiToken' });

civo.listInstanceSizes().then((sizes) => {
}).catch((err) => {

## api functions

The api functions are now documented [on the API page](./docs/

## Other info
This package is not an official package from [civo]( and has not been made by them as it is just an abstraction layer to the [civo API]( "civo API").