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Test Coverage
  EnforcedStyle: double_quotes
    - single_quotes
    - double_quotes
  # If `true`, strings which span multiple lines using `\` for continuation must
  # use the same type of quotes on each line.
  ConsistentQuotesInMultiline: false

  EnforcedStyle: always
    # `when_needed` will add the frozen string literal comment to files
    # only when the `TargetRubyVersion` is set to 2.3+.
    - when_needed
    # `always` will always add the frozen string literal comment to a file
    # regardless of the Ruby version or if `freeze` or `<<` are called on a
    # string literal. If you run code against multiple versions of Ruby, it is
    # possible that this will create errors in Ruby 2.3.0+.
    - always
    # `never` will enforce that the frozen string literal comment does not
    # exist in a file.
    - never

  # When true, allows most uses of extra spacing if the intent is to align
  # things with the previous or next line, not counting empty lines or comment
  # lines.
  AllowForAlignment: true
  # When true, forces the alignment of `=` in assignments on consecutive lines.
  ForceEqualSignAlignment: true

  Max: 150
  # To make it possible to copy or click on URIs in the code, we allow lines
  # containing a URI to be longer than Max.
  AllowHeredoc: true
  AllowURI: true
    - http
    - https
  # The IgnoreCopDirectives option causes the LineLength rule to ignore cop
  # directives like '# rubocop: enable ...' when calculating a line's length.
  IgnoreCopDirectives: false
  # The IgnoredPatterns option is a list of !ruby/regexp and/or string
  # elements. Strings will be converted to Regexp objects. A line that matches
  # any regular expression listed in this option will be ignored by LineLength.
  IgnoredPatterns: []

  EnforcedStyle: indented
    - aligned
    - indented
    - indented_relative_to_receiver
  # By default, the indentation width from Layout/IndentationWidth is used
  # But it can be overridden by setting this parameter
  IndentationWidth: 4

# Multi-line method chaining should be done with leading dots.
  EnforcedStyle: trailing
    - leading
    - trailing

# Checks the indentation of the first key in a hash literal.
  # The value `special_inside_parentheses` means that hash literals with braces
  # that have their opening brace on the same line as a surrounding opening
  # round parenthesis, shall have their first key indented relative to the
  # first position inside the parenthesis.
  # The value `consistent` means that the indentation of the first key shall
  # always be relative to the first position of the line where the opening
  # brace is.
  # The value `align_braces` means that the indentation of the first key shall
  # always be relative to the position of the opening brace.
  EnforcedStyle: special_inside_parentheses
    - special_inside_parentheses
    - consistent
    - align_braces
  # By default, the indentation width from `Layout/IndentationWidth` is used
  # But it can be overridden by setting this parameter
  IndentationWidth: 4

    - spec/**/*

  EnforcedStyle: indented
    - aligned
    - indented
  # By default, the indentation width from `Layout/IndentationWidth` is used
  # But it can be overridden by setting this parameter
  IndentationWidth: 2