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Test Coverage
# Change Log

## 0.3.1 (09/10/2018)
- Fix long-running regex match

## 0.2.1 (14/12/2017)
- Creating a `spec_helper.rb` and implement SimpleCov tool
- Refactored test architecture to use hashes instead of arrays
- Reached 100% code coverage

## 0.2.0 (12/12/2017)
- Implementation of multi functions that allows parsing of both email and phone in same method

## 0.1.0 (09/12/2017)
- Implementation of all basic functions for emails, urls, and phone numbers
- Initial draft release

## 0.0.4 (08/12/2017)
- Use Ruby that's already installed on TravisCI
- Implement [Stale]( for issue
- Add error messages, especially for malformed input