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Test Coverage
@import "../../variables/mixins";
@import "../../variables/colors";
@import "../../variables/sizes";

$cNeutral:  $cHighlight-main;
$cPositive:   rgba(#5FCC79, 1);
$cNotice:     rgba(#F2C000, 1);
$cSunrise:    rgba(#F5A623, 1);
$cAlert:      rgba(#EA703D, 1);
$cNegative:   rgba(#CB3F29, 1);
$cCyan:       rgba(#55C9AF, 1);
$cRoyal:      rgba(#7882B9, 1);
$cRoyalDark:  rgba(#9013FE, 1);
$cMagenta:    rgba(#BD10E0, 1);
$cLingon:     rgba(#AC638B, 1);
$cSmaltBlue:  rgba(#577590, 1);

//  Filled circles with an icon in the middle, typically used together with a CDB-IconFont.
// Example usage:
//   <div class="IllustrationIcon IllustrationIcon--royal">
//     <i class="CDB-IconFont CDB-IconFont-unlock"></i>
//   </div>
.IllustrationIcon {
  display: flex;
  align-items: center;
  justify-content: center;
  width: 50px;
  height: 50px;
  border-radius: 30px; // Enough to make it round
  color: white;
  font-size: 20px;
.IllustrationIcon--neutral { background-color: $cNeutral; }
.IllustrationIcon--positive { background-color: $cPositive; }
.IllustrationIcon--notice { background-color: $cNotice; }
.IllustrationIcon--sunrise { background-color: $cSunrise; }
.IllustrationIcon--alert { background-color: $cAlert; }
.IllustrationIcon--negative { background-color: $cNegative; }
.IllustrationIcon--cyan { background-color: $cCyan; }
.IllustrationIcon--royal { background-color: $cRoyal; }
.IllustrationIcon--royalDark { background-color: $cRoyalDark; }
.IllustrationIcon--magenta { background-color: $cMagenta; }
.IllustrationIcon--lingon { background-color: $cLingon; }
.IllustrationIcon--smaltBlue { background-color: $cSmaltBlue; }

.IllustrationIcon-text {
  font-size: $sFontSize-smallUpperCase;
  font-weight: $sFontWeight-normal;
  line-height: $sLineHeight-smaller;
  text-transform: uppercase;