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cdb.admin.overlays = cdb.admin.overlays || {};

 * Model for the Overlays
 * */
cdb.admin.models.Overlay = cdb.core.Model.extend({

  defaults: {
    order: 1

  sync: Backbone.syncAbort,

  url: function(method) {
    var version = cdb.config.urlVersion('overlays', method);
    var base = '/api/' + version + '/viz/' + + '/overlays';
    if (this.isNew()) {
      return base;
    return base + '/' +;

  _clone: function(obj) {

    var copy;

    // Handle  a couple of types, plus null and undefined
    if (null == obj || "object" != typeof obj) return obj;

    // Handle Array
    if (obj instanceof Array) {
      copy = [];
      for (var i = 0, len = obj.length; i < len; i++) {
        copy[i] = this._clone(obj[i]);
      return copy;

    // Handle Object
    if (obj instanceof Object) {
      copy = {};
      for (var attr in obj) {
        if (obj.hasOwnProperty(attr)) copy[attr] = this._clone(obj[attr]);
      return copy;

    throw new Error("Type not supported");

  cloneAttributes: function() {
    return this._clone(this.attributes);

   * Overwrite serialization method to use our Overlay structure
   * */
  toJSON: function() {

    return {
      template: this.get("template"),
      order:    this.get("order"),
      type:     this.get("type"),
      options:  {
        x:       this.get("x"),
        y:       this.get("y"),
        device:  this.get("device"),
        display: this.get("display"),
        style:   this.get("style"),
        extra:   this.get("extra")

  parse: function(resp) {
    resp.display = resp.options.display;
    var options = resp.options;
    if (options) {
      options = typeof options === 'string' ? JSON.parse(options): options;
      _.extend(resp, {
        x:            options.x,
        y:            options.y,
        device:       options.device,
        extra:        options.extra,
        display:      options.display
    delete resp.options.display;
    return resp;

  clone: function() {
    return new cdb.admin.models.Overlay(_.omit(_.clone(this.attributes), 'id', 'parent_id'));


 * Overlays collection
 * */
cdb.admin.Overlays = Backbone.Collection.extend({

  model: cdb.admin.models.Overlay,

  url: function(method) {
    var version = cdb.config.urlVersion('overlays', method);
    return '/api/' + version + '/viz/' + this.vis.get("id") + '/overlays';

  comparator: function(item) {
    return item.get("order");

  initialize: function() {



  _bindOverlays: function() {

    this.bind("reset", function(){

      var headers = this.filter(function(overlay) { return overlay.get("type") === "header"; });

      if (headers.length) {

        var self = this;

        this.vis.on("change:name change:description", function() {

            title:  this.get("name"),
            description: self._getMarkdown(this.get('description'))

        }, this.vis);


    }, this);


   * Returns an array with all the overlays z-indexes
   * */
  getOverlaysZIndex: function(mode) {

    var overlays = this.filter(function(o) { 
      return o.get("device") === mode && (o.get("type") === "text" || o.get("type") === "annotation" || o.get("type") === "image");

    return, function(o) { return parseInt(o.get("style")["z-index"]) });


  createOverlayByType: function(overlay_type, property) {
      var byType = {
        'fullscreen':     this._createFullScreenOverlay,
        'header':         this._createHeaderOverlay,
        'layer_selector': this._createLayerSelectorOverlay,
        'share':          this._createShareOverlay,
        'search':         this._createSearchOverlay,
        'zoom':           this._createZoomOverlay,
        'logo':           this._createLogoOverlay
      var c = byType[overlay_type];
      if (c) {
        return, property);

  _createZoomOverlay: function() {
    var options = {
      type: "zoom",
      order: 6,
      display: true,
      template: '<a href="#zoom_in" class="zoom_in">+</a> <a href="#zoom_out" class="zoom_out">-</a>',
      x: 20,
      y: 20

  _createLogoOverlay: function() {
    var options = {
      type: "logo",
      order: 10,
      display: true,
      x: 10,
      y: 40

  _createSearchOverlay: function() {
    var options = {
      type: "search",
      order: 3,
      display: true,
      x: 60,
      y: 20

  _createLayerSelectorOverlay: function() {
    var options = {
      type: "layer_selector",
      order: 4,
      display: true,
      x: 212,
      y: 20

  _createShareOverlay: function() {

    var options = {
      type: "share",
      order: 2,
      display: true,
      x: 20,
      y: 20



  _getMarkdown: function(text) {
    return text ? $(markdown.toHTML(text)).html() : "";

  _createHeaderOverlay: function(property) {

    var self = this;

    var show_title       = false;
    var show_description = false;

    if (property === "title")       show_title       = true;
    if (property === "description") show_description = true;

    var description = this.vis.get("description");
    var title       = this.vis.get("name");

    if (!show_title && property == 'description' && !description) return;

    var options = {
      type: "header",
      order: 1,
      display: true,
      extra: {
        title: title,
        description: description,
        show_title: show_title,
        show_description: show_description

    var model = this.create(options);
    var vis = this.vis;

    this.vis.on("change:name change:description", function() {
        title:  vis.get("name"),
        description: self._getMarkdown(vis.get('description'))
    }, model);

    model.bind('destroy', function() {
      vis.unbind(null, null, model);


  _createFullScreenOverlay: function() {
    var options = {
      type: "fullscreen",
      order: 7,
      display: true,
      x: 20,
      y: 172