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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    Copyright (C) 2017 Sebastian Golasch (
    Copyright (C) 2018 Caphm (original implementation module)
    Helper functions for inter-process communication via AddonSignals

    SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
    See LICENSES/ for more information.
import pickle
from base64 import b64encode, b64decode

import AddonSignals

from resources.lib.common import exceptions
from resources.lib.globals import G
from resources.lib.utils.logging import LOG, measure_exec_time_decorator
from .misc_utils import run_threaded


# IPC over HTTP endpoints
IPC_ENDPOINT_CACHE = '/netflix_service/cache'
IPC_ENDPOINT_MSL = '/netflix_service/msl'
IPC_ENDPOINT_NFSESSION = '/netflix_service/nfsession'
IPC_ENDPOINT_NFSESSION_TEST = '/netflix_service/nfsessiontest'

class Signals:  # pylint: disable=no-init,too-few-public-methods
    """Signal names for use with AddonSignals"""
    PLAYBACK_INITIATED = 'playback_initiated'
    REQUEST_KODI_LIBRARY_UPDATE = 'request_kodi_library_update'
    SWITCH_EVENTS_HANDLER = 'switch_events_handler'

def register_slot(callback, signal=None, source_id=None, is_signal=False):
    """Register a callback with AddonSignals for return calls"""
    name = signal if signal else callback.__name__
    _callback = (EnvelopeAddonSignalsCallback(callback).call
                 if is_signal else EnvelopeAddonSignalsCallback(callback).return_call)
        signaler_id=source_id or G.ADDON_ID,
    LOG.debug('Registered AddonSignals slot {} to {}', name, callback)

def unregister_slot(callback, signal=None):
    """Remove a registered callback from AddonSignals"""
    name = signal if signal else callback.__name__
    LOG.debug('Unregistered AddonSignals slot {}', name)

def send_signal(signal, data=None, non_blocking=False):
    """Send a signal via AddonSignals"""
    # Using sendSignal of AddonSignals you might think that it is not a blocking call instead is blocking because it
    # uses executeJSONRPC that is a blocking call, so the invoker will remain blocked until the function called by
    # executeJSONRPC has completed his operations, even if it does not return any data.
    # This workaround call sendSignal in a separate thread so immediately releases the invoker.
    # This is to be considered according to the functions to be called,
    # because it could keep the caller blocked for a certain amount of time unnecessarily.
    # To note that several consecutive calls, are made in sequence not at the same time.
    run_threaded(non_blocking, _send_signal, signal, data)

def _send_signal(signal, data):
    _data = b64encode(pickle.dumps(data, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)).decode('ascii')

def make_call(func_name, data=None, endpoint=IPC_ENDPOINT_NFSESSION):
    Make an IPC call
    :param func_name: function name
    :param data: the data to send, if will be passed a dict will be expanded to kwargs into the target function
    :param endpoint: used to override the endpoint on IPC via HTTP
    :return: the data if provided by the target function
    :raise: can raise exceptions raised from the target function
    # Note: IPC over HTTP - handle a FULL objects serialization (like classes)
    #       IPC over AddonSignals - by default NOT HANDLE objects serialization,
    #         but we have implemented a double data conversion to support a full objects serialization
    #         (as predisposition for AddonConnector) the main problem is Kodi memory leak, see:
        return make_http_call(endpoint, func_name, data)
    return make_addonsignals_call(func_name, data)

def make_http_call(endpoint, func_name, data=None):
    Make an IPC call via HTTP and wait for it to return.
    The contents of data will be expanded to kwargs and passed into the target function.
    from urllib.request import build_opener, install_opener, ProxyHandler, urlopen
    from urllib.error import URLError
    # Note: Using 'localhost' as address slowdown the call (Windows OS is affected) not sure if it is an urllib issue
    url = f'{G.LOCAL_DB.get_value("nf_server_service_port")}{endpoint}/{func_name}'
    LOG.debug('Handling HTTP IPC call to {}', url)
    install_opener(build_opener(ProxyHandler({})))  # don't use proxy for localhost
        with urlopen(url=url,
                     data=pickle.dumps(data, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL),
                     timeout=IPC_TIMEOUT_SECS) as f:
            received_data =
            if received_data:
                _data = pickle.loads(received_data)
                if isinstance(_data, Exception):
                    raise _data
                return _data
        return None
    # except HTTPError as exc:
    #     raise exc
    except URLError as exc:
        err_msg = str(exc)
        if '10049' in err_msg:
            err_msg += '\r\nPossible cause is wrong localhost settings in your operative system.'
        raise exceptions.BackendNotReady(err_msg) from exc

def make_addonsignals_call(callname, data):
    Make an IPC call via AddonSignals and wait for it to return.
    The contents of data will be expanded to kwargs and passed into the target function.
    LOG.debug('Handling AddonSignals IPC call to {}', callname)
    _data = b64encode(pickle.dumps(data, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)).decode('ascii')
    result = AddonSignals.makeCall(
        timeout_ms=IPC_TIMEOUT_SECS * 1000,
    _result = pickle.loads(b64decode(result))
    if isinstance(_result, Exception):
        raise _result
    return _result

class EnvelopeAddonSignalsCallback:
    Handle an AddonSignals function callback,
    allow to use funcs with multiple args/kwargs,
    allow an automatic AddonSignals.returnCall callback,
    can handle catching and forwarding of exceptions
    def __init__(self, func):
        self._func = func

    def call(self, data):
        """In memory reference for the target func"""
            _data = pickle.loads(b64decode(data))
            _call(self._func, _data)
        except Exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
            import traceback

    def return_call(self, data):
        """In memory reference for the target func, with an automatic AddonSignals.returnCall callback"""
            _data = pickle.loads(b64decode(data))
            result = _call(self._func, _data)
        except Exception as exc:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
            if exc.__class__.__name__ not in ['CacheMiss', 'MetadataNotAvailable']:
                LOG.error('IPC callback raised exception: {exc}', exc=exc)
                import traceback
            result = exc
        _result = b64encode(pickle.dumps(result, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)).decode('ascii')
        AddonSignals.returnCall(signal=self._func.__name__, source_id=G.ADDON_ID, data=_result)

def _call(func, data):
    if isinstance(data, dict):
        return func(**data)
    if data is not None:
        return func(data)
    return func()