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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    Copyright (C) 2017 Sebastian Golasch (
    Copyright (C) 2018 Caphm (original implementation module)
    Helper functions for Kodi operations

    SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
    See LICENSES/ for more information.
import itertools
import json
from contextlib import contextmanager

import xbmc

from resources.lib.globals import G
from resources.lib.utils.logging import LOG
from .misc_utils import CmpVersion


    'es-ES': 'es-Spain',
    'pt-BR': 'pt-Brazil',
    'fr-CA': 'fr-Canada',
    'ar-EG': 'ar-Egypt',
    'nl-BE': 'nl-Belgium',
    'en-GB': 'en-UnitedKingdom'
    # 'language code' : [macro language codes]
    'no': ['nb', 'nn']
REPLACE_MACRO_LIST = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(REPLACE_MACRO_LANG.values()))

def json_rpc(method, params=None):
    Executes a JSON-RPC in Kodi

    :param method: The JSON-RPC method to call
    :type method: string
    :param params: The parameters of the method call (optional)
    :type params: dict
    :returns: dict -- Method call result
    request_data = {'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'method': method, 'id': 1,
                    'params': params or {}}
    request = json.dumps(request_data)
    LOG.debug('Executing JSON-RPC: {}', request)
    raw_response = xbmc.executeJSONRPC(request)
    # debug('JSON-RPC response: {}'.format(raw_response))
    response = json.loads(raw_response)
    if 'error' in response:
        raise IOError(f'JSONRPC-Error {response["error"]["code"]}: {response["error"]["message"]}')
    return response['result']

def json_rpc_multi(method, list_params=None):
    Executes multiple JSON-RPC with the same method in Kodi

    :param method: The JSON-RPC method to call
    :type method: string
    :param list_params: Multiple list of parameters of the method call
    :type list_params: a list of dict
    :returns: dict -- Method call result
    request_data = [{'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'method': method, 'id': 1, 'params': params or {}} for params in list_params]
    request = json.dumps(request_data)
    LOG.debug('Executing JSON-RPC: {}', request)
    raw_response = xbmc.executeJSONRPC(request)
    if 'error' in raw_response:
        raise IOError(f'JSONRPC-Error {raw_response}')
    return json.loads(raw_response)

def container_refresh(use_delay=False):
    """Refresh the current container"""
    if use_delay:
        # When operations are performed in the Kodi library before call this method
        # can be necessary to apply a delay before run the refresh, otherwise the page does not refresh correctly
        # seems to be caused by a race condition with the Kodi library update (but i am not really sure)
        from time import sleep
    WndHomeProps[WndHomeProps.IS_CONTAINER_REFRESHED] = 'True'

def container_update(url, reset_history=False):
    """Update the current container"""
    func_str = f'Container.Update({url},replace)' if reset_history else f'Container.Update({url})'

def show_busy_dialog():
    """Context to show the busy dialog on the screen"""

def get_local_string(string_id):
    """Retrieve a localized string by its id"""
    src = xbmc if string_id < 30000 else G.ADDON
    return src.getLocalizedString(string_id)

def run_plugin_action(path, block=False):
    """Create an action that can be run with xbmc.executebuiltin in order to run a Kodi plugin specified by path.
    If block is True (default=False), the execution of code will block until the called plugin has finished running."""
    return f'RunPlugin({path}, {block})'

def run_plugin(path, block=False):
    """Run a Kodi plugin specified by path. If block is True (default=False),
    the execution of code will block until the called plugin has finished running."""
    xbmc.executebuiltin(run_plugin_action(path, block))

def schedule_builtin(time, command, name='NetflixTask'):
    """Set an alarm to run builtin command after time has passed"""

def play_media(media):
    """Play a media in Kodi"""

def stop_playback():
    """Stop the running playback"""

def get_current_kodi_profile_name(no_spaces=True):
    """Lazily gets the name of the Kodi profile currently used"""
    if not hasattr(get_current_kodi_profile_name, 'cached'):
        name = json_rpc('Profiles.GetCurrentProfile', {'properties': ['thumbnail', 'lockmode']}).get('label', 'unknown')
        get_current_kodi_profile_name.cached = name.replace(' ', '_') if no_spaces else name
    return get_current_kodi_profile_name.cached

class _WndProps:  # pylint: disable=no-init
    """Read and write a property to the Kodi home window"""
    # Default Properties keys
    SERVICE_STATUS = 'service_status'
    """Return current service status"""
    IS_CONTAINER_REFRESHED = 'is_container_refreshed'
    """Return 'True' when container_refresh in is used by context menus, etc."""
    CURRENT_DIRECTORY = 'current_directory'
    CURRENT_DIRECTORY_MENU_ID = 'current_directory_menu_id'
    Return the name of the currently loaded directory (so the method name of class), otherwise:
    ['']       When the add-on is in his first run instance, so startup page
    ['root']   When add-on startup page is re-loaded (like refresh) or manually called
    Notice: In some cases the value may not be consistent example:
     - when you exit to Kodi home
     - external calls to the add-on while browsing the add-on
    def __getitem__(self, key):
            # If you use multiple Kodi profiles you need to distinguish the property of current profile
            return G.WND_KODI_HOME.getProperty(f'netflix_{get_current_kodi_profile_name()}_{key}')
        except Exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
            return ''

    def __setitem__(self, key, newvalue):
        # If you use multiple Kodi profiles you need to distinguish the property of current profile
        G.WND_KODI_HOME.setProperty(f'netflix_{get_current_kodi_profile_name()}_{key}', newvalue)

WndHomeProps = _WndProps()

def get_kodi_audio_language(iso_format=xbmc.ISO_639_1):
    Return the audio language from Kodi settings
    WARNING: Based on Kodi player settings can also return values as: 'mediadefault', 'original'
    audio_language = json_rpc('Settings.GetSettingValue', {'setting': 'locale.audiolanguage'})['value']
    if audio_language in ['mediadefault', 'original']:
        return audio_language
    if audio_language == 'default':  # "User interface language"
        return get_kodi_ui_language(iso_format)
    return convert_language_iso(audio_language, iso_format)

def get_kodi_subtitle_language(iso_format=xbmc.ISO_639_1):
    Return the subtitle language from Kodi settings
    WARNING: Based on Kodi player settings can also return values as: 'forced_only', 'original', or:
    'default' when set as "User interface language"
    'none' when set as "None"
    subtitle_language = json_rpc('Settings.GetSettingValue', {'setting': 'locale.subtitlelanguage'})['value']
    if subtitle_language in ['forced_only', 'original', 'default', 'none']:
        return subtitle_language
    return convert_language_iso(subtitle_language, iso_format)

def get_kodi_ui_language(iso_format=xbmc.ISO_639_1):
    """Return the Kodi UI interface language"""
    setting = json_rpc('Settings.GetSettingValue', {'setting': 'locale.language'})['value']
    # The value returned is as "resource.language.en_gb" we keep only the first two chars "en"
    return convert_language_iso(setting.split('.')[-1][:2], iso_format)

def get_kodi_is_prefer_sub_impaired():
    """Return True if subtitles for impaired are enabled in Kodi settings"""
    return json_rpc('Settings.GetSettingValue', {'setting': 'accessibility.subhearing'})['value']

def get_kodi_is_prefer_audio_impaired():
    """Return True if audio for impaired is enabled in Kodi settings"""
    return json_rpc('Settings.GetSettingValue', {'setting': 'accessibility.audiovisual'})['value']

def convert_language_iso(from_value, iso_format=xbmc.ISO_639_1):
    Convert given value (English name or two/three letter code) to the specified format
    :param iso_format: specify the iso format (two letter code ISO_639_1 or three letter code ISO_639_2)
    return xbmc.convertLanguage(from_value, iso_format)

def apply_lang_code_changes(data_list):
    """Apply changes to the language codes"""
    lang_list = [item['language'] for item in data_list if not item.get('isNoneTrack', False)]
    for item in data_list:
        if item.get('isNoneTrack', False):
        convert_macro_languages(item, lang_list)

def convert_macro_languages(item, lang_list):
    """Covert the macrolanguage's code to their primary language code"""
    # Kodi handles the macrolanguage's separately, then if the user sets a primary language to audio/subtitles,
    # it will not be able to automatically fallback to his macrolanguage when the primary language not exist.
    # e.g. if you set Norwegian (no) and the video played has only the macro lang. Norwegian Bokmål (nb)
    #  the macro language will not be selected, and the user will have to manually select it.
    # To avoid this we will convert the macro (nb) code to the main lang code (no)
    if item['language'] in REPLACE_MACRO_LIST:
        main_lang = next(k for k, v in REPLACE_MACRO_LANG.items() if item['language'] in v)
        # Convert the macro code to the main lang code only if the primary language not already exist
        if main_lang not in lang_list:
            item['language'] = main_lang

def fix_locale_languages(item):
    """Replace all the languages with the country code because Kodi does not support IETF BCP 47 standard"""
    # Languages with the country code causes the display of wrong names in Kodi settings like
    # es-ES as 'Spanish-Spanish', pt-BR as 'Portuguese-Breton', nl-BE as 'Dutch-Belarusian', etc
    # and the impossibility to set them as the default audio/subtitle language
    # Issue:
    if item['language'] == 'pt-BR':
        # Replace pt-BR with pb, is an unofficial ISO 639-1 Portuguese (Brazil) language code
        # has been added to Kodi 18.7 and Kodi 19.x PR:
        item['language'] = 'pb'
    # From Kodi v20, this problem has been improved by
    # it is not needed anymore manually rename country codes to avoid inconsistent descriptions on kodi GUI
    # and so we allow users to use advancedsettings.xml to specify custom descriptions
    if G.KODI_VERSION < '20' and len(item['language']) > 2:
        # Replace know locale with country
        # so Kodi will not recognize the modified country code and will show the string as it is
        if item['language'] in LOCALE_CONV_TABLE:
            item['language'] = LOCALE_CONV_TABLE[item['language']]
            LOG.error('fix_locale_languages: missing mapping conversion for locale "{}"', item['language'])

class KodiVersion(CmpVersion):
    """Comparator for Kodi version numbers"""
    # Examples of some types of supported strings:
    # 10.1 Git:Unknown                       PRE-11.0 Git:Unknown                  11.0-BETA1 Git:20111222-22ad8e4
    # 18.1-RC1 Git:20190211-379f5f9903       19.0-ALPHA1 Git:20190419-c963b64487
    def __init__(self):
        import re
        self.build_version = xbmc.getInfoLabel('System.BuildVersion')
        # Parse the version number
        result ='\d+\.\d+', self.build_version)
        version = if result else ''
        # Parse the date of GIT build
        result ='(Git:)(\d+?(?=(-|$)))', self.build_version) = int( if result and len(result.groups()) >= 2 else None
        # Parse the stage name
        result ='(\d+\.\d+-)(.+)(?=\s)', self.build_version)
        if not result:
            result ='^(.+)(-\d+\.\d+)', self.build_version)
            self.stage = if result else ''
            self.stage = if result else ''