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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    Copyright (C) 2017 Sebastian Golasch (
    Functions for starting the addon

    SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
    See LICENSES/ for more information.
from functools import wraps

from xbmc import getCondVisibility, Monitor, getInfoLabel

from resources.lib.common.exceptions import (HttpError401, InputStreamHelperError, MbrStatusNeverMemberError,
                                             MbrStatusFormerMemberError, MissingCredentialsError, LoginError,
                                             NotLoggedInError, InvalidPathError, BackendNotReady, ErrorMsgNoReport)
from resources.lib.common import check_credentials, get_local_string, WndHomeProps
from resources.lib.globals import G
from resources.lib.upgrade_controller import check_addon_upgrade
from resources.lib.utils.logging import LOG

def catch_exceptions_decorator(func):
    """Decorator that catch exceptions"""
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        # pylint: disable=broad-except, ungrouped-imports
        success = False
            func(*args, **kwargs)
            success = True
        except BackendNotReady as exc_bnr:
            from resources.lib.kodi.ui import show_backend_not_ready
        except InputStreamHelperError as exc:
            from resources.lib.kodi.ui import show_ok_dialog
            show_ok_dialog('InputStream Helper Add-on error',
                           ('The operation has been cancelled.[CR]'
                            f'InputStream Helper has generated an internal error:[CR]{exc}[CR][CR]'
                            'Please report it to InputStream Helper github.'))
        except HttpError401 as exc:
            # This is a generic error, can happen when the http request for some reason has failed.
            # Known causes:
            # - Possible change of data format or wrong data in the http request (also in headers/params)
            # - Some current nf session data are not more valid (authURL/cookies/...)
            from resources.lib.kodi.ui import show_ok_dialog
                           ('There was a communication problem with Netflix.[CR]'
                            'You can try the operation again or exit.[CR]'
                            f'(Error code: {exc.__class__.__name__})'))
        except (MbrStatusNeverMemberError, MbrStatusFormerMemberError):
            from resources.lib.kodi.ui import show_error_info
            show_error_info(get_local_string(30008), get_local_string(30180), False, True)
        except ErrorMsgNoReport as exc:
            from resources.lib.kodi.ui import show_ok_dialog
            show_ok_dialog(get_local_string(30105), str(exc))
        except Exception as exc:
            import traceback
            from resources.lib.kodi.ui import show_addon_error_info
            if not success:
                from xbmcplugin import endOfDirectory
                endOfDirectory(handle=G.PLUGIN_HANDLE, succeeded=False)
    return wrapper

def _check_valid_credentials():
    """Check that credentials are valid otherwise request user credentials"""
    if not check_credentials():
            from resources.lib.utils.api_requests import login
            if not login():
                # Wrong login try again
                return _check_valid_credentials()
        except MissingCredentialsError:
            # Aborted from user or left an empty field
            return False
    return True

def lazy_login(func):
    Decorator to ensure that a valid login is present when calling a method
    def lazy_login_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        if G.REQUEST_PARAMS.get('ignore_login') or _check_valid_credentials():
                return func(*args, **kwargs)
            except NotLoggedInError:
                # Exception raised by nfsession:
                #   "login" / "assert_logged_in" / "website_extract_session_data" / _request from
                LOG.debug('Tried to perform an action without being logged in')
                    from resources.lib.utils.api_requests import login
                    if login(ask_credentials=not check_credentials()):
                        LOG.debug('Account logged in, try executing again {}', func.__name__)
                        return func(*args, **kwargs)
                except MissingCredentialsError:
                    # Cancelled from user or left an empty field
                except LoginError as exc:
                    # Login not valid
                    from resources.lib.kodi.ui import show_ok_dialog
                    show_ok_dialog(get_local_string(30008), str(exc))
        return False
    return lazy_login_wrapper

def route(pathitems):
    """Route to the appropriate handler"""
    LOG.debug('Routing navigation request')
    if pathitems:
        if 'extrafanart' in pathitems:
            LOG.warn('Route: ignoring extrafanart invocation')
            return False
        root_handler = pathitems[0]
        root_handler = G.MODE_DIRECTORY
    if root_handler == G.MODE_PLAY:
        from resources.lib.navigation.player import play
    elif root_handler == G.MODE_PLAY_STRM:
        from resources.lib.navigation.player import play_strm
        nav_handler = _get_nav_handler(root_handler, pathitems)
        _execute(nav_handler, pathitems[1:], G.REQUEST_PARAMS, root_handler)
    return True

def _get_nav_handler(root_handler, pathitems):
    if root_handler == G.MODE_DIRECTORY:
        from import Directory
        nav_handler = Directory
    elif root_handler == G.MODE_ACTION:
        from resources.lib.navigation.actions import AddonActionExecutor
        nav_handler = AddonActionExecutor
    elif root_handler == G.MODE_LIBRARY:
        from resources.lib.navigation.library import LibraryActionExecutor
        nav_handler = LibraryActionExecutor
    elif root_handler == G.MODE_KEYMAPS:
        from resources.lib.navigation.keymaps import KeymapsActionExecutor
        nav_handler = KeymapsActionExecutor
        raise InvalidPathError(f'No root handler for path {"/".join(pathitems)}')
    return nav_handler

def _execute(executor_type, pathitems, params, root_handler):
    """Execute an action as specified by the path"""
        executor = getattr(executor_type(params), pathitems[0] if pathitems else 'root')
    except AttributeError as exc:
        raise InvalidPathError(f'Unknown action {"/".join(pathitems)}') from exc
    LOG.debug('Invoking action: {}', executor.__name__)
    if root_handler == G.MODE_DIRECTORY and not G.IS_ADDON_EXTERNAL_CALL:
        # Save the method name of current loaded directory and his menu item id
        WndHomeProps[WndHomeProps.CURRENT_DIRECTORY] = executor.__name__
        WndHomeProps[WndHomeProps.CURRENT_DIRECTORY_MENU_ID] = pathitems[1] if len(pathitems) > 1 else ''
        WndHomeProps[WndHomeProps.IS_CONTAINER_REFRESHED] = None

def _get_service_status():
    from json import loads
        status = WndHomeProps[WndHomeProps.SERVICE_STATUS]
        if status:
            return loads(status)
    except Exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
        LOG.warn('Cannot read SERVICE_STATUS property from Kodi home window')
    return {'status': G.SERVICE_STATUS_STARTUP}

def _verify_external_call():
    """Verify if the add-on call is coming from external parties."""
    # What follows is not a 100% safe method, but it is the best that can be done at the moment
    # Examples of calls made by external parties:
    # - Skin Widgets, Scripts, Kodi library, Keyboard shortcut
    # - Kodi windows like file browser
    # - Third party add-ons
    is_other_plugin_name = getInfoLabel('Container.PluginName') != G.ADDON.getAddonInfo('id')
    # Note to Kodi boolean condition "Window.IsMedia":
    # All widgets will be either on Home or in a Custom Window, so "Window.IsMedia" will be false
    # When the user is browsing the plugin, Window.IsMedia will be true because video add-ons open
    # in MyVideoNav.xml (which is a Media window)
    # This is not a safe solution, because DEPENDS ON WHICH WINDOW IS OPEN,
    # for example it can fail if you open add-on video browser while widget is still loading.
    # Needed a proper solution by script.skinshortcuts /, and forks
    if is_other_plugin_name or not getCondVisibility('Window.IsMedia'):

def _check_service():
    Check whether the add-on service is up, otherwise wait for start-up.

    :returns: True if service is running, otherwise False
    # The calls to the add-on are made by ignoring the add-on service status,
    # so we must check the service and wait right here until it is ready
    status = _get_service_status()
    if status['status'] == G.SERVICE_STATUS_RUNNING:
        return True
    # Waiting for service start-up
    timeout_secs = 20
    is_progress_hidden = G.IS_ADDON_EXTERNAL_CALL
    from xbmcgui import DialogProgressBG
    dialog = DialogProgressBG()
    if not is_progress_hidden:
        dialog.create('Netflix', get_local_string(30136))
    monitor = Monitor()
    from time import perf_counter
    start = perf_counter()
    while status['status'] == G.SERVICE_STATUS_STARTUP:
        elapsed_time = perf_counter() - start
        if elapsed_time >= timeout_secs or monitor.abortRequested() or monitor.waitForAbort(0.5):
        if not is_progress_hidden:
            dialog.update(percent=int(elapsed_time * 100 / timeout_secs))
        status = _get_service_status()
    if not is_progress_hidden:

    if status['status'] == G.SERVICE_STATUS_RUNNING:
        return True

    LOG.warn('The add-on service is not running (service status: {}).', status['status'])
    if not G.IS_ADDON_EXTERNAL_CALL:  # With external calls (e.g. widgets/scripts) we do not have to show GUI messages
        if status['status'] == G.SERVICE_STATUS_ERROR:
            # The services are not started due to an error exception
            from resources.lib.kodi.ui import show_error_info
            show_error_info(get_local_string(30105), get_local_string(30240).format(status.get('message', '--')),
                            False, False)
        elif status['status'] == G.SERVICE_STATUS_UPGRADE:
            from resources.lib.kodi.ui import show_ok_dialog
            show_ok_dialog('Netflix', 'An upgrade of add-on service is in progress, please wait.')
            from resources.lib.kodi.ui import show_backend_not_ready
    return False

def run(argv):
    # Initialize globals right away to avoid stale values from the last addon invocation.
    # Otherwise Kodi's reuseLanguageInvoker will cause some really quirky behavior!
    # PR:
    _verify_external_call()'Started (version {})\nURL: {}\nFrom external call: {}', G.VERSION_RAW, G.URL, G.IS_ADDON_EXTERNAL_CALL)

    success = False
    if _check_service():
        pathitems = [part for part in G.REQUEST_PATH.split('/') if part]
            is_first_run_install = check_addon_upgrade()
            if is_first_run_install:
                from resources.lib.config_wizard import run_addon_configuration
        success = route(pathitems)
    if not success:
        from xbmcplugin import endOfDirectory
        endOfDirectory(handle=G.PLUGIN_HANDLE, succeeded=False)