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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    Copyright (C) 2017 Sebastian Golasch (
    Copyright (C) 2018 Caphm (original implementation module)
    Manifest format conversion

    SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
    See LICENSES/ for more information.
import uuid
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

import resources.lib.common as common
from resources.lib.database.db_utils import TABLE_SESSION
from resources.lib.globals import G
from resources.lib.utils.esn import WidevineForceSecLev
from resources.lib.utils.logging import LOG

def convert_to_dash(manifest):
    """Convert a Netflix style manifest to MPEG-DASH manifest"""
    # If a CDN server has stability problems it may cause errors with streaming,
    # we allow users to select a different CDN server
    # (should be managed automatically by add more MPD "BaseURL" tags, but is currently is not implemented in ISA)
    cdn_index = int(G.ADDON.getSettingString('cdn_server')[-1]) - 1
    mpd_tag = _create_mpd_tag()

    # Netflix ADS appear to have a complex customization with the browser/player this leads us to several headaches
    # to be able to implement it in the add-on.
    # Things to solve to have a decent ADS playback implementation:
    # - Their player, once an ad is displayed is removed from the video timeline in real time, there is no way to do
    #   a similar thing with Kodi platform. But could be not a big problem, but we need somewhat find a solution
    #   to know when same ads is played multiple times to avoid send multiple MSL events (see next point)
    # - Every time an ADS is played the website player send a MSL event like adStart/adProgress/... in similar way
    #   as done to send playback progress updates, his data should be related to "adverts/adBreaks" json path
    #   from MSL manifest data, i think this is used by netflix to know when an ad is displayed for their business.
    #   Here its difficult know when a specific ads is played and then make a callback to send the MSL event, due to:
    #   Problem 1: There is a Kodi bug that when a chapter change cause JSON RPC Player.GetProperties api
    #              to provide wrong info, this problem is reflected also on Kodi GUI
    #   Problem 2: we should not send multiple times these events because with kodi same ads may be played more times.
    # - Manifest DASH conversion problem: Im not sure how to split the main stream in the manifest in to multiple
    #   periods by injecting the ads in the middle of stream, because usually DASH SegmentBase needs to know the
    #   segments ranges (e.g. init) that we dont have(?). For now as workaround all ads (periods) are add before the movie.
    # - JSON RPC Player.GetProperties chapter bug prevent to have a good management of features
    #   (such as language track selection) however a bad workaround has been found,
    #   in addition to being not 100% reliable makes the code more mess...
    # - When ADS is played you should prevent the user from skipping ads and also prevent them from forwarding the video
    #   now this should be managed by InputStream Adaptive addon, then changes to ISA will be required to fix this.

    ads_manifest_list = []
    if 'auxiliaryManifests' in manifest and manifest['auxiliaryManifests']:
        # Find auxiliary ADS manifests
        ads_manifest_list = [m for m in manifest['auxiliaryManifests'] if 'isAd' in m and m['isAd']]

    total_duration_secs = 0
    for ads_man in ads_manifest_list:
        total_duration_secs += _add_period(mpd_tag, ads_man, cdn_index, total_duration_secs, False)

    total_duration_secs += _add_period(mpd_tag, manifest, cdn_index, total_duration_secs, True)

    mpd_tag.attrib['mediaPresentationDuration'] = _convert_secs_to_time(total_duration_secs)

    xml = ET.tostring(mpd_tag, encoding='utf-8', method='xml')
    if LOG.is_enabled:
        common.save_file_def('manifest.mpd', xml)
    return xml.decode('utf-8').replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '').encode('utf-8')

def _add_period(mpd_tag, manifest, cdn_index, start_pts, add_pts_to_track_name):
    seconds = int(manifest['duration'] / 1000)
    movie_id = str(manifest['movieId'])
    is_ads_stream = 'isAd' in manifest and manifest['isAd']
    if is_ads_stream:
        movie_id += '_ads'
    period_tag = ET.SubElement(mpd_tag, 'Period', id=movie_id, start=_convert_secs_to_time(start_pts),

    if is_ads_stream:  # Custom ADS signal
        # todo: could be used in future by ISAdaptive to identify ADS period, will require ISAdaptive implementation
        ET.SubElement(period_tag,  # Parent
                      'EventStream',  # Tag

    has_video_drm_streams = manifest['video_tracks'][0].get('hasDrmStreams', False)
    video_protection_info = _get_protection_info(manifest['video_tracks'][0]) if has_video_drm_streams else None

    if not add_pts_to_track_name:  # workaround for kodi bug, see
        start_pts = 0
    for index, video_track in enumerate(manifest['video_tracks']):
        _convert_video_track(index, video_track, period_tag, video_protection_info, has_video_drm_streams, cdn_index,
                             movie_id, start_pts)


    has_audio_drm_streams = manifest['audio_tracks'][0].get('hasDrmStreams', False)

    id_default_audio_tracks = _get_id_default_audio_tracks(manifest)
    for index, audio_track in enumerate(manifest['audio_tracks']):
        is_default = audio_track['id'] == id_default_audio_tracks
        _convert_audio_track(index, audio_track, period_tag, is_default, has_audio_drm_streams, cdn_index)

    for index, text_track in enumerate(manifest['timedtexttracks']):
        if text_track['isNoneTrack']:
        is_default = _is_default_subtitle(manifest, text_track)
        _convert_text_track(index, text_track, period_tag, is_default, cdn_index)

    return seconds

def _convert_secs_to_time(secs):
    return "PT" + str(int(secs)) + ".00S"

def _create_mpd_tag():
    mpd_tag = ET.Element('MPD')
    mpd_tag.attrib['xmlns'] = 'urn:mpeg:dash:schema:mpd:2011'
    mpd_tag.attrib['xmlns:cenc'] = 'urn:mpeg:cenc:2013'
    return mpd_tag

def _add_base_url(representation, base_url):
    ET.SubElement(representation, 'BaseURL').text = base_url

def _add_segment_base(representation, downloadable):
    if 'sidx' not in downloadable:
    sidx_end_offset = downloadable['sidx']['offset'] + downloadable['sidx']['size']
    timescale = None
    if 'framerate_value' in downloadable:
        timescale = str(1000 * downloadable['framerate_value'] * downloadable['framerate_scale'])
    segment_base = ET.SubElement(
        representation,  # Parent
        'SegmentBase',  # Tag
    if timescale:
        segment_base.set('timescale', timescale)
        segment_base,  # Parent
        'Initialization',  # Tag
        range=f'0-{downloadable["sidx"]["offset"] - 1}')

def _get_protection_info(content):
    pssh = content.get('drmHeader', {}).get('bytes')
    keyid = content.get('drmHeader', {}).get('keyId')
    return {'pssh': pssh, 'keyid': keyid}

def _add_protection_info(video_track, adaptation_set, pssh, keyid):
    if keyid:
        # Signaling presence of encrypted content
        from base64 import standard_b64decode
            adaptation_set,  # Parent
            'ContentProtection',  # Tag
                'schemeIdUri': 'urn:mpeg:dash:mp4protection:2011',
                'cenc:default_KID': str(uuid.UUID(bytes=standard_b64decode(keyid))),
                'value': 'cbcs' if 'av1' in video_track['profile'] else 'cenc'
    # Define the DRM system configuration
    protection = ET.SubElement(
        adaptation_set,  # Parent
        'ContentProtection',  # Tag
            'schemeIdUri': 'urn:uuid:EDEF8BA9-79D6-4ACE-A3C8-27DCD51D21ED',
            'value': 'widevine'
    # Add child tags to the DRM system configuration ('widevine:license' is an ISA custom tag)
    wv_force_sec_lev = G.LOCAL_DB.get_value('widevine_force_seclev',
    if (G.LOCAL_DB.get_value('drm_security_level', '', table=TABLE_SESSION) == 'L1'
            and wv_force_sec_lev == WidevineForceSecLev.DISABLED):
        # NOTE: This is needed only when on ISA is enabled the Expert setting "Don't use secure decoder if possible"
        # The flag HW_SECURE_CODECS_REQUIRED is mandatory for L1 devices (if set on L3 devices is ignored)
            protection,  # Parent
            'widevine:license',  # Tag
    if pssh:
        ET.SubElement(protection, 'cenc:pssh').text = pssh

def _convert_video_track(index, video_track, period, protection, has_drm_streams, cdn_index, movie_id, pts_offset):
    adaptation_set = ET.SubElement(
        period,  # Parent
        'AdaptationSet',  # Tag
    if protection:
        _add_protection_info(video_track, adaptation_set, **protection)

    limit_res = _limit_video_resolution(video_track['streams'], has_drm_streams)

    for downloadable in video_track['streams']:
        if downloadable['isDrm'] != has_drm_streams:
        if limit_res:
            if int(downloadable['res_h']) > limit_res:
        _convert_video_downloadable(downloadable, adaptation_set, cdn_index)
    # Set the name to the AdaptationSet tag
    # this will become the name of the video stream, that can be read in the Kodi GUI on the video stream track list
    # and can be read also by using jsonrpc Player.GetProperties "videostreams" used by
    name = f"(Id {movie_id})(pts offset {pts_offset})"
    # Calculate the crop factor, will be used on to set zoom viewmode
        factor = video_track['maxHeight'] / video_track['maxCroppedHeight']
        name += f'(Crop {factor:0.2f})'
    except Exception as exc:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
        LOG.error('Cannot calculate crop factor: {}', exc)
    adaptation_set.set('name', name)

def _limit_video_resolution(video_tracks, has_drm_streams):
    """Limit max video resolution to user choice"""
    max_resolution = G.ADDON.getSettingString('stream_max_resolution')
    if max_resolution != '--':
        if max_resolution == 'SD 480p':
            res_limit = 480
        elif max_resolution == 'SD 576p':
            res_limit = 576
        elif max_resolution == 'HD 720p':
            res_limit = 720
        elif max_resolution == 'Full HD 1080p':
            res_limit = 1080
        elif max_resolution == 'UHD 4K':
            res_limit = 4096
            return None
        # At least an equal or lower resolution must exist otherwise disable the imposed limit
        for downloadable in video_tracks:
            if downloadable['isDrm'] != has_drm_streams:
            if int(downloadable['res_h']) <= res_limit:
                return res_limit
    return None

def _convert_video_downloadable(downloadable, adaptation_set, cdn_index):
    # pylint: disable=consider-using-f-string
    representation = ET.SubElement(
        adaptation_set,  # Parent
        'Representation',  # Tag
        bandwidth=str(downloadable['bitrate'] * 1024),
    _add_base_url(representation, downloadable['urls'][cdn_index]['url'])
    _add_segment_base(representation, downloadable)

def _determine_video_codec(content_profile):
    if content_profile.startswith('hevc'):
        if content_profile.startswith('hevc-dv'):
            return 'dvhe'
        return 'hevc'
    if content_profile.startswith('vp9'):
        return f'vp9.{content_profile[11:12]}'
    if 'av1' in content_profile:
        return 'av01'
    return 'h264'

# pylint: disable=unused-argument
def _convert_audio_track(index, audio_track, period, default, has_drm_streams, cdn_index):
    channels_count = {'1.0': '1', '2.0': '2', '5.1': '6', '7.1': '8'}
    impaired = 'true' if audio_track['trackType'] == 'ASSISTIVE' else 'false'
    original = 'true' if audio_track['isNative'] else 'false'
    default = 'true' if default else 'false'

    adaptation_set = ET.SubElement(
        period,  # Parent
        'AdaptationSet',  # Tag
    if audio_track['profile'].startswith('ddplus-atmos'):
        # Append 'ATMOS' description to the dolby atmos streams,
        # allows users to distinguish the atmos tracks in the audio stream dialog
        adaptation_set.set('name', 'ATMOS')
    for downloadable in audio_track['streams']:
        # Some audio stream has no drm
        # if downloadable['isDrm'] != has_drm_streams:
        #     continue
        _convert_audio_downloadable(downloadable, adaptation_set, channels_count[downloadable['channels']], cdn_index)

def _convert_audio_downloadable(downloadable, adaptation_set, channels_count, cdn_index):
    codec_type = 'mp4a.40.5' # he-aac
    if 'ddplus-' in downloadable['content_profile'] or 'dd-' in downloadable['content_profile']:
        codec_type = 'ec-3'
    representation = ET.SubElement(
        adaptation_set,  # Parent
        'Representation',  # Tag
        bandwidth=str(downloadable['bitrate'] * 1024),
        representation,  # Parent
        'AudioChannelConfiguration',  # Tag
    _add_base_url(representation, downloadable['urls'][cdn_index]['url'])
    _add_segment_base(representation, downloadable)

def _convert_text_track(index, text_track, period, default, cdn_index):
    # Only one subtitle representation per adaptationset
    downloadable = text_track.get('ttDownloadables')
    if not text_track:
    content_profile = list(downloadable)[0]
    is_ios8 = content_profile == 'webvtt-lssdh-ios8'
    impaired = 'true' if text_track['trackType'] == 'ASSISTIVE' else 'false'
    forced = 'true' if text_track['isForcedNarrative'] else 'false'
    default = 'true' if default else 'false'
    adaptation_set = ET.SubElement(
        period,  # Parent
        'AdaptationSet',  # Tag
        codecs=('stpp', 'wvtt')[is_ios8],
        mimeType=('application/ttml+xml', 'text/vtt')[is_ios8])
    role = ET.SubElement(
        adaptation_set,  # Parent
        'Role',  # Tag
    adaptation_set.set('impaired', impaired)
    adaptation_set.set('forced', forced)
    adaptation_set.set('default', default)
    role.set('value', 'subtitle')
    representation = ET.SubElement(
        adaptation_set,  # Parent
        'Representation',  # Tag
    if 'urls' in downloadable[content_profile]:
        # The path change when "useBetterTextUrls" param is enabled on manifest
        _add_base_url(representation, downloadable[content_profile]['urls'][cdn_index]['url'])
        _add_base_url(representation, list(downloadable[content_profile]['downloadUrls'].values())[cdn_index])

def _get_id_default_audio_tracks(manifest):
    """Get the track id of the audio track to be set as default"""
    channels_stereo = ['1.0', '2.0']
    channels_multi = ['5.1', '7.1']
    is_prefer_stereo = G.ADDON.getSettingBool('prefer_audio_stereo')
    audio_language = common.get_kodi_audio_language()
    audio_stream = {}
    if audio_language == 'mediadefault':
        # Netflix do not have a "Media default" track then we rely on the language of current nf profile,
        # due to current Kodi locale problems this could not be accurate.
        profile_language_code = G.LOCAL_DB.get_profile_config('language')
        audio_language = profile_language_code[0:2]
    if audio_language != 'original':
        # If set give priority to the same audio language with different country
        if G.ADDON.getSettingBool('prefer_alternative_lang'):
            # Here we have only the language code without country code, we do not know the country code to be used,
            # usually there are only two tracks with the same language and different countries,
            # then we try to find the language with the country code
            stream = next((audio_track for audio_track in manifest['audio_tracks']
                           if audio_track['language'].startswith(audio_language + '-')), None)
            if stream:
                audio_language = stream['language']
        # Try find the default track based on the Netflix profile language
        if not is_prefer_stereo:
            audio_stream = _find_audio_stream(manifest, 'language', audio_language, channels_multi)
        if not audio_stream:
            audio_stream = _find_audio_stream(manifest, 'language', audio_language, channels_stereo)
    # Try find the default track based on the original audio language
    if not audio_stream and not is_prefer_stereo:
        audio_stream = _find_audio_stream(manifest, 'isNative', True, channels_multi)
    if not audio_stream:
        audio_stream = _find_audio_stream(manifest, 'isNative', True, channels_stereo)
    imp_audio_stream = {}
    if common.get_kodi_is_prefer_audio_impaired():
        # Try to find the default track for impaired
        if not is_prefer_stereo:
            imp_audio_stream = _find_audio_stream(manifest, 'language', audio_language, channels_multi, True)
        if not imp_audio_stream:
            imp_audio_stream = _find_audio_stream(manifest, 'language', audio_language, channels_stereo, True)
    return imp_audio_stream.get('id') or audio_stream.get('id')

def _find_audio_stream(manifest, property_name, property_value, channels_list, is_impaired=False):
    return next((audio_track for audio_track in manifest['audio_tracks']
                 if audio_track[property_name] == property_value
                 and audio_track['channels'] in channels_list
                 and (audio_track['trackType'] == 'ASSISTIVE') == is_impaired), {})

def _is_default_subtitle(manifest, current_text_track):
    """Check if the subtitle is to be set as default"""
    # Kodi subtitle default flag:
    #  The subtitle default flag is meant for is for where there are multiple subtitle tracks for the
    #  same language so the default flag is used to tell which track should be picked as default
    if current_text_track['isForcedNarrative'] or current_text_track['trackType'] == 'ASSISTIVE':
        return False
    # Check only regular subtitles that have other tracks in same language
    if any(text_track['language'] == current_text_track['language'] and
           (text_track['isForcedNarrative'] or text_track['trackType'] == 'ASSISTIVE')
           for text_track in manifest['timedtexttracks']):
        return True
    return False