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from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
cimport numpy as np
cimport cython

cdef extern from "Python.h":
    ctypedef int Py_intptr_t

cdef extern from "numpy/arrayobject.h":
    ctypedef class numpy.ndarray [object PyArrayObject]:
        cdef char *data
        cdef Py_intptr_t *strides
    cdef void import_array()
    cdef int  PyArray_ITEMSIZE(np.ndarray)

cdef extern from "stdlib.h":
    ctypedef unsigned long size_t
    void free(void *ptr)
    void *malloc(size_t size)

cdef extern from "string.h":
    void *memset(void *, int, int)


# median_filter - implementation of constant-time median filter with
#                 octagonal shape. The algorithm is derived from
#                 Perreault, "Median Filtering in Constant Time",
#                 SEPTEMBER 2007.
# Inputs:
#    a 2d array of uint8's to be median filtered
#    a similarly shaped uint8 masking array with "1" indicating a significant
#         pixel and "0" indicating a pixel to be masked.
# Outputs:
#    a 2d median-filtered array

DTYPE_UINT32 = np.uint32
ctypedef np.uint16_t pixel_count_t

# Histograms
# There are five separate histograms for the octagonal filter and
# there are two levels (coarse = 16 values, fine = 256 values)
# per histogram. There are four histograms to maintain per position
# representing the four diagonals of the histogram plus one histogram
# for the straight side (which is used for adding and subtracting)

cdef struct HistogramPiece:
    np.uint16_t coarse[16]
    np.uint16_t fine[256]

cdef struct Histogram:
    HistogramPiece top_left     # top-left corner
    HistogramPiece top_right    # top-right corner
    HistogramPiece edge         # leading/trailing edge
    HistogramPiece bottom_left  # bottom-left corner
    HistogramPiece bottom_right # bottom-right corner

# The pixel count has the number of pixels histogrammed in
# each of the five compartments for this position. This changes
# because of the mask
cdef struct PixelCount:
    pixel_count_t top_left
    pixel_count_t top_right
    pixel_count_t edge
    pixel_count_t bottom_left
    pixel_count_t bottom_right

# Stride + coordinates: the info we need when computing
# relative offsets from the octagon center
cdef struct SCoord:
    np.int32_t stride   # add the stride to the memory location
    np.int32_t x
    np.int32_t y

cdef struct Histograms:
    void *memory                # pointer to the allocated memory
    Histogram *histogram        # pointer to the histogram memory
    PixelCount *pixel_count     # pointer to the pixel count memory
    np.uint8_t *data            # pointer to the image data
    np.uint8_t *mask            # pointer to the image mask
    np.uint8_t *output          # pointer to the output array
    np.int32_t column_count     # number of columns represented by this structure
    np.int32_t stripe_length    # number of columns including "radius" before and after
    np.int32_t row_count        # number of rows available in image
    np.int32_t current_column   # the column being processed
    np.int32_t current_row      # the row being processed
    np.int32_t current_stride   # offset in data and mask to current location
    np.int32_t radius           # the "radius" of the octagon
    np.int32_t a_2              # 1/2 of the length of a side of the octagon
    # The strides are the offsets in the array to the points that need to
    # be added or removed from a histogram to shift from the previous row
    # to the current row.
    # Listed here going clockwise from the trailing edge's top.
    # (-) = needs to be removed
    # (+) = needs to be added
    #          -        -
    #         1.=========2
    #        1.           2
    #       +.             +-   Y
    #      |.               3   |
    #      |.               3   |
    #      -.               X  \|/
    #       5.             4    v
    #        5.           4
    #         +.=========+
    #          x -->
    SCoord last_top_left     # (-) left side of octagon's top - 1 row
    SCoord top_left          # (+) -1 row from trailing edge top
    SCoord last_top_right    # (-) right side of octagon's top - 1 col - 1 row
    SCoord top_right         # (+) -1 col -1 row from leading edge top
    SCoord last_leading_edge # (-) leading edge (right) top stride - 1 row
    SCoord leading_edge      # (+) leading edge bottom stride
    SCoord last_bottom_right # (-) leading edge bottom - 1 col
    SCoord bottom_right      # (+) right side of octagon's bottom - 1 col
    SCoord last_bottom_left  # (-) trailing edge bottom - 1 col
    SCoord bottom_left       # (+) left side of octagon's bottom - 1 col

    np.int32_t row_stride          # stride between one row and the next
    np.int32_t col_stride          # stride between one column and the next
    # The accumulator holds the running histogram
    HistogramPiece accumulator
    # The running count of pixels in the accumulator
    np.uint32_t accumulator_count
    # The percent of pixels within the octagon whose value is
    # less than or equal to the median-filtered value (e.g. for
    # median, this is 50, for lower quartile it's 25)
    np.int32_t percent
    # last_update_column keeps track of the column # of the last update
    # to the fine histogram accumulator. Short-term, the median
    # stays in one coarse block so only one fine histogram might
    # need to be updated
    np.int32_t last_update_column[16]
# allocate_histograms - allocates the Histograms structure for the run
cdef Histograms *allocate_histograms(np.int32_t   rows, 
                                            np.int32_t   columns,
                                            np.int32_t   row_stride,
                                            np.int32_t   col_stride,
                                            np.int32_t   radius,
                                            np.int32_t   percent,
                                            np.uint8_t * data,
                                            np.uint8_t * mask,
                                            np.uint8_t * output):
        unsigned int adjusted_stripe_length = columns + 2*radius + 1
        unsigned int memory_size
        void *ptr
        Histograms *ph
        size_t roundoff
        int a
        SCoord *psc

    memory_size = (adjusted_stripe_length * 
                   (sizeof(Histogram) + sizeof(PixelCount))+
    ptr = malloc(memory_size)
    memset(ptr, 0, memory_size)
    ph  = <Histograms *>ptr
    if not ptr:
        return ph
    ph.memory = ptr
    ptr = <void *>(ph+1)
    ph.pixel_count = <PixelCount *>ptr
    ptr = <void *>(ph.pixel_count + adjusted_stripe_length)
    # Align histogram memory to a 32-byte boundary
    roundoff     = <size_t>ptr
    roundoff    += 31
    roundoff    -= roundoff % 32
    ptr          = <void *>roundoff
    ph.histogram = <Histogram *>ptr
    # Fill in the statistical things we keep around
    ph.column_count   = columns
    ph.row_count      = rows
    ph.current_column = -radius
    ph.stripe_length  = adjusted_stripe_length
    ph.current_row    = 0
    ph.radius         = radius
    ph.percent        = percent
    ph.row_stride     = row_stride
    ph.col_stride     = col_stride
    ph.data           = data
    ph.mask           = mask
    ph.output         = output
    # Compute the coordinates of the significant points
    # (the SCoords)
    # First, the length of a side of an octagon, compared
    # to what we call the radius is:
    #     2*r
    # ----------- =  a
    # (1+sqrt(2))
    # a_2 is the offset from the center to each of the octagon
    # corners
    a = <int>(<np.float64_t>radius * 2.0 / 2.414213)
    a_2 = a // 2
    if a_2 == 0:
        a_2 = 1
    ph.a_2 = a_2
    if radius <= a_2:
        radius = a_2+1
        ph.radius = radius

    ph.last_top_left.x = -a_2
    ph.last_top_left.y = -radius - 1

    ph.top_left.x = -radius
    ph.top_left.y = -a_2 - 1

    ph.last_top_right.x = a_2 - 1
    ph.last_top_right.y = -radius - 1

    ph.top_right.x = radius - 1
    ph.top_right.y = -a_2 - 1

    ph.last_leading_edge.x = radius
    ph.last_leading_edge.y = -a_2 - 1

    ph.leading_edge.x = radius
    ph.leading_edge.y = a_2

    ph.last_bottom_right.x = radius
    ph.last_bottom_right.y = a_2

    ph.bottom_right.x = a_2
    ph.bottom_right.y = radius

    ph.last_bottom_left.x = -radius-1
    ph.last_bottom_left.y = a_2

    ph.bottom_left.x = -a_2-1
    ph.bottom_left.y = radius

    # Set the stride of each SCoord based on its x and y
    set_stride(ph, &ph.last_top_left)
    set_stride(ph, &ph.top_left)
    set_stride(ph, &ph.last_top_right)
    set_stride(ph, &ph.top_right)
    set_stride(ph, &ph.last_leading_edge)
    set_stride(ph, &ph.leading_edge)
    set_stride(ph, &ph.last_bottom_left)
    set_stride(ph, &ph.bottom_left)
    set_stride(ph, &ph.last_bottom_right)
    set_stride(ph, &ph.bottom_right)

    return ph

# free_histograms - frees the Histograms structure
cdef void free_histograms(Histograms *ph):

# set_stride - set the stride of a SCoord from its X and Y

cdef void set_stride(Histograms *ph, SCoord *psc):
    psc.stride = psc.x * ph.col_stride + psc.y * ph.row_stride

# <tl,tr,bl,br>_colidx - convert a column index into the histogram
#                        index for a diagonal
# The top-right and bottom left diagonals for one row at one column
# become the diagonals for the next column to the right for the next row.
# Conversely, the top-left and bottom right become the diagonals for the
# previous column.
# These functions use the current row number to find the index of
# a particular histogram taking this into account. The indices progress
# forward or backward as you go to successive rows.
# The histogram array is, in effect, a circular buffer, so the start
# offset is immaterial - we take advantage of this to make sure that
# the numbers computed before taking the modulus are all positive, including
# those that might be done for columns to the left of 0. We add 3* the radius
# here to account for a row of -radius, a column of -radius and a request for
# a column that is "radius" to the left.
cdef inline np.int32_t tl_br_colidx(Histograms *ph, np.int32_t colidx):
    return (colidx + 3*ph.radius + ph.current_row)%ph.stripe_length

cdef inline np.int32_t tr_bl_colidx(Histograms *ph, np.int32_t colidx):
    return (colidx + 3*ph.radius + ph.row_count-ph.current_row) % ph.stripe_length

cdef inline np.int32_t leading_edge_colidx(Histograms *ph, np.int32_t colidx):
    return (colidx + 5*ph.radius) % ph.stripe_length

cdef inline np.int32_t trailing_edge_colidx(Histograms *ph, np.int32_t colidx):
    return (colidx + 3*ph.radius - 1) % ph.stripe_length
# add16 - add 16 consecutive integers
# Add an array of 16 16-bit integers to an accumulator of 16 16-bit integers
# TO_DO - optimize using SIMD instructions
cdef inline void add16(np.uint16_t *dest, np.uint16_t *src):
    cdef int i
    for i in range(16):
        dest[i] += src[i]

cdef inline void sub16(np.uint16_t *dest, np.uint16_t *src):
    cdef int i
    for i in range(16):
        dest[i] -= src[i]

# accumulate_coarse_histogram - accumulate the coarse histogram
#                               at an index into the accumulator
# ph     - the Histograms structure that holds the accumulator
# colidx - the index of the column to add
cdef inline void accumulate_coarse_histogram(Histograms *ph, np.int32_t colidx):
        int offset

    offset = tr_bl_colidx(ph, colidx)
    if ph.pixel_count[offset].top_right > 0:
        add16(ph.accumulator.coarse, ph.histogram[offset].top_right.coarse)
        ph.accumulator_count += ph.pixel_count[offset].top_right
    offset = leading_edge_colidx(ph, colidx)
    if ph.pixel_count[offset].edge > 0:
        add16(ph.accumulator.coarse, ph.histogram[offset].edge.coarse)
        ph.accumulator_count += ph.pixel_count[offset].edge
    offset = tl_br_colidx(ph, colidx)
    if ph.pixel_count[offset].bottom_right > 0:
        add16(ph.accumulator.coarse, ph.histogram[offset].bottom_right.coarse)
        ph.accumulator_count += ph.pixel_count[offset].bottom_right

# deaccumulate_coarse_histogram - subtract the coarse histogram
#                                 for a given column
cdef inline void deaccumulate_coarse_histogram(Histograms *ph, np.int32_t colidx):
        int offset
    # The trailing diagonals don't appear until here
    if colidx <= ph.a_2:
    offset = tl_br_colidx(ph, colidx)
    if ph.pixel_count[offset].top_left > 0:
        sub16(ph.accumulator.coarse, ph.histogram[offset].top_left.coarse)
        ph.accumulator_count -= ph.pixel_count[offset].top_left
    # The trailing edge doesn't appear from the border until here
    if colidx > ph.radius:
        offset = trailing_edge_colidx(ph, colidx)
        if ph.pixel_count[offset].edge > 0:
            sub16(ph.accumulator.coarse, ph.histogram[offset].edge.coarse)
            ph.accumulator_count -= ph.pixel_count[offset].edge
    offset = tr_bl_colidx(ph, colidx)
    if ph.pixel_count[offset].bottom_left > 0:
        sub16(ph.accumulator.coarse, ph.histogram[offset].bottom_left.coarse)
        ph.accumulator_count -= ph.pixel_count[offset].bottom_left

# accumulate_fine_histogram - accumulate one of the 16 fine histograms
cdef inline void accumulate_fine_histogram(Histograms *ph, 
                                           np.int32_t colidx,
                                           np.uint32_t fineidx):
        int fineoffset = fineidx * 16
        int offset

    offset = tr_bl_colidx(ph, colidx)
    add16(ph.accumulator.fine+fineoffset, ph.histogram[offset].top_right.fine+fineoffset)
    offset = leading_edge_colidx(ph, colidx)
    add16(ph.accumulator.fine+fineoffset, ph.histogram[offset].edge.fine+fineoffset)
    offset = tl_br_colidx(ph, colidx)
    add16(ph.accumulator.fine+fineoffset, ph.histogram[offset].bottom_right.fine+fineoffset)

# deaccumulate_fine_histogram - subtract one of the 16 fine histograms
cdef inline void deaccumulate_fine_histogram(Histograms *ph, 
                                             np.int32_t colidx,
                                             np.uint32_t fineidx):
        int fineoffset = fineidx * 16
        int offset

    # The trailing diagonals don't appear until here
    if colidx < ph.a_2:
    offset = tl_br_colidx(ph, colidx)
    sub16(ph.accumulator.fine+fineoffset, ph.histogram[offset].top_left.fine+fineoffset)
    if colidx >= ph.radius:
        offset = trailing_edge_colidx(ph, colidx)
        sub16(ph.accumulator.fine+fineoffset, ph.histogram[offset].edge.fine+fineoffset)
    offset = tr_bl_colidx(ph, colidx)
    sub16(ph.accumulator.fine+fineoffset, ph.histogram[offset].bottom_left.fine+fineoffset)
# accumulate - add the leading edge and subtract the trailing edge

cdef inline void accumulate(Histograms *ph):
        int i
        int j
        np.int32_t accumulator
    accumulate_coarse_histogram(ph, ph.current_column)
    deaccumulate_coarse_histogram(ph, ph.current_column)

# update_fine - update one of the fine histograms to the current column
# The code has two choices:
#    redo the fine histogram from scratch - this involves accumulating
#         the entire histogram from the top_left.x to the top_right.x,
#         the center (edge) histogram from the trailing edge x to the
#         top_left.x and then computing a histogram of all points between
#         the trailing edge top, the point, (top_left.x,trailing edge top.y)
#         and the top_right and the corresponding triangle in the octagon's
#         lower half.
#    accumulate and deaccumulate within the fine histogram from the last
#    column computed.
#    The code below only implements the accumulate; redo and the code
#    to choose remains to be done.

cdef inline void update_fine(Histograms *ph, int fineidx):
        int first_update_column = ph.last_update_column[fineidx]+1
        int update_limit        = ph.current_column+1
        int i
    for i in range(first_update_column, update_limit):
        accumulate_fine_histogram(ph, i, fineidx)
        deaccumulate_fine_histogram(ph, i, fineidx)
    ph.last_update_column[fineidx] = ph.current_column

# update_histogram - update the coarse and fine levels of a histogram
#                    based on addition of one value and subtraction of another
# ph         - Histograms pointer (for access to row_count, column_count)
# hist_piece - coarse and fine histogram to update
# pixel_count- pointer to pixel counter for histogram
# last_coord - coordinate and stride of pixel to remove
# coord      - coordinate and stride of pixel to add
cdef inline void update_histogram(Histograms *ph,
                                  HistogramPiece *hist_piece,
                                  pixel_count_t *pixel_count,
                                  SCoord *last_coord,
                                  SCoord *coord):
        np.int32_t current_column = ph.current_column
        np.int32_t current_row    = ph.current_row
        np.int32_t current_stride = ph.current_stride
        np.int32_t column_count   = ph.column_count
        np.int32_t row_count      = ph.row_count
        np.uint8_t value
        np.int32_t stride
        np.int32_t x
        np.int32_t y

    x      = last_coord.x + current_column
    y      = last_coord.y + current_row
    stride = current_stride+last_coord.stride

    if (x >= 0 and x < column_count and
        y >= 0 and y < row_count and
        value = ph.data[stride]
        pixel_count[0] -= 1
        hist_piece.fine[value] -= 1
        hist_piece.coarse[value // 16] -= 1

    x      = coord.x + current_column
    y      = coord.y + current_row
    stride = current_stride + coord.stride

    if (x >= 0 and x < column_count and
        y >= 0 and y < row_count and
        value = ph.data[stride]
        pixel_count[0] += 1
        hist_piece.fine[value] += 1
        hist_piece.coarse[value // 16] += 1

# update_current_location - update the histograms at the current location
cdef inline void update_current_location(Histograms *ph):
        np.int32_t current_column   = ph.current_column
        np.int32_t radius           = ph.radius
        np.int32_t top_left_off     = tl_br_colidx(ph, current_column)
        np.int32_t top_right_off    = tr_bl_colidx(ph, current_column)
        np.int32_t bottom_left_off  = tr_bl_colidx(ph, current_column)
        np.int32_t bottom_right_off = tl_br_colidx(ph, current_column)
        np.int32_t leading_edge_off = leading_edge_colidx(ph, current_column)
        np.int32_t *coarse_histogram
        np.int32_t *fine_histogram
        np.int32_t last_xoff
        np.int32_t last_yoff
        np.int32_t last_stride
        np.int32_t xoff
        np.int32_t yoff
        np.int32_t stride

    update_histogram(ph, &ph.histogram[top_left_off].top_left,

    update_histogram(ph, &ph.histogram[top_right_off].top_right,

    update_histogram(ph, &ph.histogram[bottom_left_off].bottom_left,

    update_histogram(ph, &ph.histogram[bottom_right_off].bottom_right,

    update_histogram(ph, &ph.histogram[leading_edge_off].edge,

# find_median - search the current accumulator for the median

cdef inline np.uint8_t find_median(Histograms *ph):
        np.uint32_t pixels_below      # of pixels below the median
        int i
        int j
        int k
        np.uint32_t accumulator

    if ph.accumulator_count == 0:
        return 0
    pixels_below = (ph.accumulator_count * ph.percent + 50) // 100 # +50 for roundoff
    if pixels_below > 0:
        pixels_below -= 1
    accumulator = 0
    for i in range(16):
        accumulator += ph.accumulator.coarse[i]
        if accumulator > pixels_below:
    accumulator -= ph.accumulator.coarse[i]
    update_fine(ph, i)
    for j in range(i*16,(i+1)*16):
        accumulator += ph.accumulator.fine[j]
        if accumulator > pixels_below:
            return <np.uint8_t> j
    return 0

# c_median_filter - median filter algorithm
# rows    - # of rows in each array
# columns - # of columns in each array
# row_stride - stride from one row to the next in each array
# col_stride - stride from one column to the next in each array
# radius - radius of circle inscribed into octagon
# percent - "median" cutoff: 50 = median, 25 = lower quartile, etc
# data - array of image pixels to be filtered
# mask - mask of significant pixels
# output - array to be filled with filtered pixels
cdef int c_median_filter(np.int32_t   rows, 
                         np.int32_t   columns,
                         np.int32_t   row_stride,
                         np.int32_t   col_stride,
                         np.int32_t   radius,
                         np.int32_t   percent,
                         np.uint8_t * data,
                         np.uint8_t * mask,
                         np.uint8_t * output):
        Histograms *ph
        Histogram  *phistogram
        int row
        int col
        int i
        np.int32_t top_left_off
        np.int32_t top_right_off
        np.int32_t bottom_left_off
        np.int32_t bottom_right_off

    ph = allocate_histograms(rows, columns, row_stride, col_stride,
                             radius, percent, data, mask, output)
    if not ph:
       return 1

    for row in range(-radius, rows):
        # Initialize the starting diagonal histograms to zero. The leading
        # and trailing histograms descend from above and so are initialized
        # when memory is initially set to zero. The diagonals move in
        # from the left (top left and bottom right) and right (top right
        # and bottom left). One of each needs to be initialized at the
        # start of each row
        tl_br_off     = tl_br_colidx(ph, -radius)
        tr_bl_off     = tr_bl_colidx(ph, columns+radius-1)

        memset(&ph.histogram[tl_br_off].top_left, 0, sizeof(HistogramPiece))
        memset(&ph.histogram[tl_br_off].bottom_right, 0, sizeof(HistogramPiece))
        memset(&ph.histogram[tr_bl_off].top_right, 0, sizeof(HistogramPiece))
        memset(&ph.histogram[tr_bl_off].bottom_left, 0, sizeof(HistogramPiece))
        ph.pixel_count[tl_br_off].top_left     = 0
        ph.pixel_count[tl_br_off].bottom_right = 0
        ph.pixel_count[tr_bl_off].top_right    = 0
        ph.pixel_count[tr_bl_off].bottom_left  = 0
        # Initialize the accumulator (octagon histogram) to zero
        memset(&ph.accumulator, 0, sizeof(ph.accumulator))
        ph.accumulator_count = 0
        for i in range(16):
            ph.last_update_column[i] = -radius-1
        # Initialize the current stride to the beginning of the row
        ph.current_row = row
        # Update locations and coarse accumulator for the octagon
        # for points before 0
        for col in range(-radius, 0 if row >=0 else columns+radius):
            ph.current_column = col
            ph.current_stride = row * row_stride + col * col_stride
        # Update locations and coarse accumulator and compute
        # the median for points between 0 and "columns"
        if row >= 0:
            for col in range(0, columns):
                ph.current_column = col
                ph.current_stride = row * row_stride + col * col_stride
                ph.output[ph.current_stride] = find_median(ph)
            for col in range(columns, columns+radius):
                ph.current_column = col
                ph.current_stride = row * row_stride + col * col_stride

    return 0

def median_filter(np.ndarray[dtype=np.uint8_t, ndim=2, negative_indices=False, mode='c'] data,
                  np.ndarray[dtype=np.uint8_t, ndim=2, negative_indices=False, mode='c'] mask,
                  np.ndarray[dtype=np.uint8_t, ndim=2, negative_indices=False, mode='c'] output,
                  int radius,
                  np.int32_t percent):
    """Median filter with octagon shape and masking

    data - a 2d array containing the image data
    mask - a 2d array of 1=significant pixel, 0=masked
           similarly shaped to "data"
    output - a 2d array that will hold the output of this operation
             similarly shaped to "data"
    radius - the radius of the inscribed circle to the octagon
    percent - sort the unmasked pixels within the octagon into
              an array (conceptually) and take the value indexed
              by the size of that array times the percent divided by 100.
              50 gives the median
    if percent < 0:
        raise ValueError('Median filter percent = %d is less than zero'%percent)
    if percent > 100:
        raise ValueError('Median filter percent = %d is greater than 100'%percent)
    if data.shape[0] != mask.shape[0] or data.shape[1] != mask.shape[1]:
        raise ValueError('Data shape (%d,%d) is not mask shape (%d,%d)'%
                          mask.shape[0], mask.shape[1]))
    if data.shape[0] != output.shape[0] or data.shape[1] != output.shape[1]:
        raise ValueError('Data shape (%d,%d) is not output shape (%d,%d)'%
                          output.shape[0], output.shape[1]))
    if c_median_filter(data.shape[0],   data.shape[1],
                       data.strides[0], data.strides[1],
                       radius, percent,
                       <np.uint8_t *>data.data,
                       <np.uint8_t *>mask.data, 
                       <np.uint8_t *>output.data):
        raise MemoryError('Failed to allocate scratchpad memory')

def masked_convolution(np.ndarray[dtype=np.float64_t, ndim=2, negative_indices=False, mode='c'] data,
                       np.ndarray[dtype=np.uint8_t, ndim=2, negative_indices=False, mode='c'] mask,
                       np.ndarray[dtype=np.float64_t, ndim=2, negative_indices=False, mode='c'] kernel):
    """Convolution respecting a mask

    data - a 2d array containing the image data
    mask - a mask of relevant points.
    kernel - a square convolution kernel of odd dimension
        np.float64_t *pkernel
        np.float64_t *pimage
        np.uint8_t   *pmask
        np.float64_t *poutput
        int          kernel_stride
        int          image_stride
        int          mask_stride
        int          mask_offset
        int          kernel_width
        int          kernel_half_width
        int          i,j,ik,jk
        int          istride,mstride,kstride
        np.float64_t accumulator
        np.ndarray[dtype=np.uint8_t, ndim=2, negative_indices=False, mode='c'] big_mask
        np.ndarray[dtype=np.float64_t, ndim=2, negative_indices=False, mode='c'] output

    assert kernel.shape[0] % 2 == 1, "Kernel shape must be odd"
    assert kernel.shape[0]==kernel.shape[1], "Kernel must be square"
    assert mask.shape[0]==data.shape[0]
    assert mask.shape[1]==data.shape[1]
    kernel_width = kernel.shape[0]
    kernel_half_width = kernel_width // 2
    big_mask = np.zeros((data.shape[0]+kernel_width, data.shape[1]+kernel_width), np.uint8)
    output   = np.zeros((data.shape[0],data.shape[1]), data.dtype)
             kernel_half_width:kernel_half_width+data.shape[1]] = mask
    # stride in number of elements across the i direction
    istride = data.strides[0] // PyArray_ITEMSIZE(data)
    mstride = big_mask.strides[0] // PyArray_ITEMSIZE(big_mask)
    kstride = kernel.strides[0] // PyArray_ITEMSIZE(kernel)
    # pointers to data. pmask is offset to point at the 0,0 element
    # pkernel is offset to point at the middle of the kernel
    pmask   = <np.uint8_t *>(big_mask.data + kernel_half_width *
                             (big_mask.strides[0] + big_mask.strides[1]))
    pimage  = <np.float64_t *>(data.data)
    pkernel = <np.float64_t *>(kernel.data)+(kstride+1) * kernel_half_width
    poutput = <np.float64_t *>(output.data)
    for i in range(data.shape[0]):
        for j in range(data.shape[1]):
            if pmask[i*mstride+j] == 0:
            accumulator = 0
            for ik in range(-kernel_half_width,kernel_half_width+1):
                for jk in range(-kernel_half_width,kernel_half_width+1):
                    if pmask[(i+ik)*mstride+j+jk] != 0:
                        accumulator += (pkernel[ik*kstride+jk] *
            poutput[i*istride+j] = accumulator
    return output

def paeth_decoder(
    np.ndarray[dtype=np.uint8_t, ndim=3, negative_indices=False, mode='c'] x,
    np.int32_t raster_count):
    '''Paeth decoder - reverse Paeth filter
    x: matrix of bytes. The first dimension indexes rasters. The second
       dimension indexes pixel positions (stride = 24 for interleaved color,
       = 8 for monochrome). The third dimension indexes the bytes within
       the pixel. If your image consists of multiple planes, you should
       combine the planar dimensions on input by changing the image shape.
    raster_count: # of rasters in a plane
    Given a 2-dimensional array of unsigned bytes, the Paeth filter
    looks at 4 elements
    C B
    A x
    p = A+B-C
    estimate = A if abs(p-A) <= abs(p-B) and similarly for C
             = B if abs(p-B) <= abs(p-C)
             = C otherwise
    x += estimate if reverse
    Citation: http://www.w3.org/TR/PNG-Filters.html
        np.int32_t raster_stride = x.strides[0]
        np.int32_t pixel_stride = x.strides[1]
        unsigned char *ptr = <unsigned char *>x.data
        np.int32_t a,b,c,p,pa,pb,pc,estimate
        np.int32_t i,j,k
        np.int32_t imax = x.shape[0]
        np.int32_t jmax = x.shape[1]
        np.int32_t kmax = x.shape[2]
        np.int32_t raster_number
        np.int32_t plane_number
    with nogil:
        for i from 0<=i<imax:
            raster_number = i % raster_count
            for j from 0<=j<jmax:
                for k from 0<=k<kmax:
                    if raster_number == 0:
                        b = c = 0
                        if j==0:
                            a = 0
                            a = ptr[-pixel_stride]
                        b = ptr[-raster_stride]
                        if j==0:
                           a = c = 0
                           a = ptr[-pixel_stride]
                           c = ptr[-raster_stride-pixel_stride]
                    p = a + b - c
                    pa = (a-p) if (a>p) else (p-a)
                    pb = (b-p) if (b>p) else (p-b)
                    pc = (c-p) if (c>p) else (p-c)
                    if (pa <= pb) and (pa <= pc):
                        estimate = a
                    elif (pb <= pc):
                        estimate = b
                        estimate = c
                    ptr[0] += estimate
                    ptr += 1