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from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
import warnings

import numpy as np
from numpy import linspace
from scipy.ndimage import affine_transform
from six.moves import range

"""Automatically determine whether background is darker than foreground"""
MODE_AUTO = "auto"

"""Background is darker than foreground"""
MODE_DARK = "dark"

"""Background is brighter than foreground"""
MODE_BRIGHT = "bright"

"""Some foreground is darker, some is lighter"""
MODE_GRAY = "gray"

def prcntiles(x, percents):
    """Equivalent to matlab prctile(x,p), uses linear interpolation."""
    x = np.array(x).flatten()
    listx = np.sort(x)
    xpcts = []
    lenlistx = len(listx)
    refs = []
    for i in range(0, lenlistx):
        r = 100 * (
            (0.5 + i) / lenlistx
        )  # refs[i] is percentile of listx[i] in matrix x

    rpcts = []
    for p in percents:
        if p < refs[0]:
        elif p > refs[-1]:
            for j in range(0, lenlistx):  # lenlistx=len(refs)
                if refs[j] <= p and refs[j + 1] >= p:
                    my = listx[j + 1] - listx[j]
                    mx = refs[j + 1] - refs[j]
                    m = my / mx  # slope of line between points
                    rpcts.append((m * (p - refs[j])) + listx[j])
    return np.array(xpcts).transpose()

def automode(data):
    """Tries to guess if the image contains dark objects on a bright background (1)
or if the image contains bright objects on a dark background (-1),
or if it contains both dark and bright objects on a gray background (0)."""

    pct = prcntiles(np.array(data), [1, 20, 80, 99])

    upper = pct[3] - pct[2]
    mid = pct[2] - pct[1]
    lower = pct[1] - pct[0]

    ##print 'upper = '+str(upper)
    ##print 'mid = '+str(mid)
    ##print 'lower = '+str(lower)

    # upper objects
    if upper > mid:
        uo = 1
        uo = 0
    ##print 'uo = '+str(uo)

    # lower objects
    if lower > mid:
        lo = 1
        lo = 0
    ##print 'lo = '+str(lo)

    if uo == 1:
        if lo == 1:
            mode = 0
            # both upper and lower objects
            mode = -1
            # only upper objects
        if lo == 1:
            mode = 1
            # only lower objects
            mode = 0
            # no objects at all

    return mode

def spline_factors(u):
    """u is np.array"""

    X = np.array(
            (1.0 - u) ** 3,
            4 - (6.0 * (u ** 2)) + (3.0 * (u ** 3)),
            1.0 + (3.0 * u) + (3.0 * (u ** 2)) - (3.0 * (u ** 3)),
            u ** 3,
    ) * (1.0 / 6)

    return X

def pick(picklist, val):
    """Index to first value in picklist that is larger than val.
If none is larger, index=len(picklist)."""

    assert np.all(np.sort(picklist) == picklist), "pick list is not ordered correctly"
    val = np.array(val)
    i_pick, i_val = np.mgrid[0 : len(picklist), 0 : len(val)]
    # Mark a picklist entry as 1 if the value is before or at,
    # mark it as zero if it is afterward
    is_not_larger = picklist[i_pick] <= val[i_val]
    # The index is the number of entries that are 1
    p = np.sum(is_not_larger, 0)

    return p

def confine(x, low, high):
    """Confine x to [low,high]. Values outside are set to low/high.
See also restrict."""

    y = x.copy()
    y[y < low] = low
    y[y > high] = high
    return y

def gauss(x, m_y, sigma):
    """returns the gaussian with mean m_y and std. dev. sigma,
calculated at the points of x."""

    e_y = [
        np.exp((1.0 / (2 * float(sigma) ** 2) * -((n - m_y) ** 2))) for n in np.array(x)
    y = [1.0 / (float(sigma) * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi)) * e for e in e_y]

    return np.array(y)

def d2gauss(x, m_y, sigma):
    """returns the second derivative of the gaussian with mean m_y,
and standard deviation sigma, calculated at the points of x."""

    return gauss(x, m_y, sigma) * [
        -1 / sigma ** 2 + (n - m_y) ** 2 / sigma ** 4 for n in x

def spline_matrix(x, px):
    n = len(px)
    lx = len(x)

    # Assign each x to an interval.  Subtract 1 to get the beginning of the interval.
    px = np.array(px)
    x = np.array(x)
    j = np.array(pick(px, x)) - 1
    # We need at least one entry before and two after for the four factors
    # of the cubic spline
    j = confine(j, 1, n - 3)

    u = (x - px[j]) / (
        px[j + 1] - px[j]
    )  # how far are we on the line segment px[j]->px[j+1], 0<=u<1

    spf = spline_factors(u)
    # Set up to broadcast spf to the correct spline factors
    # The cubic has four factors that broadcast starting at j-1 to j+2
    ii, jj = np.mgrid[0 : spf.shape[0], 0:lx]
    V = np.zeros((n, lx))
    V[j[jj] - 1 + ii, jj] = spf[ii, jj]
    return V

def spline_matrix2d(x, y, px, py, mask=None):
    """For boundary constraints, the first two and last two spline pieces are constrained
to be part of the same cubic curve."""
    V = np.kron(spline_matrix(x, px), spline_matrix(y, py))

    lenV = len(V)

    if mask is not None:
        indices = np.nonzero(mask.T.flatten())
        if len(indices) > 1:
            indices = np.nonzero(mask.T.flatten())[1][0]
        newV = V.T[indices]
        V = newV.T

        V = V.reshape((V.shape[0], V.shape[1]))

    return V

def splinefit2d(x, y, z, px, py, mask=None):
    """Make a least squares fit of the spline (px,py,pz) to the surface (x,y,z).
If mask is given, only masked points are used for the regression."""

    if mask is None:
        V = np.array(spline_matrix2d(x, y, px, py))
        a = np.array(z.T.flatten())
        pz = np.linalg.lstsq(V.T, a.T)[0].T
        V = np.array(spline_matrix2d(x, y, px, py, mask))
        indices = np.nonzero(np.array(mask).T.flatten())
        if len(indices[0]) == 0:
            pz = np.zeros((len(py), len(px)))
        # indices is empty when mask changes to all zeros
            a = np.array((z.T.flatten()[indices[0]]))
            pz = np.linalg.lstsq(V.T, a.T,rcond=-1)[0].T

    pz = pz.reshape((len(py), len(px)))
    return pz.transpose()

def splineimage(Z, points, mask=None, x=None, y=None):

    [r, c] = Z.shape
    if x is None:
        x = np.arange(c)
    if y is None:
        y = np.arange(r)

    # spline control points, let the outer ones be outside the image
    cstep = (x[-1] - x[0]) / (points - 3.0)
    px = linspace(x[0] - cstep, x[-1] + cstep, points)
    rstep = (y[-1] - y[0]) / (points - 3.0)
    py = linspace(y[0] - rstep, y[-1] + rstep, points)

    if mask is None:
        pz = splinefit2d(x, y, Z, px, py)
        pz = splinefit2d(x, y, Z, px, py, mask)
    return px, py, pz

def evalspline2d(x, y, px, py, pz):

    V = spline_matrix2d(x, y, px, py)
    a = np.dot(pz.T.reshape((1, np.prod(pz.shape))), V)
    z = a.reshape((len(x), len(y))).T

    return z

def unbiased_std(a):
    return np.sqrt(((a - np.mean(a)) ** 2).sum() / (len(a) - 1))

def backgr(
    """Iterative spline-based background correction.
    thresh - thresh is threshold to cut at, in units of sigma. 
    splinepoints - # of points in spline in each direction
    scale - scale the image by this factor (e.g. 2 = operate on 1/2 of the points)
    maxiter - maximum # of iterations
    convergence - result has converged when the standard deviation of the
                  difference between iterations is this fraction of the
                  maximum image intensity.
Spline mesh is splinepoints x splinepoints. Modes are
defined by the background intensity, Larger thresh->slower but
more stable convergence. Returns background matrix."""

    assert img.ndim == 2, "Image must be 2-d"
    assert splinepoints >= 3, "The minimum grid size is 3x3"
    assert maxiter >= 1
    assert mode in [MODE_AUTO, MODE_BRIGHT, MODE_DARK, MODE_GRAY], (
        mode + " is not a valid background mode"
    orig_shape = np.array(img.shape).copy()
    input_mask = mask
    if mask is None:
        mask = np.ones(orig_shape, dtype=bool)  # start with mask = whole image
        clip_imin = clip_jmin = 0
        clip_imax = img.shape[0]
        clip_jmax = img.shape[1]
        clip_shape = orig_shape
        isum = np.sum(mask, 1)
        jsum = np.sum(mask, 0)
        clip_imin = np.min(np.argwhere(isum != 0))
        clip_imax = np.max(np.argwhere(isum != 0)) + 1
        clip_jmin = np.min(np.argwhere(jsum != 0))
        clip_jmax = np.max(np.argwhere(jsum != 0)) + 1
        clip_shape = np.array([clip_imax - clip_imin, clip_jmax - clip_jmin])

    subsample_shape = (clip_shape / scale).astype(int)
    ratio = (clip_shape.astype(float) - 1) / (subsample_shape.astype(float) - 1)
    transform = np.array([[ratio[0], 0], [0, ratio[1]]])
    inverse_transform = np.array([[1.0 / ratio[0], 0], [0, 1.0 / ratio[1]]])

    img = affine_transform(
        img[clip_imin:clip_imax, clip_jmin:clip_jmax],
    mask = (
            mask[clip_imin:clip_imax, clip_jmin:clip_jmax].astype(float),
        > 0.5
    orig_mask = mask

    if mode == "auto":
        mode = automode(img[orig_mask])
    elif mode == "dark" or mode == "low":
        mode = -1
    elif mode == "bright" or mode == "high":
        mode = 1
    elif mode == "gray" or mode == "grey" or mode == "mid":
        mode = 0

    # Base the stop criterion on a fraction of the image dynamic range

    stop_criterion = max(
        (np.max(img) - np.min(img)) * convergence, np.finfo(img.dtype).eps
    [r, c] = img.shape

    oldres = np.zeros((r, c))  # old background

    for i in range(maxiter):
        px, py, pz = splineimage(img, splinepoints, np.array(mask))  # now with mask
        res = evalspline2d(np.arange(c), np.arange(r), px, py, pz)
        comp = img - res

        diff = res[orig_mask] - oldres[orig_mask]
        ###Compute std. deviation in same way as matlab std(), (not numpy.std())
        stddiff = unbiased_std(diff)

        if stddiff < stop_criterion:  # stop_criterion instead of .004
        elif i == maxiter:
                "Background did not converge after %d iterations.\nMake sure that the foreground/background mode is correct."
                % (i)

        oldres = res

        # calculate new mask
        backgr = comp[mask]
        sigma = unbiased_std(backgr)
        cut = sigma * thresh

        if mode < 0:
            mask = comp < cut
        elif mode > 0:
            mask = comp > -cut
            mask = abs(comp) < cut
        mask &= orig_mask
        nnz = np.sum(mask)
        if nnz < 0.01 * np.sum(orig_mask):
                "Less than 1%% of the pixels used for fitting,\ntry starting again with a larger threshold value"

    output = np.zeros(orig_shape, img.dtype)
    output[clip_imin:clip_imax, clip_jmin:clip_jmax] = affine_transform(
        res, inverse_transform, output_shape=tuple(clip_shape), order=3
    if input_mask is not None:
        output[~input_mask] = 0
    return output

def bg_compensate(img, sigma, splinepoints, scale):
    """Reads file, subtracts background. Returns [compensated image, background]."""

    from PIL import Image
    import pylab
    from matplotlib.image import pil_to_array
    from centrosome.filter import canny
    import matplotlib

    img = Image.open(img)
    if img.mode == "I;16":
        # 16-bit image
        # deal with the endianness explicitly... I'm not sure
        # why PIL doesn't get this right.
        imgdata = np.fromstring(img.tostring(), np.uint8)
        imgdata.shape = (int(imgdata.shape[0] / 2), 2)
        imgdata = imgdata.astype(np.uint16)
        hi, lo = (0, 1) if img.tag.prefix == "MM" else (1, 0)
        imgdata = imgdata[:, hi] * 256 + imgdata[:, lo]
        img_size = list(img.size)
        new_img = imgdata.reshape(img_size)
        # The magic # for maximum sample value is 281
        if 281 in img.tag:
            img = new_img.astype(np.float32) / img.tag[281][0]
        elif np.max(new_img) < 4096:
            img = new_img.astype(np.float32) / 4095.0
            img = new_img.astype(np.float32) / 65535.0
        img = pil_to_array(img)

    pylab.subplot(1, 3, 1).imshow(img, cmap=matplotlib.cm.Greys_r)

    if len(img.shape) > 2:
        raise ValueError("Image must be grayscale")

    ## Create mask that will fix problem when image has black areas outside of well
    edges = canny(img, np.ones(img.shape, bool), 2, 0.1, 0.3)
    ci = np.cumsum(edges, 0)
    cj = np.cumsum(edges, 1)
    i, j = np.mgrid[0 : img.shape[0], 0 : img.shape[1]]
    mask = ci > 0
    mask = mask & (cj > 0)
    mask[1:, :] &= ci[0:-1, :] < ci[-1, j[0:-1, :]]
    mask[:, 1:] &= cj[:, 0:-1] < cj[i[:, 0:-1], -1]

    import time

    t0 = time.process_time()
    bg = backgr(img, mask, MODE_AUTO, sigma, splinepoints=splinepoints, scale=scale)
    print("Executed in %f sec" % (time.process_time() - t0))
    bg[~mask] = img[~mask]

    pylab.subplot(1, 3, 2).imshow(img - bg, cmap=matplotlib.cm.Greys_r)
    pylab.subplot(1, 3, 3).imshow(bg, cmap=matplotlib.cm.Greys_r)