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from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse
import scipy.ndimage

from .cpmorphology import minimum_enclosing_circle, fixup_scipy_ndimage_result
from .cpmorphology import fill_labeled_holes, draw_line
from six.moves import range
from six.moves import zip

def construct_zernike_lookuptable(zernike_indexes):
    """Return a lookup table of the sum-of-factorial part of the radial
    polynomial of the zernike indexes passed
    zernike_indexes - an Nx2 array of the Zernike polynomials to be
    n_max = np.max(zernike_indexes[:, 0])
    factorial = np.ones((1 + n_max,), dtype=float)
    factorial[1:] = np.cumproduct(np.arange(1, 1 + n_max, dtype=float))
    width = int(n_max // 2 + 1)
    lut = np.zeros((zernike_indexes.shape[0], width), dtype=float)
    for idx, (n, m) in enumerate(zernike_indexes):
        alt = 1
        npmh = (n + m) // 2
        nmmh = (n - m) // 2
        for k in range(0, nmmh + 1):
            lut[idx, k] = (
                * factorial[n - k]
                / (factorial[k] * factorial[npmh - k] * factorial[nmmh - k])
            alt = -alt
    return lut

def construct_zernike_polynomials(x, y, zernike_indexes, mask=None, weight=None):
    """Return the zernike polynomials for all objects in an image
    x - the X distance of a point from the center of its object
    y - the Y distance of a point from the center of its object
    zernike_indexes - an Nx2 array of the Zernike polynomials to be computed.
    mask - a mask with same shape as X and Y of the points to consider
    weight - weightings of points with the same shape as X and Y (default
             weight on each point is 1).
    returns a height x width x N array of complex numbers which are the
    e^i portion of the sine and cosine of the Zernikes
    if x.shape != y.shape:
        raise ValueError("X and Y must have the same shape")
    if mask is None:
    elif mask.shape != x.shape:
        raise ValueError("The mask must have the same shape as X and Y")
        x = x[mask]
        y = y[mask]
        if weight is not None:
            weight = weight[mask]
    lut = construct_zernike_lookuptable(zernike_indexes)  # precompute poly. coeffs.
    nzernikes = zernike_indexes.shape[0]
    # compute radii
    r_square = np.square(x)  # r_square = x**2
    np.add(r_square, np.square(y), out=r_square)  # r_square = x**2 + y**2
    # z = y + 1j*x
    # each Zernike polynomial is poly(r)*(r**m * np.exp(1j*m*phi)) ==
    #                            poly(r)*(y + 1j*x)**m
    z = np.empty(x.shape, complex)
    np.copyto(z.real, y)
    np.copyto(z.imag, x)
    # preallocate buffers
    s = np.empty_like(x)
    zf = np.zeros((nzernikes,) + x.shape, complex)
    z_pows = {}
    for idx, (n, m) in enumerate(zernike_indexes):
        s[:] = 0
        if not m in z_pows:
            if m == 0:
                z_pows[m] = complex(1.0)
                z_pows[m] = z if m == 1 else (z ** m)
        z_pow = z_pows[m]
        # use Horner scheme
        for k in range((n - m) // 2 + 1):
            s *= r_square
            s += lut[idx, k]
        s[r_square > 1] = 0
        if weight is not None:
            s *= weight.astype(s.dtype)
        if m == 0:
            np.copyto(zf[idx], s)  # zf[idx] = s
            np.multiply(s, z_pow, out=zf[idx])  # zf[idx] = s*exp_term

    if mask is None:
        result = zf.transpose(tuple(range(1, 1 + x.ndim)) + (0,))
        result = np.zeros(mask.shape + (nzernikes,), complex)
        result[mask] = zf.transpose(tuple(range(1, 1 + x.ndim)) + (0,))
    return result

def score_zernike(zf, radii, labels, indexes=None):
    """Score the output of construct_zernike_polynomials
    zf - the output of construct_zernike_polynomials which is I x J x K
         where K is the number of zernike polynomials computed
    radii - a vector of the radius of each of N labeled objects
    labels - a label matrix
    outputs a N x K matrix of the scores of each of the Zernikes for
    each labeled object.
    if indexes is None:
        indexes = np.arange(1, np.max(labels) + 1, dtype=np.int32)
        indexes = np.array(indexes, dtype=np.int32)
    radii = np.asarray(radii, dtype=float)
    n = radii.size
    k = zf.shape[2]
    score = np.zeros((n, k))
    if n == 0:
        return score
    areas = np.square(radii)
    areas *= np.pi
    for ki in range(k):
        zfk = zf[:, :, ki]
        real_score = scipy.ndimage.sum(zfk.real, labels, indexes)
        real_score = fixup_scipy_ndimage_result(real_score)

        imag_score = scipy.ndimage.sum(zfk.imag, labels, indexes)
        imag_score = fixup_scipy_ndimage_result(imag_score)
        # one_score = np.sqrt(real_score**2+imag_score**2) / areas
        np.square(real_score, out=real_score)
        np.square(imag_score, out=imag_score)
        one_score = real_score + imag_score
        np.sqrt(one_score, out=one_score)
        one_score /= areas
        score[:, ki] = one_score
    return score

def zernike(zernike_indexes, labels, indexes):
    """Compute the Zernike features for the labels with the label #s in indexes
    returns the score per labels and an array of one image per zernike feature
    # "Reverse_indexes" is -1 if a label # is not to be processed. Otherwise
    # reverse_index[label] gives you the index into indexes of the label
    # and other similarly shaped vectors (like the results)
    indexes = np.array(indexes, dtype=np.int32)
    nindexes = len(indexes)
    reverse_indexes = np.empty((np.max(indexes) + 1,), int)
    reverse_indexes[indexes] = np.arange(indexes.shape[0], dtype=int)
    mask = reverse_indexes[labels] != -1

    centers, radii = minimum_enclosing_circle(labels, indexes)
    ny, nx = labels.shape[0:2]
    y, x = np.asarray(
        np.mgrid[0 : ny - 1 : complex(0, ny), 0 : nx - 1 : complex(0, nx)], dtype=float
    xm = x[mask]
    ym = y[mask]
    lm = labels[mask]
    # The Zernikes are inscribed in circles with points labeled by
    # their fractional distance (-1 <= x,y <= 1) from the center.
    # So we transform x and y by subtracting the center and
    # dividing by the radius
    rev_ind = reverse_indexes[lm]
    ## ym = (ym-centers[reverse_indexes[lm],0]) / radii[reverse_indexes[lm]]
    ym -= centers[rev_ind, 0]
    ym /= radii[rev_ind]
    ## xm = (xm-centers[reverse_indexes[lm],1]) / radii[reverse_indexes[lm]]
    xm -= centers[rev_ind, 1]
    xm /= radii[rev_ind]
    # Blow up ym and xm into new x and y vectors
    x = np.zeros_like(x)
    x[mask] = xm
    y = np.zeros_like(y)
    y[mask] = ym
    # Pass the resulting x and y through the rest of Zernikeland
    score = np.zeros((nindexes, len(zernike_indexes)))
    zf = construct_zernike_polynomials(x, y, zernike_indexes, mask)
    score = score_zernike(zf, radii, labels, indexes)
    return score

def get_zernike_indexes(limit=10):
    """Return a list of all Zernike indexes up to the given limit
    limit - return all Zernike indexes with N less than this limit
    returns an array of 2-tuples. Each tuple is organized as (N,M).
    The Zernikes are stored as complex numbers with the real part
    being (N,M) and the imaginary being (N,-M)

    def zernike_indexes_iter(n_max):
        for n in range(0, n_max):
            for m in range(n % 2, n + 1, 2):
                yield n
                yield m

    z_ind = np.fromiter(zernike_indexes_iter(limit), np.intc)
    z_ind = z_ind.reshape((len(z_ind) // 2, 2))
    return z_ind