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4 days
Test Coverage
"use strict";
var path = require("path");
var Report = require("istanbul").Report;
var FileWriter = require("./util/file-writer");
var TreeSummarizer = require("istanbul").TreeSummarizer;
var utils = require("istanbul").utils;
var sloc = require("sloc");
var fs = require("fs");
var defaults = require("./defaults");

 * {description}.
 * @module {name}
 * @extends istanbul.Report
 * @param {Object} opts optional
 * @param {String} [opts.dir] the directory in which to the clover report will be written
 * @param {String} [opts.file] the file name for the coverage report, defaulted to config attribute or "clover.xml"
 * @param {String} [opts.testDir] the directory in which to the summary coverage test report will be written
 * @param {String} [opts.testFile] the file name for the summary coverage test report, defaulted to config attribute
 * or "clover-tests.json"
 * @param {Object} [opts.watermarks] watermarks with three limits for the coverage report and summary coverage test
 * report.
 * 1) lower limit for html report and minimum code coverage test
 * 2) mid limit for html report
 * 3) skipped limit for maximum skipped code test
 * Only the lower limit [index 0] and skipped [index 2] is used by the summary coverage test report.
 * Example watermark object:
 * {~lb}
 statements: [ 50, 80, 20 ],
 lines: [ 50, 80, 20],
 functions: [ 50, 80, 20],
 branches: [ 50, 80, 20 ]
 * {~rb}
var CloverJSONReport = function CloverJSONReport(opts) {
  opts = opts || {};
  this.projectRoot = process.cwd();
  this.dir = opts.dir || this.projectRoot;
  this.file = opts.file || "clover.xml";
  this.testDir = opts.testDir || opts.dir;
  this.testFile = opts.testFile || "clover-tests.json";
  this.opts = opts;
  this.opts.watermarks = this.opts.watermarks || defaults.watermarks();

var asJavaPackage = function asJavaPackage(node) {
  return node.displayShortName().
    replace(/\//g, ".").
    replace(/\\/g, ".").
    replace(/\.$/, "");

var asClassName = function asClassName(node) {
  return node.fullPath().replace(/.*[\\\/]/, "");

var quote = function quote(thing) {
  return "\"" + thing + "\"";

var attr = function attr(n, v) {
  return " " + n + "=" + quote(v) + " ";

var branchCoverageByLine = function branchCoverageByLine(fileCoverage) {
  var branchMap = fileCoverage.branchMap,
    branches = fileCoverage.b,
    ret = {};
  Object.keys(branchMap).forEach(function eachBranchMap(k) {
    var line = branchMap[k].line,
      branchData = branches[k];
    ret[line] = ret[line] || [];
    ret[line].push.apply(ret[line], branchData);
  Object.keys(ret).forEach(function eachRet(k) {
    var dataArray = ret[k],
      covered = dataArray.filter(function filterGtZero(item) {
        return item > 0;
      coverage = covered.length / dataArray.length * 100;
    ret[k] = {"covered": covered.length, "total": dataArray.length, "coverage": coverage};
  return ret;

var addClassStats = function addClassStats(node, fileCoverage, writer, jsonResults, limits) {
  var metrics = node.metrics,
    branchByLine = branchCoverageByLine(fileCoverage),
    linePercent = (metrics.statements.covered / metrics.statements.total).toFixed(2),
    branchesPercent = (metrics.branches.covered / metrics.branches.total).toFixed(2),
    functionsPercent = (metrics.functions.covered / metrics.functions.total).toFixed(2),
    lineIgnoredPercent = (metrics.statements.skipped / metrics.statements.total).toFixed(2),
    branchesIgnoredPercent = (metrics.branches.skipped / metrics.branches.total).toFixed(2),
    functionsIgnoredPercent = (metrics.functions.skipped / metrics.functions.total).toFixed(2),
    result = {
      "title": "Coverage: " + asClassName(node),
      "fullTitle": "Coverage: " + node.fullPath(), /*"statement coverage: " + (linePercent * 100) +
       "% (statements covered = " + metrics.statements.covered +
       " total statements = " + metrics.statements.total + ")" +
       "\n" +
       "branch coverage: " + (branchesPercent * 100) +
       "% (branches covered = " + metrics.branches.covered +
       " total branches = " + metrics.branches.total + ")" +
       "\n" +
       "function coverage: " + (functionsPercent * 100) +
       "% (functions covered = " + metrics.functions.covered +
       " total functions = " + metrics.functions.total + ")",*/
      "duration": 0

  writer.println("\t\t\t<file" +
    attr("name", asClassName(node)) +
    attr("path", node.fullPath()) +

  writer.println("\t\t\t\t<metrics" +
    attr("statements", metrics.statements.total) +
    attr("coveredstatements", metrics.statements.covered) +
    attr("conditionals", metrics.branches.total) +
    attr("coveredconditionals", metrics.branches.covered) +
    attr("methods", metrics.functions.total) +
    attr("coveredmethods", metrics.functions.covered) +

  if (linePercent < limits.statements ||
    branchesPercent < limits.branches ||
    functionsPercent < limits.functions ||
    lineIgnoredPercent > limits.ignored.statements ||
    branchesIgnoredPercent > limits.ignored.branches ||
    functionsIgnoredPercent > limits.ignored.functions) {
    result.error = "";
    if (linePercent < limits.statements) {
      result.error = result.error + "Insufficient statement coverage: actual=" + linePercent * 100 +
        "% required=" + limits.statements * 100 +
        "% (statements covered = " + metrics.statements.covered +
        " total statements = " + metrics.statements.total + ")" +
    if (branchesPercent < limits.branches) {
      result.error = result.error + "Insufficient branch coverage: actual=" + branchesPercent * 100 +
        "% required=" + limits.branches * 100 +
        "% (branches covered = " + metrics.branches.covered +
        " total branches = " + metrics.branches.total + ")" +
    if (functionsPercent < limits.functions) {
      result.error = result.error + "Insufficient function coverage: actual=" + functionsPercent * 100 +
        "% required=" + limits.functions * 100 +
        "% (functions covered = " + metrics.functions.covered +
        " total functions = " + metrics.functions.total + ")";
    if (lineIgnoredPercent > limits.ignored.statements) {
      result.error = result.error + "Too many statements skipped: actual=" + lineIgnoredPercent * 100 +
        "% required=" + limits.ignored.statements * 100 +
        "% (statements skipped = " + metrics.statements.skipped +
        " total statements = " + metrics.statements.total + ")" +
    if (branchesIgnoredPercent > limits.ignored.branches) {
      result.error = result.error + "Too many branches skipped: actual=" + branchesIgnoredPercent * 100 +
        "% required=" + limits.ignored.branches * 100 +
        "% (branches skipped = " + metrics.branches.skipped +
        " total branches = " + metrics.branches.total + ")" +
    if (functionsIgnoredPercent > limits.ignored.functions) {
      result.error = result.error + "Too many functions skipped: actual=" + functionsIgnoredPercent * 100 +
        "% required=" + limits.ignored.functions * 100 +
        "% (functions skipped = " + metrics.functions.skipped +
        " total functions = " + metrics.functions.total + ")";
  } else {

  //funcMap = fileCoverage.fnMap;
  lines = fileCoverage.l;
  Object.keys(lines).forEach(function eachLine(k) {
    var str = "\t\t\t\t<line" +
        attr("num", k) +
        attr("count", lines[k]),
      branchDetail = branchByLine[k];

    if (!branchDetail) {
      str = str + " type=\"stmt\" ";
    } else {
      str = str + " type=\"cond\" " +
        attr("truecount", branchDetail.covered) +
        attr("falsecount", branchDetail.total - branchDetail.covered);
    writer.println(str + "/>");


var walk = function walk(node, collector, writer, level, projectRoot, jsonResults, limits) {
  var metrics,
    totalFiles = 0,
    totalPackages = 0,
    totalLines = 0,
    totalSourceLines = 0;
    //tempLines = 0;
  if (level === 0) {
    metrics = node.metrics;
    writer.println("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>");
    writer.println("<coverage" +
      attr("generated", Date.now()) +

    writer.println("\t<project" +
      attr("timestamp", Date.now()) +
      attr("name", "All Files") +

    node.children.filter(function filterByDir(child) {
      return child.kind === "dir";
      forEach(function eachChild(child) {
        totalPackages = totalPackages + 1;
        child.children.filter(function filterByDir(sibling) {
          return sibling.kind !== "dir";
          forEach(function eachChild2(sibling) {
            Object.keys(collector.fileCoverageFor(sibling.fullPath()).l).forEach(function eachChild3() {
              //tempLines = k;
            totalFiles = totalFiles + 1;
            //get sloc
            slocStats = sloc(fs.readFileSync(sibling.fullPath(), "utf8"), "js");
            totalLines = totalLines + slocStats.total;
            totalSourceLines = totalSourceLines + slocStats.source;

    jsonResults.stats = {
      "suites": totalFiles,
      "tests": totalFiles,
      "passes": 0,
      "pending": 0,
      "failures": 0,
      "start": new global.Date(),
      "end": "",
      "duration": 100
    jsonResults.failures = [];
    jsonResults.passes = [];
    jsonResults.skipped = [];

    writer.println("\t\t<metrics" +
      attr("statements", metrics.statements.total) +
      attr("coveredstatements", metrics.statements.covered) +
      attr("conditionals", metrics.branches.total) +
      attr("coveredconditionals", metrics.branches.covered) +
      attr("methods", metrics.functions.total) +
      attr("coveredmethods", metrics.functions.covered) +
      attr("elements", metrics.statements.total + metrics.branches.total + metrics.functions.total) +
      attr("coveredelements", metrics.statements.covered + metrics.branches.covered + metrics.functions.covered) +
      attr("complexity", 0) +
      attr("packages", totalPackages) +
      attr("files", totalFiles) +
      attr("classes", totalFiles) +
      attr("loc", totalLines) +
      attr("ncloc", totalSourceLines) +
  if (node.packageMetrics) {
    metrics = node.packageMetrics;
    writer.println("\t\t<package" +
      attr("name", asJavaPackage(node)) +

    writer.println("\t\t\t<metrics" +
      attr("statements", metrics.statements.total) +
      attr("coveredstatements", metrics.statements.covered) +
      attr("conditionals", metrics.branches.total) +
      attr("coveredconditionals", metrics.branches.covered) +
      attr("methods", metrics.functions.total) +
      attr("coveredmethods", metrics.functions.covered) +

    node.children.filter(function filterByDir(child) {
      return child.kind !== "dir";
      forEach(function eachChild(child) {
        addClassStats(child, collector.fileCoverageFor(child.fullPath()), writer, jsonResults, limits);
  node.children.filter(function filterByDir(child) {
    return child.kind === "dir";
    forEach(function eachChild(child) {
      walk(child, collector, writer, level + 1, projectRoot, jsonResults, limits);

  if (level === 0) {

CloverJSONReport.TYPE = "clover-limits";
Report.mix(CloverJSONReport, {
  "writeReport": function writeReport(collector, sync) {
    var summarizer = new TreeSummarizer(),
      outputFile = path.join(this.dir, this.file),
      jsonOutputFile = path.join(this.testDir, this.testFile),
      writer = this.opts.writer || new FileWriter(sync),
      projectRoot = this.projectRoot,
      jsonResults = {},
      watermarks = this.opts.watermarks,
      limits = {
        "statements": watermarks.statements[0] / 100,
        "branches": watermarks.branches[0] / 100,
        "functions": watermarks.functions[0] / 100,
        "ignored": {
          "statements": watermarks.statements[2] / 100,
          "branches": watermarks.branches[2] / 100,
          "functions": watermarks.functions[2] / 100

    collector.files().forEach(function eachFile(key) {
      summarizer.addFileCoverageSummary(key, utils.summarizeFileCoverage(collector.fileCoverageFor(key)));
    tree = summarizer.getTreeSummary();
    root = tree.root;
    writer.writeFile(outputFile, function writeFileCallback(contentWriter) {
      walk(root, collector, contentWriter, 0, projectRoot, jsonResults, limits);
      writer.writeFile(jsonOutputFile, function writeFileCallback2(contentWriter1) {
        //set stats now we have them
        jsonResults.stats.passes = jsonResults.passes.length;
        jsonResults.stats.failures = jsonResults.failures.length;
        jsonResults.stats.end = new global.Date();
        jsonResults.stats.duration = new global.Date() - jsonResults.stats.start;
        contentWriter1.println(JSON.stringify(jsonResults, null, 2));

module.exports = CloverJSONReport;