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import os
import json
import uuid
import typing
import asyncio
import hashlib
import logging
from http import HTTPStatus

from waterbutler.core import utils
from waterbutler.core import signing
from waterbutler.core import streams
from waterbutler.core import provider
from waterbutler.core import exceptions
from waterbutler.core.path import WaterButlerPath
from waterbutler.core.metadata import BaseMetadata

from waterbutler.providers.osfstorage import settings
from waterbutler.providers.osfstorage.metadata import OsfStorageFileMetadata
from waterbutler.providers.osfstorage.metadata import OsfStorageFolderMetadata
from waterbutler.providers.osfstorage.metadata import OsfStorageRevisionMetadata
from waterbutler.providers.osfstorage.exceptions import OsfStorageQuotaExceededError

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


class OSFStorageProvider(provider.BaseProvider):
    """Provider for the Open Science Framework's cloud storage service.

    ``osfstorage`` is actually a pair of providers.  One is the metadata provider, the other is the
    actual storage provider, where the data is kept.  The OSF is the metadata provider.  Any
    metadata queries about objects in ``osfstorage`` are routed to the OSF to be answered.  For, the storage provider is ``cloudfiles``. For local testing the ``filesystem``
    provider is used instead.  Uploads and downloads are routed to and from the storage provider,
    with additional queries to the metadata provider to set and get metadata about the object.

    __version__ = '0.0.1'

    NAME = 'osfstorage'

    def __init__(self, auth, credentials, settings, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(auth, credentials, settings, **kwargs)
        self.nid = settings['nid']
        self.root_id = settings['rootId']
        self.BASE_URL = settings['baseUrl']
        self.provider_name = settings['storage'].get('provider')

    async def make_signed_request(self, method, url, data=None, params=None, ttl=100, **kwargs):
        url, data, params = self.build_signed_url(
        return await self.make_request(method, url, data=data, params=params, **kwargs)

    async def validate_v1_path(self, path, **kwargs):
        if path == '/':
            return WaterButlerPath('/', _ids=[self.root_id], folder=True)

        implicit_folder = path.endswith('/')
        obj_id = path.strip('/')

        resp = await self.make_signed_request(
            self.build_url(obj_id, 'lineage'),

        data = await resp.json()
        explicit_folder = data['data'][0]['kind'] == 'folder'
        if explicit_folder != implicit_folder:
            raise exceptions.NotFoundError(str(path))

        names, ids = zip(*[(x['name'], x['id']) for x in reversed(data['data'])])

        return WaterButlerPath('/'.join(names), _ids=ids, folder=explicit_folder)

    async def validate_path(self, path, **kwargs):
        if path == '/':
            return WaterButlerPath('/', _ids=[self.root_id], folder=True)

        ends_with_slash = path.endswith('/')

            path, name = path.strip('/').split('/')
        except ValueError:
            path, name = path, None

        resp = await self.make_signed_request(
            self.build_url(path, 'lineage'),
            expects=(200, 404)
        if resp.status == 404:
            await resp.release()
            return WaterButlerPath(path, _ids=(self.root_id, None), folder=path.endswith('/'))
        data = await resp.json()

        is_folder = data['data'][0]['kind'] == 'folder'
        names, ids = zip(*[(x['name'], x['id']) for x in reversed(data['data'])])
        if name is not None:
            ids += (None, )
            names += (name, )
            is_folder = ends_with_slash

        return WaterButlerPath('/'.join(names), _ids=ids, folder=is_folder)

    async def revalidate_path(self, base, path, folder=False):
        assert base.is_dir

            data = next(
                x for x in
                await self.metadata(base)
                if == path and
                x.kind == ('folder' if folder else 'file')

            return base.child(, _id=data.path.strip('/'), folder=folder)
        except StopIteration:
            return base.child(path, folder=folder)

    def make_provider(self, settings):
        """Requests on different files may need to use different providers,
        instances, e.g. when different files lives in different containers
        within a provider. This helper creates a single-use provider instance
        that optionally overrides the settings.

        :param dict settings: Overridden settings
        if not getattr(self, '_inner_provider', None):
            self._inner_provider = utils.make_provider(
        return self._inner_provider

    def can_duplicate_names(self):
        return True

    def is_same_region(self, other):
        assert isinstance(other, self.__class__), 'Cannot compare region for providers of ' \
                                                  'different provider classes.'

        # Region does not apply to local development with filesystem as storage backend.
        if self.settings['storage']['provider'] == 'filesystem':
            return True
        # For 1-to-1 bucket-region mapping, bucket is the same if and only if region is the same
        return self.settings['storage']['bucket'] == other.settings['storage']['bucket']

    def can_intra_copy(self, other, path=None):
        return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.is_same_region(other)

    def can_intra_move(self, other, path=None):
        return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.is_same_region(other)

    async def intra_move(self, dest_provider, src_path, dest_path):
        """Usually called by `waterbutler.core.provider.BaseProvider.move`, but ``osfstorage``
        overrides this method with its own ``.move()`` implementation."""
        return await self._do_intra_move_or_copy('move', dest_provider, src_path, dest_path)

    async def intra_copy(self, dest_provider, src_path, dest_path):
        """Usually called by `waterbutler.core.provider.BaseProvider.copy`, but ``osfstorage``
        overrides this method with its own ``.copy()`` implementation."""
        return await self._do_intra_move_or_copy('copy', dest_provider, src_path, dest_path)

    def build_signed_url(self, method, url, data=None, params=None, ttl=100, **kwargs):
        signer = signing.Signer(settings.HMAC_SECRET, settings.HMAC_ALGORITHM)
        if method.upper() in QUERY_METHODS:
            signed = signing.sign_data(signer, params or {}, ttl=ttl)
            params = signed
            signed = signing.sign_data(signer, json.loads(data or {}), ttl=ttl)
            data = json.dumps(signed)

        # Ensure url ends with a /
        if not url.endswith('/'):
            if '?' not in url:
                url += '/'
            elif url[url.rfind('?') - 1] != '/':
                url = url.replace('?', '/?')

        return url, data, params

    async def download(self, path, version=None, revision=None, mode=None, **kwargs):
        if not path.identifier:
            raise exceptions.NotFoundError(str(path))

        self.metrics.add('download', {
            'mode_provided': mode is not None,
            'version_from': 'revision' if version is None else 'version',
            'user_logged_in': self.auth.get('id', None) is not None,
        if version is None:
            # TODO Clean this up
            # version could be 0 here
            version = revision

        # Capture user_id for analytics if user is logged in
        user_param = {}
        if self.auth.get('id', None):
            user_param = {'user': self.auth['id']}

        # osf storage metadata will return a virtual path within the provider
        resp = await self.make_signed_request(
            self.build_url(path.identifier, 'download', version=version, mode=mode),
            expects=(200, ),
        data = await resp.json()

        provider = self.make_provider(data['settings'])
        name = data['data'].pop('name')
        data['data']['path'] = await provider.validate_path('/' + data['data']['path'])
        download_kwargs = {}
        download_kwargs['display_name'] = kwargs.get('display_name') or name
        return await**download_kwargs)

    async def upload(self, stream, path, **kwargs):
        """Upload a new file to osfstorage

        When a file is uploaded to osfstorage, WB does a bit of a dance to make sure it gets there
        reliably.  First we take the stream and add several hash calculators that can determine the
        hash of the file as it streams through.  We then upload the file to a uuid-named file on the
        remote storage provider.  Once that's complete, we determine the file's final name, which
        will be its sha256 hash.  We then check to see if a file already exists at that path on the
        remote storage provider.  If it does, we can skip moving the file (since it has already been
        uploaded) and instead delete the pending file. If it does not, we move the file on the
        remote storage provider from the pending path to its final path.

        Once this is done the file metadata is sent back to the metadata provider to be recorded.
        Finally, WB constructs its metadata response and sends that back to the original request

        # This path is called when uploading to osfstorage directly or when moving/copying from
        # a non-osfstorage provider and is therefore subject to quota limits
        quota = await self._check_resource_quota()
        if quota['over_quota']:

            # NOTE: this sucks, and we hate to do it, but throwing an over quota error while a file
            # is still being uploaded causes an unbreakable hang.  The hand has something to do w/
            # reading & writing to the sockets WB creates to manage uploads, but we have no idea how
            # to fix it.  A terrible workaround is to keep reading the upload request stream until
            # we exhaust it.  This will cause the server to wait until the upload is completed, but
            # it will always properly return the intended error.
            while not stream.at_eof():
                _ = await  # noqa: F841

            raise OsfStorageQuotaExceededError('')

        metadata = await self._send_to_storage_provider(stream, path, **kwargs)
        metadata = metadata.serialized()

        data, created = await self._send_to_metadata_provider(stream, path, metadata, **kwargs)

        name =

            'name': name,
            'md5': data['data']['md5'],
            'path': data['data']['path'],
            'sha256': data['data']['sha256'],
            'version': data['data']['version'],
            'downloads': data['data']['downloads'],
            'checkout': data['data']['checkout'],
            'modified': data['data']['modified'],
            'modified_utc': utils.normalize_datetime(data['data']['modified']),

        path._parts[-1]._id = metadata['path'].strip('/')
        return OsfStorageFileMetadata(metadata, str(path)), created

    async def delete(self, path, confirm_delete=0, **kwargs):
        """Delete file, folder, or provider root contents

        :param OsfStoragePath path: path to delete
        :param int confirm_delete: Must be 1 to confirm root folder delete
        if path.identifier is None:
            raise exceptions.NotFoundError(str(path))

        self.metrics.add('delete.is_root_delete', path.is_root)
        if path.is_root:
            self.metrics.add('delete.root_delete_confirmed', confirm_delete == 1)
            if confirm_delete == 1:
                await self._delete_folder_contents(path)
                raise exceptions.DeleteError(
                    'confirm_delete=1 is required for deleting root provider folder',

        await (await self.make_signed_request(
            params={'user': self.auth['id']},
            expects=(200, )

    async def metadata(self, path, **kwargs):
        if path.identifier is None:
            raise exceptions.MetadataError('{} not found'.format(str(path)), code=404)

        if not path.is_dir:
            return await self._item_metadata(path)
        return await self._children_metadata(path)

    async def revisions(self, path, view_only=None, **kwargs):
        if path.identifier is None:
            raise exceptions.MetadataError('File not found', code=404)

        self.metrics.add('revisions', {'got_view_only': view_only is not None})

        resp = await self.make_signed_request(
            self.build_url(path.identifier, 'revisions', view_only=view_only),
            expects=(200, )
        return [
            for item in (await resp.json())['revisions']

    async def create_folder(self, path, **kwargs):
        resp = await self.make_signed_request(
            self.build_url(path.parent.identifier, 'children'),
                'kind': 'folder',
                'user': self.auth['id'],
            headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
            expects=(201, )
        resp_json = await resp.json()
        # save new folder's id into the WaterButlerPath object. logs will need it later.
        path._parts[-1]._id = resp_json['data']['path'].strip('/')
        return OsfStorageFolderMetadata(resp_json['data'], str(path))

    async def move(self,
                   dest_provider: provider.BaseProvider,
                   src_path: WaterButlerPath,
                   dest_path: WaterButlerPath,
                   rename: str=None,
                   conflict: str='replace',
                   handle_naming: bool=True) -> typing.Tuple[BaseMetadata, bool]:
        """Override parent's move to support cross-region osfstorage moves while preserving guids
        and versions. Delegates to :meth:`.BaseProvider.move` when destination is not osfstorage.
        If both providers are in the same region (i.e. `.can_intra_move` is true), then calls that.
        Otherwise, will grab a download stream from the source region, send it to the destination
        region, *then* execute an `.intra_move` to update the file metada in-place.

        # when moving to non-osfstorage, default move is fine
        if dest_provider.NAME != 'osfstorage':
            return await super().move(dest_provider, src_path, dest_path, rename=rename,
                                      conflict=conflict, handle_naming=handle_naming)

        args = (dest_provider, src_path, dest_path)
        kwargs = {'rename': rename, 'conflict': conflict}

        self.provider_metrics.add('move', {
            'got_handle_naming': handle_naming,
            'conflict': conflict,
            'got_rename': rename is not None,

        if handle_naming:
            dest_path = await dest_provider.handle_naming(
            args = (dest_provider, src_path, dest_path)
            kwargs = {}

        # files and folders shouldn't overwrite themselves
        if (
            self.shares_storage_root(dest_provider) and
            src_path.materialized_path == dest_path.materialized_path
            raise exceptions.OverwriteSelfError(src_path)

        self.provider_metrics.add('move.can_intra_move', False)
        if self.can_intra_move(dest_provider, src_path):
            if self.nid != dest_provider.nid:
                dest_quota = await dest_provider._check_resource_quota()
                if dest_quota['over_quota']:
                    raise OsfStorageQuotaExceededError('')

            self.provider_metrics.add('move.can_intra_move', True)
            return await self.intra_move(*args)

        if src_path.is_dir:
            meta_data, created = await self._folder_file_op(self.move, *args, **kwargs)  # type: ignore
            await self.delete(src_path)
            # Check whether the destination project is over its quota.  If so, reject the request.
            # This path only occurs when both source and dest are osfstorage but are located in
            # different storage regions.  Since this involves uploading new data to the destination
            # region, it is appropriate to check the destination quota.  If both were in the same
            # region, no new data would need to be uploaded.
            dest_quota = await dest_provider._check_resource_quota()
            if dest_quota['over_quota']:
                raise OsfStorageQuotaExceededError('')

            download_stream = await
            if getattr(download_stream, 'name', None):

            await dest_provider._send_to_storage_provider(download_stream,  # type: ignore
                                                          dest_path, **kwargs)
            meta_data, created = await self.intra_move(dest_provider, src_path, dest_path)

        return meta_data, created

    async def copy(self,
                   dest_provider: provider.BaseProvider,
                   src_path: WaterButlerPath,
                   dest_path: WaterButlerPath,
                   rename: str=None,
                   conflict: str='replace',
                   handle_naming: bool=True) -> typing.Tuple[BaseMetadata, bool]:
        """Override parent's copy to support cross-region osfstorage copies. Delegates to
        :meth:`.BaseProvider.copy` when destination is not osfstorage. If both providers are in the
        same region (i.e. `.can_intra_copy` is true), call `.intra_copy`. Otherwise, grab a
        download stream from the source region, send it to the destination region, *then* execute
        an `.intra_copy` to make new file metadata entries in the OSF.

        This is needed because a same-region osfstorage copy will duplicate *all* the versions of
        the file, but `.BaseProvider.copy` will only copy the most recent version.

        # when moving to non-osfstorage, default move is fine
        if dest_provider.NAME != 'osfstorage':
            return await super().copy(dest_provider, src_path, dest_path, rename=rename,
                                      conflict=conflict, handle_naming=handle_naming)

        args = (dest_provider, src_path, dest_path)
        kwargs = {'rename': rename, 'conflict': conflict}

        self.provider_metrics.add('copy', {
            'got_handle_naming': handle_naming,
            'conflict': conflict,
            'got_rename': rename is not None,

        if handle_naming:
            dest_path = await dest_provider.handle_naming(
            args = (dest_provider, src_path, dest_path)
            kwargs = {}

        # files and folders shouldn't overwrite themselves
        if (
            self.shares_storage_root(dest_provider) and
            src_path.materialized_path == dest_path.materialized_path
            raise exceptions.OverwriteSelfError(src_path)

        self.provider_metrics.add('copy.can_intra_copy', False)
        if self.can_intra_copy(dest_provider, src_path):
            if self.nid != dest_provider.nid:
                dest_quota = await dest_provider._check_resource_quota()
                if dest_quota['over_quota']:
                    raise OsfStorageQuotaExceededError('')

            self.provider_metrics.add('copy.can_intra_copy', True)
            return await self.intra_copy(*args)

        if src_path.is_dir:
            meta_data, created = await self._folder_file_op(self.copy, *args, **kwargs)  # type: ignore
            # Check whether the destination project is over its quota.  If so, reject the request.
            # This path only occurs when both source and dest are osfstorage but are located in
            # different storage regions.  Since this involves uploading new data to the destination
            # region, it is appropriate to check the destination quota.  If both were in the same
            # region, no new data would need to be uploaded.
            dest_quota = await self._check_resource_quota()
            if dest_quota['over_quota']:
                raise OsfStorageQuotaExceededError('')

            download_stream = await
            if getattr(download_stream, 'name', None):

            await dest_provider._send_to_storage_provider(download_stream,  # type: ignore
                                                          dest_path, **kwargs)
            meta_data, created = await self.intra_copy(dest_provider, src_path, dest_path)

        return meta_data, created

    # ========== private ==========

    async def _item_metadata(self, path, revision=None):
        resp = await self.make_signed_request(
            self.build_url(path.identifier, revision=revision),
            expects=(200, )
        return OsfStorageFileMetadata((await resp.json()), str(path))

    async def _children_metadata(self, path):
        resp = await self.make_signed_request(
            self.build_url(path.identifier, 'children', user_id=self.auth.get('id')),
            expects=(200, )
        resp_json = await resp.json()

        ret = []
        for item in resp_json:
            if item['kind'] == 'folder':
                ret.append(OsfStorageFolderMetadata(item, str(path.child(item['name'], folder=True))))
                ret.append(OsfStorageFileMetadata(item, str(path.child(item['name']))))
        return ret

    async def _delete_folder_contents(self, path, **kwargs):
        """Delete the contents of a folder. For use against provider root.

        :param OsfStoragePath path: OsfStoragePath path object for folder
        meta = (await self.metadata(path))
        for child in meta:
            osf_path = await self.validate_path(child.path)
            await self.delete(osf_path)

    async def _check_resource_quota(self):
        """Get the quota information for the resource attached to the provider. Can be used by the
        caller to reject the request if the project has exceeded its quota.

        The OSF calculates quota usage asynchronously and may return a ``202 ACCEPTED`` if the
        calculation has not yet completed.  This calculation is expected to be fast, so retry a
        configurable number of times.  If we fail to get a ``200 OK` response after
        ``QUOTA_RETRIES``, give user the benefit of the doubt and assume the node is under quota.
        resp, retry = None, 0
        while retry <= settings.QUOTA_RETRIES:
            if retry > 0:
                await asyncio.sleep(settings.QUOTA_RETRIES_DELAY * retry)

                resp = await self.make_signed_request(
                    expects=(200, )
            except exceptions.WaterButlerError as exc:
                if exc.code != HTTPStatus.ACCEPTED:
                    # Didn't get 200 or 202 response from 'quota_status'. Rethrow exception.
                    raise exc
                # 200 response from 'quota_status'!  Bail out of the 'while' and keep going

            # 202 respose from 'quota_status'. Try again.
            retry += 1

        # If after `QUOTA_RETRIES` attempts we still don't know if the destination is over quota,
        # assume it isn't and return.
        if resp is None:
            return {'over_quota': False}

        return await resp.json()

    async def _do_intra_move_or_copy(self, action: str, dest_provider, src_path, dest_path):
        """Update files and folders on osfstorage with a single request.

        If the data of the file or the folder's children doesn't need to be copied to another
        bucket, then doing an intra-move or intra-copy is just a matter of updating the entity
        metadata in the OSF.  If something already exists at ``dest_path``, it must be deleted
        before relocating the source to the new path.

        created = True
        if dest_path.identifier:
            created = False
            await dest_provider.delete(dest_path)

        resp = await self.make_signed_request(
            self.build_url('hooks', action),
                'user': self.auth['id'],
                'source': src_path.identifier,
                'destination': {
                    'node': dest_provider.nid,
                    'parent': dest_path.parent.identifier
            headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
            expects=(200, 201)
        data = await resp.json()

        if data['kind'] == 'file':
            return OsfStorageFileMetadata(data, str(dest_path)), dest_path.identifier is None

        folder_meta = OsfStorageFolderMetadata(data, str(dest_path))
        dest_path = await dest_provider.validate_v1_path(data['path'])
        folder_meta.children = await dest_provider._children_metadata(dest_path)

        return folder_meta, created

    async def _send_to_storage_provider(self, stream, path, **kwargs):
        """Send uploaded file data to the storage provider, where it will be stored w/o metadata
        in a content-addressable format.

        :return: metadata of the file as it exists on the storage provider

        pending_name = str(uuid.uuid4())
        provider = self.make_provider(self.settings)
        remote_pending_path = await provider.validate_path('/' + pending_name)
        logger.debug('upload: remote_pending_path::{}'.format(remote_pending_path))

        stream.add_writer('md5', streams.HashStreamWriter(hashlib.md5))
        stream.add_writer('sha1', streams.HashStreamWriter(hashlib.sha1))
        stream.add_writer('sha256', streams.HashStreamWriter(hashlib.sha256))

        await provider.upload(stream, remote_pending_path, check_created=False,
                              fetch_metadata=False, **kwargs)

        complete_name = stream.writers['sha256'].hexdigest
        remote_complete_path = await provider.validate_path('/' + complete_name)

            metadata = await provider.metadata(remote_complete_path)
        except exceptions.MetadataError as e:
            if e.code != 404:
            metadata, _ = await provider.move(provider, remote_pending_path, remote_complete_path)
            await provider.delete(remote_pending_path)

        return metadata

    async def _send_to_metadata_provider(self, stream, path, metadata, **kwargs):
        """Send metadata about the uploaded file (including its location on the storage provider) to
        the OSF.

        :return: metadata of the file and a bool indicating if the file was newly created

        resp = await self.make_signed_request(
            self.build_url(path.parent.identifier, 'children'),
            expects=(200, 201),
                'user': self.auth['id'],
                'settings': self.settings['storage'],
                'metadata': metadata,
                'hashes': {
                    'md5': stream.writers['md5'].hexdigest,
                    'sha1': stream.writers['sha1'].hexdigest,
                    'sha256': stream.writers['sha256'].hexdigest,
                'worker': {
                    'host': os.uname()[1],
                    # TODO: Include additional information
                    'address': None,
                    'version': self.__version__,
            headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
        created = resp.status == 201
        data = await resp.json()

        return data, created