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Test Coverage
import tornado.iostream

from waterbutler.server import settings



    422: 'Unprocessable Entity',
    461: 'Unavailable For Legal Reasons',

def parse_request_range(range_header):
    r"""WB uses tornado's ``httputil._parse_request_range`` function to parse the Range HTTP header
    and return a tuple representing the range.  Tornado's version returns a tuple suitable for
    slicing arrays, meaning that a range of 0-1 will be returned as ``(0, 2)``.  WB had been
    assuming that the tuple would represent the first and last byte positions and was consistently
    returning one more byte than requested. Since WB doesn't ever use ranges to do list slicing of
    byte streams, this function wraps tornado's version and returns the actual byte indices.

    Ex. ``Range: bytes=0-1`` will be returned as ``(0, 1)``.

    If the end byte is omitted, the second element of the tuple will be ``None``. This will be sent
    to the provider as an open ended range, e.g. (``Range: bytes=5-``).  Most providers interpret
    this to mean "send from the start byte to the end of the file".

    If this function receives an unsupported or unfamiliar Range header, it will return ``None``,
    indicating that the full file should be sent.  Some formats supported by other providers but
    unsupported by WB include:

    * ``Range: bytes=-5`` -- some providers interpret this as "send the last five bytes"

    * ``Range: bytes=0-5,10-12`` -- indicates a multi-range, "send the first six bytes, then the
      next three bytes starting from the eleventh".

    Unfamiliar byte ranges are anything not matching ``^bytes=[0-9]+\-[0-9]*$``, or ranges where
    the end byte position is less than the start byte.

    :param str range_header: a string containing the value of the Range header
    :rtype: `tuple` or `None`
    :return: a `tuple` representing the inclusive range of byte positions or `None`.
    request_range = tornado.httputil._parse_request_range(range_header)

    if request_range is None:
        return request_range

    start, end = request_range
    if start is None or start < 0:
        return None

    if end is not None:
        end -= 1
        if end < start:
            return None

    return (start, end)

class CORsMixin:

    def _cross_origin_is_allowed(self):
        if self.request.method == 'OPTIONS':
            return True
        elif not self.request.cookies and self.request.headers.get('Authorization'):
            return True
        return False

    def set_default_headers(self):
        if not self.request.headers.get('Origin'):

        allowed_origin = None
        if self._cross_origin_is_allowed():
            allowed_origin = self.request.headers['Origin']
        elif isinstance(settings.CORS_ALLOW_ORIGIN, str):
            if settings.CORS_ALLOW_ORIGIN == '*':
                # Wild cards cannot be used with allowCredentials.
                # Match Origin if its specified, makes pdfs and pdbs render properly
                allowed_origin = self.request.headers['Origin']
                allowed_origin = settings.CORS_ALLOW_ORIGIN
            if self.request.headers['Origin'] in settings.CORS_ALLOW_ORIGIN:
                allowed_origin = self.request.headers['Origin']

        if allowed_origin is not None:
            self.set_header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', allowed_origin)

        self.set_header('Access-Control-Allow-Credentials', 'true')
        self.set_header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', ', '.join(CORS_ACCEPT_HEADERS))
        self.set_header('Access-Control-Expose-Headers', ', '.join(CORS_EXPOSE_HEADERS))
        self.set_header('Cache-control', 'no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0')

    def options(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if self.request.headers.get('Origin'):
            self.set_header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'GET, PUT, POST, DELETE'),

class UtilMixin:

    bytes_downloaded = 0
    bytes_uploaded = 0

    def set_status(self, code, reason=None):
        return super().set_status(code, reason or HTTP_REASONS.get(code))

    async def write_stream(self, stream):
            while True:
                chunk = await
                if not chunk:
                # Temp fix, write does not accept bytearrays currently
                if isinstance(chunk, bytearray):
                    chunk = bytes(chunk)
                self.bytes_downloaded += len(chunk)
                del chunk
                await self.flush()
        except tornado.iostream.StreamClosedError:
            # Client has disconnected early.
            # No need for any exception to be raised