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Test Coverage
title: Check if two URLs are on the same origin
shortTitle: Same origin URL check
type: tip
language: javascript
tags: [browser]
cover: leafy-screens
excerpt: Can you tell if two URLs are on the same origin? Here's a very simple way to do so.
listed: true
dateModified: 2024-07-08

Two URLs are considered to be on the **same origin** if they have the **same protocol, host, and port**. This is an important concept in web security, as it determines whether a web page can access resources from another page.

In order to determine if two URLs are on the same origin, we can easily use `URL.protocol`, ``, and `URL.port` to compare the properties of the two URLs. If **all three properties match**, the URLs are on the same origin. Otherwise, they are not.

const isSameOrigin = (origin, destination) =>
  origin.protocol === destination.protocol && === && origin.port === destination.port;

const origin = new URL('');
const destination = new URL('');
isSameOrigin(origin, destination); // true
const other = new URL('');
isSameOrigin(origin, other); // false