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Test Coverage
title: JavaScript modules Cheat Sheet
type: cheatsheet
language: javascript
tags: [cheatsheet]
cover: mountain-lake-2
excerpt: Learn everything you need to know about JavaScript modules with this handy cheatsheet.
listed: true
dateModified: 2021-06-12

## Named exports

```js [environment.js]
export const key = 'this-is-a-secret';

```js [index.js]
import { key } from 'environment';

- Named exports use a name.
- A module can have any number of named exports.
- Import and export name should be the same.
- Importing requires `{}`.

## Default exports

```js [environment.js]
const environment = {
  key: 'this-is-a-secret',
  port: 8000

export default environment;

```js [index.js]
import environment from 'environment';

const { key, port } = environment;

- Default exports expose a default value, use the `default` keyword.
- A module can only have one default export.
- Import name can be anything.
- Importing does not require `{}`.

## Default + named

```js [environment.js]
export const envType = 'DEV';

const environment = {
  key: 'this-is-a-secret',
  port: 8000

export default environment;

```js [index.js]
import { envType }, environment from 'environment';

const { key, port } = environment;

- Default and named exports can be mixed.
- Rules about number of exports and naming conventions apply as before.
- Import rules apply as before, can be mixed if necessary.

## Export list

```js [environment.js]
const key = 'this-is-a-secret';
const port = 8000;

export {

```js [index.js]
import { key, port } from 'environment';

- An export list is a compact way to write multiple named exports.
- Rules about number of exports, naming conventions and import rules are the same as those of named exports.
- Export lists are not objects.

## Rename export

```js [environment.js]
const key = 'this-is-a-secret';

export { key as authKey };

```js [index.js]
import { authKey } from 'environment';

- Named exports can make use of the `as` keyword to rename an export.
- Import name should be the same as the renamed export.

## Rename import

```js [environment.js]
export const key = 'this-is-a-secret';

```js [index.js]
import { key as authKey } from 'environment';

- Named imports can make use of the `as` keyword to rename an import.
- Import name (before the `as` keyword) should be the same as the export.

## Import all

```js [environment.js]
export const envType = 'DEV';

const environment = {
  key: 'this-is-a-secret',
  port: 8000

export default environment;

```js [index.js]
import * as env from 'environment';

const { default: { key, port}, envType } = environment;

- Use `*` to import everything a module exports.
- Named exports will be available by their names on the imported object.
- Default export will be available as the `default` key on the imported object.