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title: JavaScript naming conventions
shortTitle: Naming conventions
type: story
language: javascript
tags: [variable,cheatsheet]
cover: naming-conventions
excerpt: Naming conventions make code easier to read and understand. Learn how to name your variables in JavaScript with this handy guide.
listed: true
dateModified: 2021-06-12

## Variables

- Names are case-sensitive, lowercase and uppercase are different.
- Start variable names with a letter, use `camelCase` for names.
- Variable names should be self-descriptive, describing the stored value.
- Boolean variables are usually prefixed with `is` or `has`.

## Functions

- Names are case-sensitive, lowercase and uppercase are different.
- Start function names with a letter, use `camelCase` for names.
- Use descriptive names, usually verbs in the imperative form.
- Common prefixes are `get`, `make`, `apply` etc.
- Class methods follow the same rules.

## Constant

- Names are case-sensitive, lowercase and uppercase are different.
- Define constants at the top of your file, function or class.
- Sometimes `UPPER_SNAKE_CASE` is used, while other times plain `camelCase`.

## Classes

- Names are case-sensitive, lowercase and uppercase are different.
- Start class names with a capital letter, use `PascalCase` for names.
- Use descriptive names, explaining the functionality of the class.
- Components, which are used in frontend frameworks follow the same rules.

## Private

- Prefix any variable or function with `_` to show intention for it to be private.
- As a convention, this will not prevent other parts of the code from accessing it.