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import settings from '#src/astro/settings.js';

import Layout from '#src/astro/layouts/Layout.astro';
import Hero from '#src/astro/components/Hero.astro';

const title = 'About';
const subtitle = '<p>A few word about the project and its goals.</p>';
const pageDescription =
  'Learn more about the development and maintanance of 30 seconds of code.';

<Layout title={title} description={pageDescription}>
  <main slot='main-content'>

        30 seconds of code is an accessible high-quality knowledge base for
        developers of all skill levels, established in 2017. Since then,
        hundreds of short code snippets and programming articles have been
        created with the help of a large community of contributors. The goal
        is to make software development more accessible and help the open
        source community thrive by helping people learn to code.

        30 seconds of code is developed, maintained and curated by <a
            rel='noopener noreferrer'>{settings.ownerName}</a
          >. I'm a professional software engineer, based in Greece, and 30
          seconds of code is a side project I work on in my free time. My love
          for development and learning is what sparkled this idea and I've put a
          lot of effort into making it the best resource I've never had when I
          started out as a developer.

        In order for the code provided via 30 seconds of code to be accessible
        and useful to as many developers as possible, code snippets are
        licensed under the CC-BY-4.0 License. This means they are free to
        use in any project you like as long as you give appropriate credit to
        this website.
        Any other material on this website and on the GitHub repository,
        including but not limited to text content, images, logos, names,
        trademarks and the website source code are not to be used without
        the explicit consent of the owner of this website.
        This is especially important for content shared on the internet or as
        part of any educational material to ensure readers can always trace
        the content back to its original source and find updated versions that
        might have been published.

        All of the photography on the 30 seconds of code website as well as
        other media used is provided by <a
          rel='noopener noreferrer'>Unsplash</a
        >. Instead of adding credits to individual images, I have opted to
        create an <a
          rel='noopener noreferrer'>image collection</a
        > to better showcase all of the images used and connect users with photographers.