html {
// Layout center column width.
--layout-main-column-width: 800px;
// Layout bleed width (either side).
--layout-bleed-width: 24px;
// Define a row gap variable that will be inherited throughout the layout.
// This allows children to override it, using negative `margin` values, for
// example, or use it to create proportional spacing. Mainly used in the
// snippet page for the `article` children to be spaced as needed.
--layout-row-spacing: var(--spacing-12);
// Add spacing between header, main area and footer, using a variable, so
// that it can be altered as necessary. It's set to be twice the size of the
// row gap, to keep it proportional to any changes.
--layout-area-spacing: calc(2 * var(--layout-row-spacing));
// Viewport-based border radius. This variable is inherited and reused in
// a few places, so that full-bleed elements can have rounded corners on
// larger viewports and square corners on smaller viewports.
--layout-border-radius: var(--border-radius-medium);
// Use the layout row spacing to add padding to the top of the target element,
// when the user navigates via a hash link.
scroll-padding-top: var(--layout-row-spacing);
// Note: This is dependent on the user's font size and might look a bit odd
// in some configurations, but it's a progressive enhancement and should
// not be a problem either way.
@media (max-width: 50rem) {
// Square corners on smaller viewports.
--layout-border-radius: 0;
// Reduce the row gap and area gap to make the layout more compact.
--layout-row-spacing: var(--spacing-8);
body {
// Set up main layout (left area, center area, right area).
display: grid;
minmax(0, 1fr)
minmax(auto, var(--layout-main-column-width))
minmax(0, 1fr);
// Note: Adding new areas (top, bottom rows) will create additional gaps
// even if they are empty. Using `:empty` and `display: none` might be
// worth trying, but it's not necessarily the best idea (accessibility).
// One of these areas (right) might be used for a ToC sidebar.
// It's also possible that some cross links will be added to the bottom
// or side of the page, but then again, these could go inside the main area.
'header header header'
// 'left top right' -> Add this if it's ever needed
'left center right'
// 'left bottom right' -> Add this if it's ever needed
'footer footer footer';
// Add spacing between header, main area and footer.
row-gap: var(--layout-area-spacing);
main {
// Use the correct grid area (spans 1 column).
grid-area: center;
// This only applies for the snippet page, as it's the only place where
// `article` is a direct child of `main`.
main > article {
// Set up a grid layout with standard bleed on either side.
@include layout-grid-with-bleed;
// Add spacing between children.
row-gap: var(--layout-row-spacing);
// Note: This selector is not too specific, yet it needs to be overriden
// intentionally. This doesn't pose a problem overall, but it's worth
// keeping in mind for a potential future refactor.
> * {
// Place the content in the middle column (no bleed).
grid-column: 2;
// Note: Do not use a selector with `:is()`, as it will apply the highest
// specificity, which, in this case, may be a class selector, causing
// multiple issues in irrelevant styles.
> pre,
> blockquote,
> img,
> figure,
> details {
// Add bleed to elements that should span the full width of the container.
grid-column: 1 / -1;
// Use the layout border radius to round the corners, when needed.
border-radius: var(--layout-border-radius);
// This element is mainly used for listing pages without chips. Its purpose is
// to provide adequate, scalable spacing between the items.
[data-area-gap] {
// Use `padding` with the appropriate layout variable to add spacing that
// will not be affected by margin collapse.
padding-block-end: var(--layout-area-spacing);